THE LESSON OF THE RISE AND FALL OF AL-ANDALUCIA EARLY WARNING SYSTEM DEVICE: One of the Recurring themes of the Qur’an is History. History in the Qur’an is an Early warning system to the Muslims. The Lesson of the Federated States of Al-Andalucía, The Mughal Empire of India and the Othman Caliphate of Turkey History is repeated because we learn nothing from the error of the past. The Error of the past is now unfolding NOTHING MAKES THE PAST AS A GOOD TEACHER, A GOOD UNIVERSITY AND A BEST SUBJECT TO DISCUSS ……………………………………………………………… FEDERATED STATES OF AL-ANDALUCÍA 1711, The whole of Andalucía, including Portugal, comprise of 35 states. With the exception of 5 Kingdoms, namely, De leon, Castilla, Navarra, Catalanes and Aragon, 30 states were conquered by the Muslims and established Cordoba as the Umayyad Capital Al-Andalucia. FRAGMENTATION AND EMERGENCE OF TAIFA IN ANDALUCÍA – SIMILAR TO THE FRAGMENTATION OF FORMER USSR AND THE EMERGENCE OF INDEPENDENT STATES In 976, a 10 year old child came to the throne as the caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate in al-Andalus. Since he was a young boy who was clearly not ready to lead, real power went to al-Mansur ibn Abi ‘Amir, an advisor to the Umayyad court. During al-Mansur’s three decades as the effective ruler of al-Andalus, Muslim power reached its maximum point in the Iberian Peninsula. After the death of al-Mansur in 1002, al-Andalus was rocked by disunity, as the caliphs were unable to exert authority and individual rulers rose to create independent states – known as TAIFA – throughout the peninsula. This was the beginning of the TAIFA Period. Al-Andalus would go from being one powerful United States, to one that is divided, vulnerable to invasion, and politically dependent on outsiders. This time, known as the TAIFA Period, sowed the seeds for the decline of al-Andalus and its eventual fall in 1492. “When the ‘Amirid dynasty [of al-Mansur] came to an end and the people were left without an imam [leader], every TAIFA leaders declares independence, strengthened his army and entrench himself behind the walls of his own fortress. ............................................................... SEEKING HELP FROM CHRISTIAN MONARCHS AND EMPLOYING PAID SOLDIERS OR MERCENARIES The first TAIFA to request the help of Christians in inter-Islamic warfare was Cordoba, the old capital of the Umayyad Caliphate. After the fall of the caliphate in the early part of the 11th century, conflict broke out inside the city between the citizens of Cordoba and Berber warriors who had recently emigrated from North Africa. Between 1010 and 1013, both sides employed Christian mercenaries (paid warriors) to advance their military goals in the city. For the first time in hundreds of years, non-Muslim soldiers with drawn arms paraded through the streets of Cordoba, once the capital of Muslim Spain. After the precedent was set by the conflict in Cordoba, the Muslim TAIFAs were quick to employ Christians within their own armies, or to outright request that Christian kings from the north fight against other Muslims on their behalf. In 1043, the kings of the Toledo TAIFA called upon the Christian kingdom of Navarre to fight against the Guadalajara TAIFA. In return, King Garcia Sanchez of Navarre received gifts, supplies, and reaped the crops of the Toledo countryside while terrorizing Muslim villages in the region. In retaliation, the TAIFA of Guadalajara sought the help of Fernando I of Leon-Castille, who also received a huge amount of wealth in return for fighting against a rival Muslim TAIFA. Such situations exist today in our present situation. Muslim and Arab States are polarized and beholden either to the East States of Russia, China and North Korea and Western States and European Union States, (USA, UK, French…) …………………………………………………………………………………………. THE IMPACT THIS FORM OF CONFLICT HAD ON THE MUSLIMS IN AL-ANDALUCÍA. • ECONOMY IS RUINED: Cordoba, Toledo, Seville and Guadalajara and dozens of similar TAIFA states are heavily burdened in paying huge amount of wealth in return for their protection and fighting for TAIFA Kings. This led to obvious economic decline, as tax revenues were increasingly sucked out of the TAIFAs, leaving less money available for economic investment. In a spiraling situation, TAIFA kings would spend so much money on Christian armies that they could no longer afford to defend themselves on their own, causing them to again ask Christian monarchs to support them, in exchange for more money. • People Resentment. Most of the people are resentful because of the heavy tax imposed by the TAIFA King to finance and maintain the paid Mercenaries and pleasing gifts to the Christian monarchs. • WEAKENING OF STRENGTH: The Muslims strength are totally weakened, small TAIFA kingdoms becomes easily vulnerable. The apparent situation is not hidden • The only groups that really benefited from the TAIFA Period were the Christian kingdoms of the north. As the Muslim states continued to fight against each other, Christian states took advantage of the situation to push south and conquer Muslim territory. In many cases, however, the TAIFA kings actually invited Christian kings to fight on their behalf against other Muslim states, and that is what truly caused the loss of Andalusian Muslim territory in the 11th century. UNIFICATION OF THE 5 CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS • The first kingdom to unify its stand against the Muslims is De Leon and Castille, it was followed by Navarra and Catalans which was annexed by Aragon. The two kingdom of Aragon and Castille reached an agreement to establish a unified stand and raise an army so huge and strong ever organized against the Muslim. ARAGON-CASTILLE PEACE ACCORD. SIMILAR TO THE SYKES - PICOT In 1179 Aragon forged an agreement with the neighboring Christian kingdom of Castile under which those parts of Spain remaining in Muslim hands were divided into two zones—one for each kingdom to reconquering. This reminds us of Sykes and Picot agreement in a dinner meeting in which the Arab Lands are liken to a PIE, sliced into several parts and apportioned to the diners Let us refresh our memory of the past. In the winter of 1915-1916, two diplomats, Sir Mark Sykes of Britain and François Georges-Picot of France secretly met to decide the fate of the post-Ottoman Arab world. The British and French agreed to divide up the Arab world between them. The British were to take control of what are now Iraq, Kuwait, and Jordan. The French were given modern Syria, Lebanon, and southern Turkey. The status of Palestine was to be determined later, with Zionist ambitions to be taken into account. The zones of control that the British and French were given allowed for some amount of Arab self-rule in some areas, albeit with European control over such Arab kingdoms. In other areas, the British and French were promised total control. The status of Palestine was determined by the British, with Zionist ambitions to be taken into account (Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Jewish state). Initially, Palestine was divided into three sectors, The Israeli sector and future Jewish State, Palestinian sector and Jerusalem is under British Protectorate, however, the British withdrawal in Jerusalem is a calculated move to hand over Jerusalem to the Israeli total control (1948- to date). ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. WE DID NOT TAKE HEED TO THE EARLY WARNING OF THE PROPHET OF ISLAM Thauban-(RA) related that the messenger of Allah said: NATIONS are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food, one of them ask; Is it because of our small number that day?” No, the Prophet said, you are many however you are like foam on the river (weak). Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemy and will throw WAHN (weakness) into your hearts. O Messenger of Allah, the Companions ask, what is a WAHN? WAHN is the love of the world and hatred of Death. The Messenger of Allah replied. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. THE DOMINO EFFECT • The First to fall is Guadalajara and Toledo in 1085 which become the political and social center of the Castillian Kingdom. Zaragoza in 1118 • Muslim possession of Sevilla was ended in 1248 by Spanish Christians under Ferdinand III, the substantial Moorish and Jewish minorities were driven into exile • The TAIFA state of Murcia preferred to hand almost without struggle to the Christians rather than being annexed by neighboring TAIFA states. • Cordoba, The Ummayad capital, fell to the Castilian king Ferdinand III in 1236. Several attempts have been made to reconquer Cordoba but owing to the indifference of other TAIFA State, it becomes futile. The fall of Cordoba had a chilling effect to all TAIFA States. • 1238 James I of Aragon added Valencia to his dominions; .................................................................. TODAY: HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF • As the Muslim states continued to fight against each other, Enemies of Islam took advantage of the situation to impose their own WILL to Muslim counties. • Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai refused to let the Americans established a permanent base in Afghanistan but the newly elected dummy president signed an agreement for the establishment of a permanent American base in Afghanistan. • Salvadorization of Iraq after Saddam: The Iraqi people rejoice after being freed from decades of oppression from Dictatorial regime of Saddam (US installed) full of hope that they will enjoy the fruit of their oil. But their hopes, the false promise of the Americans reveals the true nature of the enemy of Islam. A retired veteran of Vietnam and El Salvador, Col. James Steele organized a “Death Squad” utilizing Shia Militia and former Sunni General Thabit to suppress any opposition. The street of Iraq, dumpsites becomes a killing field. Today the Americans withdrew their troops in their fortified Green Zone with zero casualties while Iraq is raging with a Bloody Sectarian War • In many cases, however, Like Afghanistan actually invited the Americans to fight on their behalf against other Muslim states, and that is what truly caused the loss of Andalusian Muslim territory in the 11th century. • Somalia and Libya are headless dysfunctional government • Muslims are focused on the ISSUES fed to us by the MEDIA controlled by the KUFR States but we failed to see the source of the Issue. • Muslims are polarized into two groups farther dividing the Muslim Ummah. WORD WAR leads to hatred • Some Oil rich Arab states are rocked by bloody revolution while the enemies of Islam are busy ROBBING their oil.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 06:03:13 +0000

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