THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Thursday, 13th - TopicsExpress


THE MAKER’S MAP [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Thursday, 13th March, 2014. LOVE VERSUS INFATUATION. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” -- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. There are many other feelings that feel like love. Filtering these on the screen of time will show you true love. Love and infatuation have distinct attributes. Initially, infatuation is as strong as love; the difference is that it wears away with time. Time makes true love grow stronger; infatuation fades away with the passing of time. Love cares unselfishly about the interest of others, while infatuation is selfish, restrictive, and thinking, “What does this do for me?” In love, you want to give and share with the other person; in infatuation, the emphasis is on taking or getting. In love, romance often takes slowly, perhaps taking months or years; in infatuation, physical intimacy starts fast, perhaps taking few hours or days. In love, you are attracted to the other person’s total personality and spiritual qualities; in infatuation, you are deeply impressed or interested, almost exclusively, in the other’s physical appearance. Love makes you a better person; infatuation has a destructive and disorganizing effect. In love, you view the other realistically, seeing his or her faults, yet loving that person anyway. Infatuation is unrealistic -- the other person seems perfect and you ignore any nagging doubts about serious personality flaws. In love, you have disagreements but you find that you can talk them out and solve them. In infatuation, arguments are frequent; nothing really is settled; many are “settled” with a kiss. Most people have admitted that their past relationships were mere infatuations, and only realized this after the relationship ended. In the beginning, they described it as “love”, (and they may likely describe their present relationship as “love” too), however, it was mere infatuation. There’s more to true love than feelings. Love is not a feeling, it is a decision you make. Feelings are just vehicles used to express love. And since it is possible for a vehicle to move empty, its possible for our feelings to be empty (without love) too. Watch it! LET’S PRAY: Gracious Father, spread your love abroad my heart, and help me live and act your divine love in my relationship, in Jesus Name. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Write down seven ways you can show love to your partner in marriage or in courtship. CONFESSION: I am a true lover! [Dr ‘Malik Haruna King, Editor; Edmond Tiku, Scripture/Theological Editor; Idagu David, Media/PR Strategist and Publicist; Pius Anyebe, Production Manage.] +234-70-37162029 facebook/mrfirstbabaisa twitter/firstbabaisa firstbabaisa.wordpress SPREAD THE GOSPEL: SHARE THIS!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:33:27 +0000

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