*THE MAID* Episode 2 Honey, do you think this idea - TopicsExpress


*THE MAID* Episode 2 Honey, do you think this idea of bringing in a maid is right? David asked Angela who was already sad that her husband refused to grant her request. Yes,i dont see anything wrong with that. lets just bring a maid. What do we need a maid for? David asked. He too was not happy. So i can fully concentrate on my business. The new maid will be doing the cooking and keeping the home clean. please my dear Angela pleaded. BecauseDavid never wanted to see her sad, he gave her the go ahead. Angela became happy again but she never knew she was calling for trouble. ::::****:::: Angela my daughter. You are looking so beautiful It was Mrs. Uwa, her mother. Angela smiled as she sat on the sofa. Mum, everyone knows to well that i am not more beautiful than you are. I am only but your photocopy and Dads carbon copy. So the both of you are the real beauty She gesticulated. Her mother need no soothsayer to tell her that her beloved daughter was living in harmony with david, her husband. Angela had actually visited her parents inorder to tell them about her plan of getting a maid, so her mother could help her look for one. My daughter.i dont support this her mother cut in. Why mum?Angela just couldnt see any reason why her mother should stand against this. David your husband,i believe loves you so much and will do almost anything for you.If you are finding the house chores hard,discuss it with him and see if he will profer a better solution.The greatest mistake you will make in your marriage is giving another women the opportunity to take care of your husband for you..... Mum but i am not bringing in a maid to take care of my husband for meAngela interrupted her mother. Your mother is right Angela.Bringingin a maid in your matrimonial home to do the cookings and wash your husbands clothes almost means the same thing as leaving your husband under his careHer father spoke this time. Angela became confused.There may be sense in what her parents were saying but her instints told her that her husband can never prefer a maid over her.Not when their love for each other is still there. Angela was a lady that gets almost whatever she wanted without heeding to advice.Despite her parents advice to shun the idead of bringing in a maid,she paid deaf ears. We are not trying to force you my dear.If you feel like getting a maid,if your husband approves of it,then go ahead.We only want what is best for you.You are our daughter.But my advice to you when you finally bring this maid is to watch her closelyHer father concluded. ::::****:::: shine bright like a diamond shine bright like a diamond Thats Angelas mobile phone ringing.She looked at the screen.It was Ebere,her friend,calling. Helo b.bShe answered the phone. Angel,are you at home? I got the maid and she is right here with meEbere spoke from the other end. Really? I just got back now.im homeAngela was excited. We are coming over.Keep something for me oEbere cooed and hung up. Angela nodded.She was happy.Now,she can fully concentrate on her business like other women. The knock on the door an hour later,made Angela come out from the kitchen leaving the rice she was preparing.She knew it was Ebere and the most anticipated maid.When she opened the door,Ebere entered,leavingthe maid by the door for Angela to have a better view of the maid before she came in. Good Evening maShe greeted. Angela beheld her.She was indeed beautiful with her open teeth.Fair in completion. Angela let her in with her bag. What is your name?She asked. My name is sonia maShe replied. How old are you? I am 23 years maShe replied again. Angela introduced herself and showed her a room to move in. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE 3
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 08:51:10 +0000

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