THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Saturday, 5th April, - TopicsExpress


THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Saturday, 5th April, 2014. DO SOMETHING TO HELP, NO MATTER HOW LITTLE “We soon learned that we were on the island of Malta. The people of the island were very kind to us, building a bonfire on the beach to welcome and warm us in the rain and cold” Acts 28:1-2 TLB We cannot all do great things; we can only do small things with great love. -MOTHER THERESA One day a woman met a sorrowful stranger. She smiled at the sorrowful stranger. The smile seemed to make him feel better. He remembered a past kindness of a friend and wrote him a thank-you letter. The friend was so pleased with the letter that he left a large tip after lunch. The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, bet the whole thing on a lunch. The next day, she picked up her winnings and gave part of it to man on the street. The man on the street was grateful; he ate for the two days he had nothing to eat. After he finished his dinner; he left his small dingy room. He didn’t know at that moment that he might be facing his doom. On his way he picked up a shivering puppy and took him home to get warm. The puppy was very grateful to be out of the storm. That night the house caught fire. The puppy barked the warning. He barked till he woke the whole household and saved everybody from harm. One of the boys that he rescued grew up to be president. All this because of a simple smile that hadn’t cost a kobo. Why not just walk out to the street and start flashing everyone a smile? Ridiculous, isn’t it? Yeah, but who knows that simple action (smiling) could bring out a reaction that will produce the long-awaited messianic president of this country. LET’S PRAY: Heavenly Father, give me the grace to help someone today, to be nice no matter how little in Jesus Name. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Learn to smile; say “thank you”, “please” and “I’m sorry” often; don’t be rude to waiters, cab drivers, doormen, vendors and people selling in the market. Learn to give tips; that waiter or door man could be your mum, dad, relative or even you. Be nice. CONFESSION: I’m nice! [Dr ‘Malik Haruna King, Editor; Edmond Tiku, Scripture/Theological Editor; Idagu David, Media/PR Strategist and Publicist; Pius Anyebe, Production Manage.] +234-70-37162029 facebook/mrfirstbabaisa twitter/firstbabaisa firstbabaisa.wordpress SPREAD THE GOSPEL: SHARE THIS!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 05:46:41 +0000

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