THE LORD SAYS, YOU ARE MATURE NOW, YOU ARE READY... You are birthing this thing out, without hindrances, without persecution, without failure in this Season, even as you partner with ME, Says The Lord. YOU WILL BIRTH THIS GREATER THING FORTH, MY CHOSEN ONE. The atmosphere will Shift as you move into it with ME. By the Power, Blood and Authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I decree your total VICTORY!!!!! Today is the day all of your Naysayers and REVILERS, who have mocked ME, mocked my plan and the promise of The GREAT I AM in your life, will all indeed fall, and fall HARD. You labored long, but you will Rejoice even longer. Did I not tell you My Chosen One, All that assemble themselves against you will FALL?! (Isaiah 54:15). You have loved and loved hard, you have forgiven much, your heart has been PURIFIED and you have even blessed your enemies, loved in the midst of jealousy, hatred and unjust slander, even as my word has commanded of you. You took it and kept serving. I said in My Word, to take No Offense, offenses must come, but WOE unto WHOM those OFFENSES COME. Am I not your now Vindicator Beloved? My word speaks clearly that every man must reap that which He has sown, and I the Lord your God, will not allow your LABOR, your steadfast Love, your UNMOVEABLE FAITH and kindness to go UNREWARDED. You have sought me diligently, and served me diligently, in the midst of it all. I Am making you Ready Beloved. I Am making you swiftly ready for that which I have promised you. You have fought a very good FIGHT!!!! I have marveled at your strength as you allowed me to CRUSH you and press out even more Oil. And now I know you can handle the impending warfare that will come when the very promise shows up. YOU WILL HANDLE IT WITH GRACE. You will know what to say, because I will speak through you. You will continue to Walk in the Greatness of the Power that I have placed in you for My Glory. I will fill your mouth and you will Speak. Yet you will not bow to their idols, you will cast them all down, you will tear down the HIGH CORRUPT PLACES, as the Kings of Old, you will cast down the lying imaginations, demons will flee in your presence, and you will destroy idols in the land with the blanket of My Truth, which covers you. You will walk in the shadow of My Glory, you will carry My Glory, and you will do it with great Humility, yet never minimizing your inner Strength. You will not shrink for others. Never again will you minimize who you are for the pleasing of men. You will not minimize or decrease the God in you, But you will yet Arise boldly in Me!! This will be the ROCK of your Salvation, the Greater One in you, that will keep you on course and lead you into total VICTORY in and on every ASSIGNMENT. You have learned “humble submission”, and avoided all Competition. Well done beloved! I Am very well pleased with your stance, your never ending drive for My Kingdom, and your total commitment to Me. You are MATURE now, you are READY. And when you missed it, you repented whole heartedly. Shall I not reward you for all of your Faithfulness? You have given tirelessly, loved endlessly, and so very unselfishly right in the midst of your own PAIN. You have finished this part of your course well, says The Lord. It’s time now. It’s time now for that promise. It’s time to birth out the Greater thing in YOU, that will catapult those who are called to YOU, into another dimension. Fear not this Greater thing, for you are Ready. Internally you are ready, now I must make you externally Ready. I have deemed you worthy to receive it. And I will always Lead you, for you have learned to follow me without wavering, even when you didn’t understand. Many will still despise you Beloved, but you will not be moved. You will love. Many will be jealous of you, but you will not be moved. They don’t know the Price you paid. You have been proven to yet Love and yet War in the midst. In this My Beloved, I Am very pleased, in this I Am very well pleased with your service. Higher, Higher, Higher, you must and you will go in Me. Rejoice in the Greater thing I Am birthing in You, all for My Glory! And in this place, I Am taking you, all the Love you poured out, will be returned unto you in Greater measure. I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT.! Whatever a Man sows, that shall He Also Reap…..!!!!! ~ Apostle-Prophetess Kendell~ Jewels for Christ Ministries, Inc.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 06:05:47 +0000

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