THE LIVING SPRINGS: BREAKING BARRIERS AND BLOCKAGES Water, they say is essential to life and constitute the basic element of existence in our world. Thus, water gives life, sustains life and produces life. Some will go to the extent of stating that water no get enemy or water no get remix. All these point to the fact that water is so basic to human life that it has no substitute and its importance cannot be over-emphasized. I remember vividly well during my secondary school days, how we go in search of water to drink and have our bath. We sometimes travel many kilometers away from school so as to get to the nearest stream to fetch water, only to be bullied by some senior students on our return after hours of trekking and our water cans collected by force because we were unfortunate in size, class and maturity. Most times, the only proactive reaction we can exhibit is to cry and murmur within ourselves, so that those seniors wont hear our sighs and grief. Notwithstanding, the brave ones amongst us will usually go as far as reporting to the principal of the school; after which the consequences would be a more severe punishment from the seniors when they finally return to the hostel. The experience and the rift between the senior and junior students is such that I can accurately count the number of times I ventured entering the senior hostel; most of which was either to go for an errand or to receive a severe punishment for some stubbornness which I cannot avoid. Just like the people of Israel, I complained bitterly to my parents for accepting to train me in a boarding school where suffering and intimidation would be my lot, thus I would rather have preferred an Egyptian school (in so far as it is a Day-School) where cucumber and garlic are assured and water guaranteed, than a Deserted Boarding House that is void of family relatives, friends and support. Todays liturgy points to the fact of that state of abandonment. The people of Israel left Egypt and had to see themselves in the middle of the desert, confused, frustrated, tired and annoyed with virtually everything. Lack of water, proper food and shelter. In the first reading taking from the book of Exodus, (17:3-7); the people of Israel complained bitterly against Moses why did you bring us out of Egypt, was it for us to die of thirst, our children and cattle? the people of Israel due to the hardship they encountered in the desert forgot the gracious and wondrous works of God during their departure from Egypt-the crossing of the Red Sea and the ten plague experience; and had to accuse Moses of planning to annihilate them in the desert. Sometimes, when we encounter difficulty, we complain so bitterly that we neglect the good deeds the Lord has done for us, and become selfish with our desire to enjoy life. Thus we make our Christian worship a seasonal aberration. In the Gospel, Jesus encountered the samaritan woman and transcends the myopic attitude of segregation. He came not for the so called righteous but for sinners-those who have accepted that they are in need of his saving grace. The samaritan woman accepted her unworthiness and Jesus brought salvation flowing like a river not just to her, but to her people. The same challenge is posited to us this week and especially this season of Lent. Let us get our buckets, gallons, Jerry cans and water pots and rush to the stream of overflowing water of blessing, success, progress and happiness. REFLECTION Just as the Response Psalm echoes oh that today you listen to his voice, harden not your heart. so is the Church beckoning on us to open our hearts, break the barriers, transcend the obstacles of jealousy, envy, hatred, fighting, bias and bitterness;which makes the flowing water stagnant in our lives. The season of Lent is also a perfect opportunity for us to re-evaluate our stance on the issue of tribalism, ethnicity and religion. Jesus relates to the Samaritan woman not as an ordinary Jew but as one who has come to save those whom society rejects. It is also a big challenge to us in our daily affairs to realize that our central focus is Christ and not some tribal or cultural beliefs. Christ is the Center of our Christian Worship and as such, we should not let anything come between us and that selfless love of Christ. In the words of St. Paul. what will separate us from the Love of Christ?What will cause a blockage to the wellspring of water gushing in our lives? Will tribal or cultural differences ?will family history or religious differences? Will hardship or childlessness prevent the water of blessing to flow in our lives? Will unemployment or the search for a life partner make us derail in the right path? As we reflect on these, let is with one voice say this prayer: PRAYER Father, Christ has shown us that love recognizes no barrier, and waits for no invitation. Love risks rejection, reaching out to any and every one in need. The love of Christ has found us and impels us to find each other. Teach us to love as Christ has loved us, We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen. HAPPY SUNDAY TO ALL, #our-God-is-Able#
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:17:37 +0000

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