THE LOVE OF MONEY For the love of money is the root of all - TopicsExpress


THE LOVE OF MONEY For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Tim 6:10 Money is a bad task-master but a good servant. Money is a servant if we can spend it and it’s our master if we find it difficult to give it out. This how to know that you love money: 1. If whenever you lend money to someone you always carry that person with your money in your thought. 2. If when you lose your property or money you feel like committing suicide. 3. If you compromise your integrity and faith in other to get money. 4. If you curse and speak vile words on anyone that makes you lose money unintentionally . 5. If you spend your money only on yourself and shrewdly. 6. If you can do anything to get money. 7. If you betray the trust of friends and family because of money. 8. If you are sowing seeds because you want a hundred fold increase in your business and not because you love the spread of the gospel of Christ. 9. If you love collecting without giving. 10. If you can’t render a free service to the society without demanding something in return. 11. If you chose your spouse or partners using money as a major criteria. The love of money causes several evil and no man that loves money that will make it to heaven. If any of the above is your case, then you are not free from the love of money which will piece your heart with many sorrows and lead you to hell afterwards. God bless you
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:30:14 +0000

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