THE LIFE SAVER. “HONA MUSIGAZI ORAGIRA NGU TOTEMBIRE OMUTI? NINKASHARWE OSITAMI MUBITAGYI!” said our stubborn hostel neighbor, literally meaning that I had climbed a tree and was actually seated in the branches. He said this after seeing me struggle to open our room door. Apparently, I had left campus after a busy day of study and discussions and was totally worn out. On my way to the hostel, I found that the long noisy train was crossing Nakawa and given that our foot path to the hostel used to cross the railway, poor me had to be patient and endure the noise. When I arrived at my hostel (Covenant) and tried to enter the key into the MUNYURURU (Lock), it couldn’t enter. I knew that something was wrong and so walked to the custodian’s room to request him for assistance but unfortunately, I found the room closed meaning that there was no body to help me. I walked back to the room and continued forcing the key in the lock. It was in the middle of the struggle, that PIDY; our “Chicky” neighbor saw me and said the Rukiga words above. I didn’t understand what he was referring to and begged him for pardon. He burst out in laughter and just tilted his waist in front and behind. That is when I understood what he was referring to. Okutemba Omuti (climbing a tree) was a term used at campus referring to a time when a roommate imports in a girl and they are making out. Of course, that activity normally requires maximum privacy and so the second roommate had to give them space and seek refugee elsewhere. It is only when they would be done that you would pop back. So the actual time when one would be in exile all in the same of giving space to a brother was the one referred to as “climbing a tree.” Definitely, it wasn’t an easy thing for the tree climber given that he would not be having access to his room however urgent it would be and then drawing pictures in one`s head of what the roommate could be doing was also mouth watering. After understanding what Pidy was communicating, I walked to his room to enquire about who the VICTIM (girl) was. Unfortunately, Pidy dint know who she was and so we decided to walk to the room, peep and see my roommate in action. In case you are not aware, peeping and listening to people in action is fun and in fact, the “peeper” sometimes enjoys more than the people in action. My roommate was so sharp and had carefully covered the window and door with curtains. There was no single gap to assist us. The innovative Pidy told me about plan B and that was to stand on stools and watch the movie from the ventilators. There was no way I could object and so in no minute, our eyes were in the ventilators Ayayayayay……. It was fun watching….. Unfortunately, our presence in the ventilators caused a shadow in the room and my sharp roommate knew that there was something fishy going on. He immediately got off the chic and rushed to open the door. That it when I realized that they were still dressed up and just smooching. You should have seen how fast we jumped from the stools for fear of OKUTUHANURA (being pushed off). When my roommate realized we were the ones, he just laughed at us and called us for assistance. He whispered to us that he had no gum boots (condoms) and so we had to get them in the shortest possible time. There was no way I was not going to help a brother. Before I could head for the search, he said that he was going to leave the window half open and that if I got the rubber, I was supposed to pass it to through the window. I moved around the different rooms in the hostel but sadly, most of them were still closed and the few open ones were occupied by girls who I couldn’t risk asking. At that moment, every minute counted for my roommate and so I had to do everything possible to get them. I then decided to walk to the nearest Okello`s shop. On getting there, I found that the place was so overcrowded with customers and so had to wait. As a sharp Musiniya, there was no way I was going to hang around. Since I was so familiar to Okello, I made a signal to him about the products located above his counter and luckily he understood. He immediately asked me how many and said two (2) packets. Hurriedly, he packed two packets of Life guard condoms in a black polythene bag, passed them to me and loudly asked, “So man you are going for war?” causing a laughter among all the shoppers. You should have seen how embarrassed I got given that among the shoppers; there was a particular girl we used to attend the same fellowship (Christian) with. To clear my name, I also loudly replied, “They are not mine. My roommate is the one that has sent me.” In the middle of the laughter, Okello asked, “ATTTE can you tell us that you are the one?” I got more embarrassed and had no choice but to pay and run away to save my brother. On arriving at the hostel gate, I saw Pidy busy enjoying the Movie alone in 3D and this time through the open window. On getting closer to the room, I heard serious noise coming out the room. I got disappointed and knew that my roommate had gone live. By use of my hands, I called Pidy on the side and asked him whether my roommate was in real action or not. Pidy replied, “NYOWE TINKOBURAHO EBOKOMPORA. NAYIJUKA NGU HARIHO EBINYINE MU KESI NABIMURENGEZA. HATI ARI MUKYINTU.” (I always have condoms with me. I just remembered that I had some hidden in my case and passed them on to him. He is now in real action). Ahuuuuuuuuuu…… What a relief! I gave him a hi-5, we tiptoed to the window and do you really want me to tell you what I saw? The moment you take over somebody`s responsibility means that you are now fully liable. Although I did my best to object the fact that I wasn’t the one going to use the rubber, nobody believed me because I was the one caught in the ACT. Therefore, before you can take up any responsibility, always foresee the consequences and analyze if you are willing to carry the cross or not. Remember, “OMUSHUMA NOWAKWATWA” (A thief is the one caught in the act).
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:23:30 +0000

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