(THE LOCATIONS) (Gene 2:8) 8 The Lord God planted [t]a garden - TopicsExpress


(THE LOCATIONS) (Gene 2:8) 8 The Lord God planted [t]a garden [t]eastward in [t]Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. . The greatest secret in your life, is to know who you are,, if you know who are, you will know what to do, when to do it, how to do it .If you dont know who you are, people will tell you what and who you are not. God placed the man in the east of the garden not any where that was where they were LOCATED . Man of God Woman of God where are you Located (EPH 4:11-12.) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, who are you in the ministry? .We must know how to maintain our locations stay at where God has located you He did that according to your ability stay there add value to that place. You will be disqualified when you move. Dont try to be who and what you are not, dont be carbon paper, be your self . WHO ARE YOU? Man of God woman of God. STOP TELLING YOUR MEMBERS WHO YOU ARE NOT AND STOP CONDEMING WHAT YOU DONT HAVE . If you are not a prophet , stop condemning prophets to your members they need prophets to succeed (2CHRO 20;20) invite prophet to your church for the members , if you are not a deliverance minister stop condemning Deliverance demons must be cast out for the children of God to be free . If I be a man of God I command that demon of divorce to come out now , I prophesy the gift of marriage in to your life now in Jesus name. I command the demon of poverty to come out now I prophesy riches in to your life now , I command .every sickness in your body to come out now I prophesy healing into your body now ,I command the demon of fear to come out now and I prophesy the seed of faith in you. I command every demon that hold your marriage, your blessing, your promotion ,progress to come out now in the name of Jesus receive your promotion receive your joy , receive your marriage in the name of Jesus amen God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 08:18:22 +0000

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