THE MANIFESTATION OF DESTINY Do you have a dream? A vision of - TopicsExpress


THE MANIFESTATION OF DESTINY Do you have a dream? A vision of how life could be? An idea for a future scene in the movie of your life or the life of the planet? Wonderful. But here are two important things to remember. Firstly, you cant get there from here. In other words, there, your vision of tomorrow, is actually appearing in a place beyond all yesterdays and tomorrows - here and now. Dreams, hopes, plans, imaginations of destiny, everything we call future, is a present appearance, not a future one. Future arises now. Past arises now. The entire movie of your life, history and future dreams, appear in the present, your true Home prior to time, your true place of rest and contentment, and your ultimate destiny. So dream, hope, plan, and know always where you stand. Secondly, you cant get to a better tomorrow by resisting today. Resistance only breeds resistance, and being at war with what you see as todays problems, fighting todays blocks, saying no to present appearances, only leads to more blocks, problems and things to resist. Misidentification cannot lead to anything but misidentification. A NO to life will never lead to a YES to life and lifes reflection of that YES (for you and life are one) in present experience, which is what you say you are aiming for. Any future YES has to flow from a YES to the present, however much that conflicts with common sense, and however much that upsets the ego, which thrives on resistance and conflict and struggling for what it thinks it wants but can never truly have in time. We are taught that in order to get what we want, in order to affect change and healing, in order to manifest our dreams, we must fight the present. Not true. Darkness only leads to more darkness. Only light can expose the unreality of darkness. Only love heals, as they have always said. War has never led to true peace. To get to where you want to be in your heart of hearts, to live that expanded YES, dont start with rejecting where you are, since when you reject one wave you reject the entire ocean. In the moment, rejecting a movie scene is rejecting the whole movie, for the scene IS the movie of the moment. There is nothing else. Start where you are, and see the present scene as your portal, just as every wave is a portal to the vastness of the ocean, since it IS the ocean. Everything begins with a YES. A YES to confusion, doubt, frustration, even despair. A YES to whatever is arising in this moment. A YES to not having the answers right now. A YES to knowing what you want but having no idea how it will manifest. Thats okay - the movie of your life hasnt been written yet, it is completely incomplete. You cant learn a non-existent script. Manifestation is not your job. Simply rest in what you are, already complete despite the incompleteness of the story, and know that this present scene is your destiny (who you truly are) manifesting (appearing), and you are inseparable from that dance. Destiny flows only from destiny. What you truly long for is already here, already shining, and what you truly long for can only flow out of what you truly long for! Understand that, and anything is possible, for you are life itself, the power that holds the planets in orbit and sings through the birds on warm summer evenings. - Jeff Foster
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 12:10:57 +0000

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