THE LIBERATION OF THE MOVEMENT FOR LIBERATION Movements like BDS are organizations that are occupying the Palestinian cause . The Palestinian cause is under BDS occupation; this means that you can no more call for Palestinian rights- especially if you live abroad- without adhering and supporting BDS .And if you expose BDS you are immediately labeled as Zionist by Zionists themselves and described as anti Palestinian even if you are an Arab and Palestinian . This means that the Palestinian cause -as sanctioned by BDS-is under occupation and facing the same fate as Palestine . Thus, we end up with two occupations instead of one: of the land and of the cause . BDS pretends to speak in the name of more than 170 Palestinian organizations or associations but, mind you, these organizations are mostly NGOs - that have foreign affiliations- which means they do not represent the Palestinian civil society as they pretend, but represent the agendas of the foreign NGOS who cater to them. Has BDS conducted a referendum to see if Palestinians have delegated to BDS the power to speak in their names ? The answer is no, BDS has not conducted such referendum and its claim that it represents Palestinians does not stand. And if BDS were serious in representing these societies or organizations , it would have consulted them when it modified –lately- its first amendment in favor of the recognition of the 1948 borders of Israel . But BDS did not consult anyone nor did it inform its endorsers of this change that meant the recognition of Israel itself .
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 22:30:36 +0000

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