THE LIGHT THAT OVERCOMETH DARKNESS; GENESIS 1; 14-19 COMMENT The Sun and the Moon are the two great Lights that were created by God to govern the Day and night respectively. They serve as SIGNS TO MARK SEASONS, DAYS AND NIGHTS (Which is your most memorable Season, day or night in your life?). God also made the STARS, so that together with the Sun and the Moon, they can light the Earth and GOVERN THE DAY AND THE NIGHT and also SEPARATE LIGHT FROM DARKNESS (Note that all this element are destined to govern a particular DAY and a particular NIGHT). GENESIS 15; 4-6 COMMENT God used the Stars as a Sign of the number of Offspring that he would have. It is worth noting that God was talking about only one Son and Offspring. The number of Stars at night is countless and so shall be the descendants of the Offspring or Son of Abraham. The Bible says that Christ by His death and resurrection, brought many Sons to glory. JOSHUA 10; 12-14 COMMENT Joshua commanded the Sun and the moon which are referred to as the great lights to stand still for a day to enable them defeat and finish the enemies in battle. The Sun and the Moon obeyed the voice of the Man of God. If these elements can obey God’s Servant THEN THE SEASONS, DAYS AND NIGHTS THAT ARE GOVERNED BY THESE ELEMENTS ARE NO MARCH AGAINST THE SERVANTS OF GOD WHO POSSESS THE KIND OF FAITH THAT ABRAHAM HAD. MALACHI 4; 1-6 COMMENT The SUN of RIGHTEOSNESS will ARISE with HEALING in it’ s Wings unto those WHO REVERE OR FEAR THE LORD’S NAME.I guess that the Sun of righteousness in this text is Jesus resurrecting from the dead and arising into the glory of his father, having secured healing for those who dare believe in Him. MATHEW 2; 1-2 COMMENT The three wise men from the East saw the Star of Jesus. They followed the Star and the Star led them to the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem. If Jesus had a Star that was concerned with his birth and Safety, I also believe that every one of us who believe in him has a Star that is concerned with every detail of our lives. JOHN 1; 1-5 COMMENT Jesus is the Word of God. The word on the other hand has life, which lightens men. It shines in the darkness and darkness cannot overcome it or comprehend it. THE AWESOME CONLUSION GENESIS 2 ; 22-25 When the Lord presented Eve to Adam, might have seen in Eve Children that’s why he prophetically said. “This is now, bone of my bones and flesh of mf flesh.” Malachi 2; 15-16 The purpose of God for man and his wife is that they be one in flesh and spirit with GOD and THEN PRODUCE AND RAISE UP A GODLY OFFSPRING. GENESIS 1; 14 “…let them serve as SIGNS TO MARK SEASONS AND DAYS AND YEARS…” As Servant of God we can mark seasons, such as time for God’s favour and end time harvest Isaiah 43;4-7 .Any day as a day of Salvation;2 Corinthians 6;1-2. And a year as the year of Jubilee; Leviticus 25;10 THE LIGHT THAT OVERCOMETH DARKNESS; GENESIS 1; 14-19 COMMENT The Sun and the Moon are the two great Lights that were created by God to govern the Day and night respectively. They serve as SIGNS TO MARK SEASONS, DAYS AND NIGHTS (Which is your most memorable Season, day or night in your life?). God also made the STARS, so that together with the Sun and the Moon, they can light the Earth and GOVERN THE DAY AND THE NIGHT and also SEPARATE LIGHT FROM DARKNESS (Note that all this element are destined to govern a particular DAY and a particular NIGHT). GENESIS 15; 4-6 COMMENT God used the Stars as a Sign of the number of Offspring that he would have. It is worth noting that God was talking about only one Son and Offspring. The number of Stars at night is countless and so shall be the descendants of the Offspring or Son of Abraham. The Bible says that Christ by His death and resurrection, brought many Sons to glory. JOSHUA 10; 12-14 COMMENT Joshua commanded the Sun and the moon which are referred to as the great lights to stand still for a day to enable them defeat and finish the enemies in battle. The Sun and the Moon obeyed the voice of the Man of God. If these elements can obey God’s Servant THEN THE SEASONS, DAYS AND NIGHTS THAT ARE GOVERNED BY THESE ELEMENTS ARE NO MARCH AGAINST THE SERVANTS OF GOD WHO POSSESS THE KIND OF FAITH THAT ABRAHAM HAD. MALACHI 4; 1-6 COMMENT The SUN of RIGHTEOSNESS will ARISE with HEALING in it’ s Wings unto those WHO REVERE OR FEAR THE LORD’S NAME.I guess that the Sun of righteousness in this text is Jesus resurrecting from the dead and arising into the glory of his father, having secured healing for those who dare believe in Him. MATHEW 2; 1-2 COMMENT The three wise men from the East saw the Star of Jesus. They followed the Star and the Star led them to the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem. If Jesus had a Star that was concerned with his birth and Safety, I also believe that every one of us who believe in him has a Star that is concerned with every detail of our lives. JOHN 1; 1-5 COMMENT Jesus is the Word of God. The word on the other hand has life, which lightens men. It shines in the darkness and darkness cannot overcome it or comprehend it. THE AWESOME CONLUSION GENESIS 2 ; 22-25 When the Lord presented Eve to Adam, might have seen in Eve Children that’s why he prophetically said. “This is now, bone of my bones and flesh of mf flesh.” Malachi 2; 15-16 The purpose of God for man and his wife is that they be one in flesh and spirit with GOD and THEN PRODUCE AND RAISE UP A GODLY OFFSPRING. GENESIS 1; 14 “…let them serve as SIGNS TO MARK SEASONS AND DAYS AND YEARS…” As Servant of God we can mark seasons, such as time for God’s favour and end time harvest Isaiah 43;4-7 .Any day as a day of Salvation;2 Corinthians 6;1-2. And a year as the year of Jubilee; Leviticus 25;10
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 07:34:34 +0000

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