THE MAN: SENATOR-ELECT, Amb. GEORGE M. WEAH philipsaah@yahoo 0886949727/0770292849 If one were to ask a critics of Ambassador Weah as to why s/he is did not vote for the Ambassador, the first answer would be, he is not eloquent in the Queen’s language. The second answer that will follow is, the guy is difficult to learn. At least nobody is saying he is not educated. In past elections and since Senator-elect came to politics, this had been the major contention. But regardless of the wealth he made in his soccer career, thank God over the years, Mr. Weah has listened to the advice of many and mustered the courage to develop his being by earning a Master’s degree. Today, the educational challenge is a history and part of Liberian’s EDUCATIONAL history forever. On the issue of eloquences, it is good we all get this straight. The queen’s language, a foreign language that divided our people and Africa for hundreds of years, a language that brought untold suffering on our people, a language that brought wars unto our soils for years, a language that we don’t know and will never know but pretend to understand. Yet, we say he does not speak fluent English, but we are suffering from the very people that are good and eloquent in the British’s tongue. But with all the odds, English has become a universal language and it is the dream of every nation to speak this tongue. Though it is mandatory to learn the tongue very well, yet we should not conceal the content of the message in the language, which should be of paramount concern to ALL. There have been great leaders without the knowledge of English around the world but liberated and empowered their countries. But unfortunately also, great minds of letters have brought more harm than good to their people. Examples of such are, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, her eloquent Executives and those that orchestrated the 1990 civil war. Therefore, the queen’s language should never be used to judge a person’s leadership ability and his/her positive contribution to the society and the world. There is another argument from the anti Weahs camp that deals with experience. While this great legend of Africa is busy bringing back his talent, wealth and energy to Africa, our educated and experienced friends/brothers/sisters are exporting wealth, talents, and energy to the West. So if we should analyze concretely, who is the worse Liberian or African? George WEAH, the man, the leader, the inspiration of millions of Africans and down trodden masses of the world. Manner Weah, the David of Liberia, the Peace Ambassador, the single and private individual whose wealth was never used for his family and closed friends alone, but has impacted the lives of millions of Liberians. This is the guy that came into the political arena as a novice but within years became a dominant force as a politician. Manna Weah, the first political novice and non political entity that venture into the lion’s den of politics, battling with political tigers yet coming out successfully. Yes, George Oppong Manner Weah, the man each year that adds more value to his being. Who can ever challenge this son of the soil and leave his presence without a scar on his life? In his soccer days, the likes of Platini, Marco Van Bastein, Rud Gullet, Simone, Abedi Pele, Roger Miller, great football clubs etc, felt his presence and got the scar. In politics, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, G. Baccus Matthew, Dr. fahnbulleh, Cllr. Varney Sherman, Senator Prince Y. Johnson, Dr. Tipoteh, Cllr. Brumskin, Mr. Urey, and the latest casualty, the president’s daughter, Robert Sirleaf. Now that we as a country have matriculated into another political development in our body politics, the election of Senator-elect Weah and other elected senators should not be the end. We must all encourage our selves and move forward by working with our leaders through our criticisms of every bad deal, policy, contract and law coming from both the legislature and executive. As of the judiciary, this institution is noted for bad judgments, but it will be the good laws, actions and courage of both the first and second branches through the empowerment of their citizens that will transform this third branch. As of Ambassador Weah, his election by the people does not mean he is the best in comparison with other competent Liberians, rather, it is HIM the majority of Liberians trust and all down trodden citizen believe in. The mantle of leadership has been shifted from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the SENATOR-ELECT because of lack of trust towards her and her compromise of the SOCIAL CONTRACT between the people and her regime. This election could be the beginning of Weah’s political glory if he listens to the people and apply the acts that are of noble character to an HONOURABLE MAN. But at the same time, this could be the end of not only his political future but the destruction of your legacy. Therefore, he should not allow, like what Obama call, the same old Washington politics to corrupt him. This could dash millions of hopes because of his selfishness. We are in our corners waiting and watching you, if you succeed, not many praises you will hear from us, but if you allow the Ellen Sirleaf governance system of bribery and YOU EAT AND I EAT syndicate to envelop you, just know that some of us are here with our laptops all charged waiting to damage and destroy you. Remember, LIBERIA IS ALL WE HAVE, SO WE SHOULD DO ALL WE CAN TO PRESERVE IT.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 08:16:54 +0000

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