THE MAN BEHIND THE MO – TIM ROSSITER by Mark Robson The next - TopicsExpress


THE MAN BEHIND THE MO – TIM ROSSITER by Mark Robson The next time you sit down for a quiet beer with a good mate just ponder what may be the outcome of the evening’s work. Not many would guess that an idea forged over the amber nectar would result in a half million dollars raised for charity, becoming the major contributor to a brand new Chemotherapy Unit, and helping raise awareness about men’s health issues to thousands of men in your local community. Well, that’s exactly what happened when Tim Rossiter and Joe Margison went out for a couple of cold ones back in 2005. The result… Movember Cayman. From Perth in Australia Tim came to the Cayman Islands in 2002. If you spend any time with him you’ll soon realise that this is a guy who seems to fit 28 hours into every day. He is a Husband, Father, holds down a high-pressured job in the Finance Industry (Harmonic Fund Services), a Board Member of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society, the Coach of the Cayman Island National Rugby team as well as the force behind Movember Cayman. I’m exhausted just writing it, let alone doing any of that stuff. As we get down to the business of the interview I am taken by his passion and energy for the subject matter at hand. Long before the effects of his double espresso kicks in, he is effervescently recounting stories from the early days of Movember with a glint in his eye as if it were only yesterday. How did Movember start? “My mate Joe Margison and I had independently thought about how good it would be to grow a moustache for charity. We both thought it would be fun and raise some money for the Cancer Society. It was easy recruiting some like-minded friends who shared the vision. Fellow Aussie and super-organiser Belinda Bramley came on board. Add in Mikey Johnston, Andrew Cousins, Ronnie Hargraves, Karen Hart and Shelly Cox and we were up and running.” Why did you start it? “We all had family and other personal connections with cancer, and depression for that matter and we both liked the attitude of Movember. It was a great cause in itself but it was irreverent and fun. Taking the piss out of yourself for a good cause appealed to all of us. If I’m honest, the initial emphasis was on having fun and then raising awareness. The money has always been a distant third, although we have always appreciated how vital it is.” Twenty-one guys signed up for the first ever Movember in Cayman. Some of the original faces and moustaches are still involved today. The first ever Movember awards were held at Billy Bones Bar in Treasure Island resort. It was an epic night (“The Greatest Day of My Life” Tim recounts) with wives and girlfriends judging every Mo on show. Tim glazes over at this point lost in a whirlpool of memories. A knowing grin takes over his face and then he is back in the room. Must have been quite a night! They raised $500 that night and took the cheque to the Cancer Society who thought the whole Movember thing was “cute” and “adorable”. When the following year, with over a hundred guys signed up, he arrived with a cheque for close to $20,000 and they realised that Movember was going to become a serious player in the Cancer Society funding. It was at this point that Tim contacted Movember in Australia and asked them if he could keep the money in Cayman rather than sending it overseas to the general Movember “pot”. They agreed and this has become one of the main focal points of the Movember Cayman message. Every dollar raised in Cayman stays on island. It is clear that Movember has never followed the more traditional routes of fund raising. There are no fancy gala balls, no $1,000-a-plate corporate dinners. It’s all a bit spit-and-sawdust. Men doing stuff for men the way men know how to do it. With that kind of money being raised there came a point where it all needed to be taken a bit more seriously from an organisational point of view (if not in outlook). As Movember’s popularity increased through 2008 and 2009 Movember started designing their own T-shirts. Partly as a fund raiser and partly as a means for those participating to become a greater part of the “Movember Gang”, to become a MO-Bro! The shirts have become quite a feature. It’s a distinct advantage of the Movember Committee (MOCOM), and maybe more by luck than judgment, that those involved also have the prerequisite skills to actually get the whole thing going every year – be it graphic design, web design, computer skills, organisational skills, contacts with the financial industry or just the gift-of-the-gab to get stuff done. In 2009, Movember forged links with the Lions Club of Grand Cayman. Dr. Sook Yin was instrumental in introducing Tim to Alfonso Wright, a man with a real heart to help men’s health awareness. The Lions Club had realised the need for men to understand the risks of prostate cancer especially concerning the high prevalence amongst the Caribbean community and the fear of testing. Their campaign slogan “Real Men Don’t Fear the Finger” put them front and centre in the crusade for men’s health so the next logical step was for a joint venture and the MO’ INFO HEALTH INFORMATION NIGHT was born. This evening has grown massively in popularity over the last few years and now over 300 men regularly attend and free PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen) testing vouchers are given to those seeking an initial test. In 2014, 160 vouchers were handed out. This year, the collaboration had even better news as the triumvirate of CICS, Lions Club and Movember funded Men’s Health Days in each District from West Bay through to East End. In 2012, Tim was co-opted onto the Board of the Cancer Society and he firmly believes this was as a result of the contribution and efforts by Movember over the years. He is full of admiration for the tireless work done by the Board and the volunteers as they battle against the odds to provide care and treatment for people diagnosed with cancer here in Cayman. What’s the future for Movember Cayman? “Naturally after ten years it is time to take stock. Movember Cayman has always been about the team effort. As people have moved on, so others have come in to replace them. Each new Committee Member brings in their own dynamic energy and the focus has evolved from being specifically cancer-awareness centred to introducing the MOBros to issues surrounding other men’s health issues like mental health and the understanding of symptoms and solutions surrounding depression. We shall continue as long as people need to hear the message about men’s health and we have the volunteers to drive it forward.” However, after ten years Tim has decided to step down as Chair of Movember, and take a well-deserved breather. He will remain a vital part of the Movember group but he confidently hands over the reins knowing that, although he has been the Man Behind The MO for 10 years, Movember is not about one man. . . it is about every MO-Bro past, present and future. It is about the support of the MO Sisters, and the support of partners at the Cayman Islands Cancer Society and the Lions Club. It is about those people and businesses that support the cause. It is about every dollar raised going to help men with health issues. For me, it feels a bit like when a really great band changes their lead singer. They’re still super-tight, with awesome riffage, a killer backbeat, basslines that break down walls and can still rock the house as good as ever. Yes Movember Cayman goes on… It is, in essence, the moustachio-ed equivalent AC/DC. FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK, WE SALUTE MO! If you’re interested in volunteering for Movember 2015 please contact us on [email protected] or vis Facebook (Movember Cayman Islands)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:24:52 +0000

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