THE LOST AFROCENTRIC PERSPECTIVE - FROM BIAFRA TO SNC! The greatest failure of Africans worldwide is the failure to teach future generations our true history. Africans today are a result of the global collective effort inspired by our forefathers vision to free us from European domination, first by fighting colonization/sharecropping and then continentwide unification by the removal of ill-conceived artificial European borders. However, the overglorification of local nationalists and civil rights leaders created a situation whereby Africans became engrossed in local politics, instead of the geopolitics that made us slaves and subjugated peoples. We were never taught that our local leaders were just local representatives of the global Black movement that envisioned and designed our way forward - Herbert Macauley and other African Nationalists were byproducts of the internationalist London Student movements of the 1920s, while Nnamidi Azikwe and the likes of Kwame Nkrumah were byproducts of the US Black power movement. The vision was to ultimately free all ethnic groups in a continentwide loose federation whereby the ethnic groups will be free to exploit their own resources towards their manifest destiny, while contributing no more than 50% to the center for common defense, a common market to enjoy economies of scale and linking infrastructure. It was understood that ethnic nationalities could not be allowed to break from colonial nationstates or they would be soon ensnared by European predators that will use them to infiltrate and sabotage the African collective. However, right from independence the French ensured there was no such unity by empowering stooges like Ivorien Boigny and Gabons Mba, who broke up French Africa into small units that would forever remain sociopolitically and economically subjugated to the French. In Nigeria, personal ambitions split the Black movement into ethnic movements which enable the Northern Islamists to take control. The French, in their perpetual geopolitical games with the British, saw the opportunity to sabotage the Anglo-Saxon most prized African asset, and in conjunction with the Portuguese and Apartheid South Africa, armed the Biafra secessionists. Luckily, they did not succeed, otherwise the Igbos,the second largest Original African group, would have been subjugated by their French sponsors like next door Camerounians, Gabon and Ivory Coast. The legendary Igbo entreprenuerial spirit would have been extinguished as all trade would have been French as their Francophone CFA currency dictates and all sociopolitical and economic decisions come from Paris, like everywhere else in French Africa. Not only would the Igbos have flushed themselves down the French drain, the French would have used their territories to sabotage other parts of Nigeria to the north and West. It is not a coincidence that the French created a freeport in Cotonou to sabotage the Lagos economy or used Cameroun to take Bakassi. However, the defeat of Biafra and saving them from the paws of the French led to later overglorification of what might have been. Therefore, not only wrongly inspiring later generations of Igbos to glamorize Biafra but inspired present day proponents of Odua republic and others, which ultimately led to the misconception of a sovereign national conference to tinker with the irrelevant colonial body, instead of moving towards true ethnic freedom in a continentwide federation as envisaged by our forefathers. Nobody should fool himself that Nigeria and other colonial nationstates have come to stay but we started this journey with a destination in mind and until we reach that point, nobody can be allowed to stray. It is true that most of the ethnic nationalities are at different stages of development and perspectives, but our destinies were linked the moment tribes sold other tribes. The ethnic nationalities were incapable of stopping slavery and colonization for 400yrs until our collective came to fight the Europeans off, therefore the collective will refuse to release ethnic nationalities until we reach the desired point. Meaning Nigeria will fight and even annihiliate any group that wants out. Instead of a sovereign national conference, what the confused politicians need to tell us is where we are on our blueprint towards true freedom. Despite politicians being unfocused, African technocrats have slowly moved us towards utopia. Recently, we have established an African Parliament and most importantly, we have a roadmap towards currency unification. However, from Yar Adua, Nigeria has reneged on its agreement to redecimalize its currency, like Ghana, to remove the absurdities created by IMF devaluations and enable us unify all African currencies by 2023. This is what I expect Goodluck to concentrate on instead of the imbecility called SNC. Ultimately, all ethnic groups can be free from European imperialism and annoying local neighbors in a loose continentwide federation that they contribute less than 50% of their resources to the center, which will provide joint political and economic security. Anything else is a copout. . .
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 06:28:00 +0000

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