THE LIVING SUBSTANCE By-Onoriode Victor. For some, the subject of - TopicsExpress


THE LIVING SUBSTANCE By-Onoriode Victor. For some, the subject of Faith is still a shadowymystery. A few who think of themselves as having understanding on the subject, actually internalize it as an uncertain magical scheme; Something that works some times, whose efficacy is largely uncertain. It is this reasoning that formed the basis of teaching faith as "a leap in the dark". For yet another group, faith is a mental or Psychological exercise that is the use of focused mental energy to make things happen. Wow! All these perceptions are a consequence of a blending of the Faith of Christ with carnal teachings rooted in human philosophy. However, if you go to the book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, from the first verse, you see Faithclearly presented as: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". The significant element of this definition is: SUBSTANCE! The definition could have actually ended with just the first part and still carry all the spiritual implication. Yet for more clarity and emphasis, the word substance used in the first part was further restated as Evidence. So when you put it together, the practical life application is; 1, Faith is the substance, 2, this substance is the Evidence of an unseen expectation. 3, this substance is not physical or mental. 4, this substance is spiritual, yet not the spiritual, that is of any other entity but of God. This substance is the witness of of the Word! In John 1:1, you see it right there. The Word is the primary material essence of all things. If you think I have stretched it too far, then see Colossians 1:16. Right there you see it, that there is nothing with an independent life, all things have their essence and existence in the material substance of the word. The word is above all! It is this same Word that became flesh in the man Jesus. So Jesus is the physical human expression of the Word. When you say you have faith, it is not a mental exercise or an uncertain venture, No, No, No! It is plainly having this super substance of the living Word, wow! This is not a gamble; it is experiencing reality in the realm of Almighty God by the word. In 1John 5:9, we are enlightened that, this living witness, the creative substance of Almighty God, is greater than any other evidence that you may encounter. When Moses got to the foot of the red sea, what he saw was an evidence of obstruction. But there are levels of evidence and any evidence other than the Evidence of the living witness is invalid. The only living and enduring element in existence is the substance of the Word. Every other element came out of the Word and therefore, is subject to change still by the sameWord. The Word is not subject to the conditions of our world, No, No, No! This is the reason when the Spirit came upon Elisha; he spoke the way he did: you will not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; but this valley shall be filled with water"(2king 3:17). It is only a man fully given to the word that can see and speak this way. Jesus asked his disciples to distribute bread that, on the physical basis can hardly feed five men. This tells you he was focusing and calling into physical material being, the unlimited substance of the Word. Faith is not a leap in the dark; it is experiencing the reality of God, through having the substance of the living Word. This substance comes through meditation on the word. For change to manifest through Faith, you and the substance must become one: that is, you must accept the word and be fully persuaded by Him.It is only through meditation you can experientially attain this oneness. God bless you
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 08:54:31 +0000

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