THE MANDATE OF CHRIST’S SOLDIERS Ps110:2b .......Rule thou in - TopicsExpress


THE MANDATE OF CHRIST’S SOLDIERS Ps110:2b .......Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies KJV ........Rule, then, in the midst of your foes Amp The mandate speaks of our commission or the errand to deliver. Our mandate as revealed to the Psalmist is that We should rule in the midst of our foes. To rule means to take charge, have dominion, command and have the final say over a group/kingdom. To set rules, principles and order and compelling others to comply. These we are asked to do in the midst and over the territories we are cohabiting with our foes. Having being tried, toughen and trained in the furnace of His glory, we are then churned out to go and occupy thrones for Jesus wherever we find ourselves but not INSIDE the church. All members of the church are supposed to be kings in different territories. Their meeting within the four walls of the churchs hall or house fellowship is not to come and dominate one another as some are doing now, but for the following reasons: *to compare notes with one another. *to share testimonies of exploit *to submit reports *to attend refresher trainings which will enable them do better as they go back to their territories. Unfortunately, these foot soldiers has been caged inside the church like chickens being reared to lay eggs for her owner, and to be slaughtered eventually at Christmas. Assets are they supposed to be to the kingdom but they have become milking cows only to their slave drivers. According to Jesus parable in Luke 19, I will like us to take particular note of vs12-14: “He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. Jesus Christ is the nobleman here who traveled to a far country to take a kingdom for himself- its the kingdom of God where He is seated on the right hand of Elohim as prophesied in Ps110:1. His servants are his disciples and the rest of believers which constitute His workforce/army. He gave the holy spirit to us together with the gifts thereof to work, trade, invest and fight; ultimately to bring profit unto the Master(1cor12:7 He charged us to be engaged, occupy, and get busy and never to be idle till he comes. Shortly after his departure, hell let lose as the Elders, Sanhedrin, Pharisees, Roman Soldiers, the beast in Ephesus, principalities and Powers conspired to say WE SHALL NOT HAVE THIS MAN to reign over us! Alas, the Master is gone. It’s up to his servants to enforce his dominion. It’s up to them to see how they can survive in the midst of the foes. Whether it will cost them their lives doesnt matter. The issue is that they must work in the midst of such daunting foes with the gift of the Holy Spirit profitably till Jesus comes. Beloved, I make bold to tell you that there is no vacant stool anywhere! The present occupiers are not going to shift ground. In fact, that’s the reason why the rulers of the temple in Israel became a tool in the hand of Satan to kill Jesus. They were sore afraid at the kind of miracles wrought such that they gathered for mischief to primarily DEFEND THEIR PLACE/position/office/influence/control/manipulation “Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, what do we? For this man doeth many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our PLACE and nation. John11:47-48 If there is no Vacancy, how then do we occupy? The principle of Allocation by Displacement comes to play here. Simply put, fight and get the incumbent off the seat! Only then you can take over. Jesus clearly spelt it out in our letter of employment that: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Matthew 10:16. Lets not be deceived, Calvary blessings or Abrahams covenant does not come cheaply. David had his own in the midst of bears, lions, Goliath and philistines before he could reign over Israel. Paul enthroned Jesus by wrestling with Principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness in high places. Daniel fought with the Prince of Persia, Joshua displaced the Amorites before taking their lands, and even Jesus fought with Satan. Every believer has been mandated to take over in every spheres of life- Politics, Judiciary, Social/Entertainment, health, economy, education and sports despite the Threat that We will not have these Man reign over us Because some people fought and stood their ground, Jesus is reigning today over several nations which were once ruled by Pagans. When David Livingstone came to the Gold Coast of West Africa, there were no vacant stools for Jesus to reign. He had to displace the ruling powers to have a foothold. He died eventually. Many people came after him to continue the work and those who died were more than those who survived. Mosquitoes killed so many of them to the extent that the coast was named the white man grave nevertheless, we give praise to God because, their work survived and we all our beneficiaries of that grace. Listen, there are many more lands to be conquered for us to rule thereon, and we must match out to take them for Jesus. But think of it, the ground/office/shop/throne where you are seated, is it conquered for Jesus or you are just a stooge? If conquered, is it secured and defended from being raided again? Its great wisdom that If one cannot save others, save yourself and family At least, preserve the ground which you occupy now. If David Livingstone, Mary slessor, Gollima, Birch Freeman &co had stayed back, we would have been held back in Paganism, or raided and Islamized by Jihadists or dead in hell. We were saved to save others by beaming our lights unto others in the dark region. Join us next week as we look at THE EFFECT OF POWER FOR THE MANDATE. (Ps.110 Vs 3)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:30:46 +0000

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