THE LAWS OF RELATIONSHIP The World is governed by Laws. There - TopicsExpress


THE LAWS OF RELATIONSHIP The World is governed by Laws. There are God ordained Laws and then there are Man-made Laws to govern Societies. Laws can come Spiritually, Naturally, Politically, Socially, etc, but Laws are very essential for the preservation of lives and maintenance of order in our daily lives. Laws are rules and regulations aimed at guiding any establishments. Sometimes called Codes of Ethics which safe guard people from becoming casualties, hence they must be adhered to strictly. Each time a Law is broken, there must be consequences. Ignorance of the Law is not an excuse to be exempted from the consequences. In maintaining a Healthy Relationship, there are Laws to be respected. Here are 3 very Essential Laws that govern Healthy Relationships. 1. LAW OF PURPOSE: Eccl 3: 1 What is the Purpose of the Relationship? Every Relationship must be defined; else, it will be abused! There are Social Roles each person is expected to play in your life, so defining the Relationship will help both parties maintain the Laws of Purpose. There is a difference between the Role of a Father from that of a Friend, a Brother, a Brother-in-Christ, a Spiritual Leader and a Spouse! When a mere friend begins to play the Role of a Spouse; holding your hands, walking home with you, hugging, petting, kissing, yet he is a mere friend, then something is wrong! Or when a Sister-in-Christ begins to visit a Brother’s house late in the night, spends the night occasionally in his house with him alone, cooks for him, does his laundry and behaves like a Spouse, yet they are mere friends, then something is wrong! You must set your Boundaries and define your values. 2. LAW OF INVESTMENT: Luke 6:38; Eccle 11:1,2 Just as it is in the Banking World, so it is in Relationships. You can never withdraw what you have not deposited! Every healthy Relationship takes the combination of Time, Money, Patience, Forgiveness, Knowledge, Love, Trust, Prayers and Friendship to survive. Relationships don’t grow on their own, it takes a committed effort to grow any form of relationship. Love alone does not grow relationships! Each of the factors mentioned earlier play significant roles in growing any healthy relationship, at different stages and in diverse measures. They form the ingredients of any healthy relationship just as important as ingredients in cooking any sweet food. Invest into the life of the other person and reap the benefit later on in life. Whatever you think the other person lacks, through Wisdom; sow it into their lives. Don’t ever get involved with any person who lacks the potentials to improve your life and make you better than what you used to be; spiritually. If they can’t make you BETTER, then they will surely make you BITTER! 3. LAW OF FAMILIARITY: Proverbs 27: 7; Eccl 9: 14-16; Matthew 7:6; Matthew 13:44 This Law talks about the loss of value of a person due to being too much available and ordinary! Even down to Marriage, the issue of over-familiarity makes any relationship loss flair and boring! Economists tell us that the Value of any given commodity is subject to its availability and demand! So when there is excess Supply, the demand reduces! When you are always at their beck and calls, your Value will definitely reduce! In life, the most expensive things are those things that are scarce to see, while the most available stuff are very cheap! Pure water is Cheap! Garri is Cheap! Crayfish is Cheap. Because they are very available everywhere you go! Diamonds are scarce and expensive! Gold is rare and very valuable! Whatever people cannot get Cheap and common will become Valuable to them! Making yourself always available will greatly reduce your Value, especially Ladies. Men are like hunters, they want to pursue and capture. They don’t like Women who are too cheap to be captured and too common to be accessed! Some wise women make themselves scarce, so that their Value can be retained. Another fact of life is that over familiarity breeds contempt! (Feel free to Share.)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:54:30 +0000

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