THE LORD WARNED US SO MANY TIMES! {2 Chronicles 36:16} “But - TopicsExpress


THE LORD WARNED US SO MANY TIMES! {2 Chronicles 36:16} “But they MOCKED GODS MESSENGERS, DESPISED His WORDS and SCOFFED at his PROPHETS until the WRATH of the LORD was aroused against His people and there was NO REMEDY!” The Scriptures are FULL of these warnings; therefore I know of no better time to set the trumpet of Scripture to my lips and sound forth the CLEAR WARNING, that if we MISS JESUS CHRIST, we have MISSED EVERYTHING! WHY? “For IN HIM are found ALL the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE” {Col. 2:3}. IN HIM is found ALL that God holds DEAR for SINFUL man and because JESUS CHRIST is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and NO man can COME unto the Father and heaven but by HIM {John 14:6}. • The Scriptures declare that IN CHRIST is found LIFE ETERNAL. • IN CHRIST there is PARDON for the VILEST SINNERS. • IN CHRIST there is sweet PEACE of conscience, the peace with God, for Christ made peace by the blood of His cross. • IN CHRIST there is REST for the weary soul. • IN CHRIST is found the WAY to our heavenly Father, and an OPEN DOOR to the fold of God. • IN CHRIST is found a FOUNTAIN of LIVING WATER, unsearchable SPIRITUAL RICHES and a full supply of GRACE and TRUTH for weak and weary souls. • Only IN CHRIST is there CLEANSING from all SIN. • Only IN CHRIST is there to be found perfect RIGHTEOUSNESS, therefore a perfect standing before God. • Only IN CHRIST is there found TRUE LIGHT to light our pathway through this dark and dreary wilderness in which we walk. • Only IN CHRIST is there to be ACQUITTAL at the JUDGMENT bar of God. • Only those who are IN CHRIST will HEAR these gracious words: “Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” {Mat. 25:34} • Only IN CHRIST is there DELIVERANCE from the power and penalty of SIN. • Only IN CHRIST will there be JOYS forever more, when we shall stand before Him dressed in our new bodies and finally delivered from the very presence of sin. MoRe BeLoW . . .
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:32:46 +0000

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