THE LOST DIARY It was by chance that Tuqa found a small diary - TopicsExpress


THE LOST DIARY It was by chance that Tuqa found a small diary lying on the ground outside the public library. When she picked it up and opened it to the first page, she read the following lines: 4.8.87 “Am I strong enough to hold onto these tiny threads of hope? Can I continue in spite of these difficulties and reach the source of light behind these clouds? Who can give me a helping hand so that I can endure this cruel life? Oh God, what darkness surrounds me!” Tuqa read another page: 26.8.87 “Again I resort to my diary to complain about my suffering. I feel as if my nerves are about to shatter …I have no one to talk to; no one at all. Oh, why can’t I sleep? The moon and the stars gaze upon me as if mocking my dreams.”Tuqa looked for an address in the diary but she could only find a name-Huda Najafi. She went into the library and asked to see the list of book borrowers of the past week. Finally, she found the name she was looking for. Huda’s address was written next to her name, so Tuqa decided to pay her a visit to return the diary and see if she could help this troubled sister. The next day, Tuqa went to Huda’s house. As she rang the bell, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. But since she knew that her intention was pure, she was at ease. A young girl opened the door, and Tuqa asked to see Huda. The girl asked her to enter and showed her to Huda’s room. Huda was surprised to see an unknown visitor, but she welcomed Tuqa with a warm smile. They shook hands and sat down. Tuqa took the diary out of her purse and gave it to Huda, who was very happy to see it. She held it close and said, “Thanks God I have it -at last! Thank you for bringing it to me!” Tuqa introduced herself and said, “Please excuse me for reading a few pages of your diary. I found it yesterday on the ground, near the library.” “There is nothing to apologize for! I have suffered greatly since I lost it. I was nearly heart-broken when I realized that my diary was missing.” Why should you be so upset at the loss of a few pages?” asked Tuqa. “These words reflect my innermost feelings; they are like apart of my soul,” replied Huda. “But such reflections are but a small part of a person’s thoughts, since life is an enormous theatre comprised of countless images. Life is like a wild garden wherein various kinds of flowers fill the air with their fresh scent. Yet there are also trees and thorny weeds in the garden, which may hurt a person. The earth from which flowers emerge nourishes weeds as well.” Huda listened attentively, and then said, “Thorns cause one to bleed, and weeds hinder the growth of blossoms.” “It isn’t always so,” replied Tuqa. “Hopes and disappointments follow each other in turn. This is a natural law of life. However, great one’s sufferings are, one still hopes for the dawn which follows even the darkest night.” In a weary voice, Huda said, “But this dark night may be so long that it causes one to lose hope.” “You can counter feelings of hopelessness by having true faith in Allah’s help and guidance. A life of hardship is of no value if one forgets about Allah and His Compassion. Master yourself, and you can direct your thoughts and actions towards the right path.” “But some things are beyond a person’s control and cause pain and disappointment,” Huda persisted. “Still”, said Tuqa, “Disappointment is not in itself evil. If a believer has strong faith, a new door opens when another is closed. Never give up hope.” Tears formed in Huda’s eyes and she said, “I don’t know. Perhaps Allah has sent you to save me from my despair.”
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 07:21:06 +0000

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