THE LITTLE GIRL THAT WAS LEFT ALONE There was a little girl that - TopicsExpress


THE LITTLE GIRL THAT WAS LEFT ALONE There was a little girl that was a only child with no one to play with or talk to or enjoy life with. one day came where she was just playing with her toys & being quite & not bothering anyone & her mother came in the room asked her what she was doing & the little girl said just playing mommy, well being her mother wasnt to thrilled about having a kid at her age (20 yrs old) she turned around & walked back into the other room, being she HAD no one around to help her when she needed time away from her life she would just leave the little girl alone at home age 4 & go out at all hours of the night & not return till the next day to get in before her baby girl would get out of bed to get something to eat, one day came when the little girl was playing in her room nice & quiet not making a sound her mother came in & told her to get up & come with me she had to go somewhere, she put the little girl in the back seat of the car (back in the 50s)no seat belts. they left for town, the little girl was so happy to just be in the car riding she had ALL kinds of questions to ask her mother, but she wasnt answering her little girl she just kept driving. About a hr in the car & not getting no answers from her mother she went to sleep in the seat & then the car STOPPED the little girl woke up all dazed from being asleep in the car, she asked mommy where are we?? her mother opened up the back door took her out of the back seat & told her little girl were here to see daddy, well the little girl was SO HAPPY to hear that she started to jump up & down wheres daddy mommy? wheres daddy? her mother told her to BE QUIET he will be here in a minute they walked up to the booth (train station booth) & then her mother said you stay right here while I go to the ladies room Ill be right back, well the little girl stayed there till almost the full day (before dark) & her daddy showed up & asked the little girl howd you get here?? the little girl said mommy brought me to see you daddy, she went to the ladies room & never came back.. Well he asked the person there in the booth how long shed been there & the person told him since around a little before noon, well he kinda looked around to see if he seen the car or her & nothing, so he picked up the little girl & put her in his car & instead of going HOME to mommy he went to another persons house. the little girl was scared because she had never been here before, there were other kids there & they were all bigger than her, so she stuck close to her daddy where went she was right there beside him. There was a lady there with long black hair sitting on the couch watching t v & ask the little girl to come sit beside her, the little girl said nothing just hid behind daddy, he said go ahead she wont bite you shes daddys friend its o.k Im right here Im not going anywhere. Well the little girl kinda slowly went over there shy & scared & sat down on the couch aways from the lady watching the other kids come a go as they may like she wasnt even there. till the lady hollered at the kids to come meet our NEW GUEST in the house, it SCARED the little girl she RAN back over to daddys side crying (this was something new to her) they all came into the room where the little girl & them were & they ALL lined up, in a row. then the lady started calling their names out & each one would come over & say hi & left. There were 5 kids in all & she was pregnant with one to be born in a few mos from then. The little girl sat there just looking at everyone not sure what to say or do till one of the kids that said hi to her came up & asked if she wanted to play with them, the little girl looked at her daddy & the lady & they both said you can go play if youd like, then the lady told the other kids you guys be have & not be rough housing her shes smaller than you guys hear me?? then they ALL ran outside & played till nightfall, then after they all had ate dinner & got a bath & ready for bed the little girl asked the lady & her dad am I gonna sleep here tonight?? the lady looked at her dad & he looked at her & both said I dont see why not, you want to?? the little girl looked around & said yea but I dont know where, thats when dad took her upstairs to one of the other kids room there were 3 girls & 2 boys & she pregnant with another boy so the lady couldnt make it up the stairs.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:32:48 +0000

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