THE LONGEST JOURNEY Traveling out of one’s country requires so - TopicsExpress


THE LONGEST JOURNEY Traveling out of one’s country requires so much effirt and carefulness like obtaining international passport and visa. Precaution are taking like making sure your documents are not fake. You will be careful so that contra band goods are not hidden in your baggage. You will obtain correct departure time. You will not come when the plane has taken off. So much money will be spent. You will obtain adequate information about the country: their language, currency, laws, what you will enjoy over there etc If earthly journey requires so much preparation and carefulness heavenly journey is not less. It even requires much more. We don’t know departure time. There are lots of fake and false pastors just like fraudulent passport agents. Beloved friends, make sure you are not carrying fake document. Just as a deportee will be terribly disappointed, disgraced and ashamed, worse will a Christian be ashamed and disappointed if he/she is turned back at gate of heaven or left behind after the rapture. In preparing to go to heaven, it is not less tedious. Your passport is salvation of your soul; the visa is following peace with all men and holiness (Hebrew 12:14) the psalmist called it clean hands and pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4). Inward and outward holiness is inevitable. Be sure you are not carrying fake document to heaven. There are many false pastors teaching heresies. To be prepared for heaven reconciliation with God and reconciliation with man is the answer. Reconciliation with God includes: 1. Repentance from sin both known and unknown, parental sin and ancestral sins. 2. Promise not to go back to old life again 3. Renounce Satan and his evil works 4. Rededicating yourself to God 5. Start doing service to God like singing, ushering, evangelism, prayer warrior etc 6. Constant daily fellowship with God in bible reading and prayer. Reconciliation with Man: 1. Settle all quarrels with people. Let all malice, anger, thoughts of revenge go. 2. Restitution: this is returning any ill-gotten items back to the rightful owners. E.g books, money, land, cars, clothes etc. 3. Paying back debts and dues. If you have defraud people, stolen, you have to seek for forgiveness and pay back. 4. Marriage correction: if you are not properly married; i.e if dowry is not paid on your wife or If you are not first wife, pray and do restitution. As a traveler will seek for all necessary information and will not leave anything to chances so a wise traveler to heaven too should seek the right information about heaven. NOTE: 1. Heaven is an endless life, hell is endless life, once you enter no coming out again. 2. No sacrifice is too small or too big for heaven’s sake. 3. No matter how long you live on earth, you will live in heaven longer than that. 4. Hell fire is unbearable and hopeless place. 5. There is no partiality in judgment over there. No respect of persons. 6. The union with Christ called marriage supper of the Lamb is 7 years, remember earthly wedding cannot take 7 hours not 7 days but heavenly wedding is 7 years of enjoyment. 7. The welcome party to heaven is 1000 years. it is called The Millennium reign with Christ. Dear Friends, preparing for heaven is a serious business for everyone who loves his/her soul. We have suffer too much on earth, we should not go to lake of fire with Satan. God will help us all in Jesus name. Don’t gamble with you soul. HEAVEN IS A PREPARED PLACE FOR PREPARED PEOPLE
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:22:17 +0000

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