THE LEBANESE ARMY!? As our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, - TopicsExpress


THE LEBANESE ARMY!? As our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, relatives, neighbours, and friends; every average, decent, and sensible Lebanese citizen – at home and abroad – loves and supports the Lebanese Army; and is pleased when it deals with the actions of armed groups that operate outside “law and order” and the jurisdiction of the Lebanese government, like it did with Ahmed Assir’s goons; but that same Lebanese citizen wonders why the army can only do that to some armed groups as opposed to ALL groups – or individuals. Where was the Lebanese Army when peaceful activist Hashem Salman was beaten and shot to death by Hezballah hooligans in front of the Iranian Embassy on Sunday, 9th June 2013, and several other protesters were seriously wounded? Why did we not hear Commander Jean Kahwaji speak out when Samer Hanna was shot dead in cold blood, and on the ground, too; after the LAF military-helicopter had been badly damaged by gunfire from Hezballah militia-men and he had to make a forced landing on 28th August 2008? There are those of us who haven’t forgotten that, after Fatah Al-Islam thugs had attacked a Lebanese Army checkpoint and butchered several soldiers in their sleep, and the Lebanese Army began an onslaught against the Nahr Al-Bared Palestinian Camp in Tripoli where they had been hiding, Hezballah Boss, Hassan Nasrallah, warned the Lebanese Army and all the Lebanese people that Nahr Al-Bared was a Red Line that they would do well not to cross – he later changed his mind! Where was the Lebanese Army on 7th May 2008, when masked and heavily-armed Hezballah, Amal, and other hooligans invaded Beirut, destroyed media-outlets, killed nearly 200 civilians, wounded several more, and closed down Beirut International Airport and all roads leading to it? And why did we not hear any protests back then and on several other occasions when the Army failed to protect Lebanese citizens or restore law and order? I could ask on and on… The answer, my friends, is blowing in the Winds of Hezballah. The Lebanese Army, like all the other government institutions and agencies, has been infiltrated, weakened, poisoned, and crippled from within. And it no longer appears to all citizens as a source of service or protection, but as a biased, untrustworthy, unfair military institution. Sad, but true; and no truth should be hidden or buried – Nothing is more sacred than the truth!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:55:36 +0000

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