THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Sunday, 19th - TopicsExpress


THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Sunday, 19th January, 2014. HONESTY IS STILL THE BEST POLICY. “But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness...” -- 2 Corinthians 4:2 “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” --George Washington. Noel Coward -- actor, dramatist, composer, and producer -- once sent identical notes to the twenty most prominent men in London, saying, “All is discovered. Escape while you can.” All twenty abruptly left town! Obviously, their hands were not clean! Honesty and integrity will lead eventually to happiness and security. To succeed and enjoy success, we don’t need just ability, we also need dependability. When Robert Morse died, his entire estate amounted to $59, 000 after 40 years as Director of Public Works in New York City! Millions of dollars had passed through his office. At 24, Abraham Lincoln served as the postmaster of New Salem, Illinois, for which he was paid an annual salary of $55.70. Even then, years before he entered the White House, the rail-splitter was showing the character that has earned him the title: “Honest Abe”. The New Salem post office was closed in 1836 but it was several years before an agent arrived from Washington to settle accounts with ex-postmaster Lincoln. Abe was a struggling lawyer. The agent told him there was $17 due to government. Lincoln crossed the room, opened an old trunk, and took out a yellow cotton rag bound with string, untying it, he spread the cloth, and there was the $17! He had been withholding it untouched for all those years. “I never use any man’s money but my own,” he said. When Andrew Jackson was 14, his mother had to go aboard a warship at Charleston to serve as a nurse. She feared she might not return and left this note for her son: “Andrew, if I should not see you again, I wish you to treasure up and remember some things. In this world, you will have to make your own way. To do this you must have friends. You can make friends by being honest, keep them by being steadfast.” LET’S PRAY: O God, forgive me every act of dishonesty I have ever committed and give me the grace to live honestly from now on, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Read Revelation 1-11 CONFESSION: I live in honesty! I deal in honesty! I profit in honesty! WHAT FBI IS READING NOW: 1. MY VISION, by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prime minister of UAE and the Ruler of Dubai. An inspirational autobiography of how a leader inspires and coordinates the magical building of Dubai. 2. DEVELOPMENT AS FREEDOM, by Amartya Sen, 1998 winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics. An amazing toolkit for development consultants and leaders interested in bringing development to the people. 3. ADAIR ON LEADERSHIP, by John Adair. A training resource for leaders. For thoughts and inspiration from these books, join FBI on the following facebook groups: https://facebook/groups/thestatesmen12/; https://facebook/groups/fadapeterobeleabue/ [Dr ‘Malik Haruna King, Editor; Edmond Tiku, Scripture/Theological Editor; Idagu David, Media/PR Strategist and Publicist; Pius Anyebe, Production Manage.] +234-70-37162029 facebook/mrfirstbabaisa twitter/firstbabaisa firstbabaisa.wordpress SPREAD THE GOSPEL: SHARE THIS!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 06:53:59 +0000

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