THE LAWS AND PRINCIPLES OF CURE If we observe a healthy man, we - TopicsExpress


THE LAWS AND PRINCIPLES OF CURE If we observe a healthy man, we can easily discern that he is an integrated organism acting all the time either consciously or unconsciously. Action is the characteristic of a living organism. Action can be either passive or active, and the exact nature of the action is an expression of the individuality of the person. The activity of an individual is manifested primarily on three levels: Mental Level Emotional Level Physical Level The human being is an integrated whole acting all the time through three distinct levels: the mental, the emotional, the physical, the mental level being the most important, and the physical the least. The activity of the organism may be passive or active. In disease, the “reactions” of the defense mechanism to various stimuli are of most concern to the practitioner. The human being, form the moment of birth, lives in a dynamic environment which is affecting his organism at all times in many ways, and is, therefore, obliged to adjust continuously in order to maintain a dynamic equilibrium. If the stimuli are stronger than the organism’s natural resistance, a state of imbalance will occurwith signs and symptoms erroneously labeled “disease.” The results of this struggle can be seen primarily upon the mental, emotional, or physical level, depending upon the overall state of health at the moment of the stress. Summary of Mental Plane Section The mental level of being is the most crucial for the individual’s existence and maintains within itself a hierarchy very useful for evaluating the progress of a patient. A healthy mind should be characterized in its functions from the following three qualities: clarity, coherence, and creativity. To the extent that any or all of these qualities are reduced or missing, the person is ill at the corresponding level. Confusion, disunity, and distraction constitute the qualities of a completely diseased mind. The practice of selfishness and acquisitiveness are the primary factors that derange the mind. Freedom form selfishness and acquisitiveness will naturally lead to a healthy state of mind. Summary of Emotional Plane Section The emotional plane of the human being is next in importance to the mental one. This plane is ill to the extent that the person maintains within himself, is trapped by, and expresses negative feelings, as envy, jealousy, anguish, fanaticism, sadness. If the individual can free himself from such “passions,” then he can be healthy on this level. On this level arise anxiety, anguish, irritability, fears and phobias, and depression, so common in our times. Our educational and political systems have never systematically developed the emotional plane which is generally weak, undernourished, and therefore vulnerable. There is a hierarchy of symptoms within this level that is useful as a measure of progress during therapy. Summary of Physical Plane Section The physical body and its organs constitute the least important plane of the human being; the body also maintains a hierarchy of importance as to its organs and functions. An infarct of the brain will be of more importance than an infarct of the heart, and this in turn is of more importance thatn a thrombosis of an artery in the leg. The organism will always try to keep disturbances away from important organs. A disturbance that progresses during any treatment from less important organs to more important ones signifies a deterioration in general health. An opposite direction of progress indicates progress toward a better state of health. Samuel Hahnemann Life of Samuel Hahnemann, the remarkable genius who discovered, developed, and systematized the fundamental laws of cur which are producing such revolutionary changes in thinking about health and disease. Hahnemann’s story is one of the most singular sagas of discovery in the history of medicine. Commenting about the Law of Similar, Hahnemann was the first to admit that the concept had been put forward by others throughout Western history, beginning with Hippocrates himself. Despite previous speculations about it, however, no one prior to Hahnemann had recognized its true importance, much less proceeded to systematize it into the basis of an entire science of therapeutics. Hahnemann was born in 1755 in a small town in Germany and from an early age demonstrated remarkable abilities. His father recognized his abilities and taught him discipline form an early age he used to lock young Samuel up in a room with “thinking exercises” problems he was required to solve by himself, for languages, and even by the age of twelve his instructor had him teaching Greek to other pupils. Hahnemann studied medicine at the universities of Leipzig, Vienna, and Erlangen, qualifying in 1779, and soon became highly respected in professional circles for his papers on both medicine and chemistry. Even so, Hahnemann was greatly disturbed by the lack of fundamental thinking underlying the therapeutics of the day, which consisted of bloodletting, cathartics, leeches, and the use of toxic chemicals. He returned to the profession of translating medical works, but his inquiring mind was always searching for the fundamental principles upon which therapeutics should be based. It was while translating Cullen’s edition of the material that he came upon the idea which led to his revolutionary discovery. Cullen was a professor of medicine at Edinburgh University and had devoted twenty pages of his material medica to the therapeutic indications of Peruvian bark; and he attributed its success in the treatment of malarias to the fact that it was bitter. Hahnemann was dissatisfied with this explanation so much that he decided to test it upon himself, an act which was completely out of the realm of thinking of the time. Thus Hahnemann came upon the idea that a substance which can produce symptoms in a normal person can cure them in a sick person. Even more fundamentally, perhaps, he recognized the necessity for human experimental in order to delineate the curative indications of therapeutic agents. So he and some other like-minded physicians began systematically testing substances upon themselves and recording their observations in minute detail. This continued for a period of six years, during which Hahnemann also compiled an exhaustive list of poisonings recorded by different doctors in different countries through centuries of medical history. He and his colleagues began to try the Law of Similars on clinical cases and immediately began to see astounding results which far transcended the allopathic results of the time. In Aphorism 19 of the Organon, written after he had become very experienced and widely known for his results, Hahnemann summarizes the fundamental importance of the discovery: ‘Now, as diseases are nothing more than alterations in the state of health of the healthy individual which express themselves by morbid signs, and the cure is also only possible by a change to the healthy condition of the state of health of the diseased individual, it is very evident that medicines could never cure diseases if they did not possess the power of altering man’s state of health which depends on sensations and functions; indeed, that their curative power must be owing solely to this power they possess of altering man’s state of health. The systematic procedure of testing substances on healthy human beings in order to elucidate the symptoms reflecting the action of the substance is called “proving” Hahnemann developed specific procedures for conducting a proving, and procedures which fit modern conditions and circumstances will be provided later in this book. Proving have continued since Hahnemann’s time and have become the basis upon which a given remedy is chosen for a given patient. In this way, the symptom manifestation of the patient and the symptoms manifestation of the remedy are matched , thus enabling the principles of resonance to excite and strengthen the defense mechanism of the patient and bring about cure. for detail visit---inhomeo/Pages/ExploreHomeopathy.aspx?Type=A%20Vocabulary%20Of%20Personality
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:45:33 +0000

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