THE MASONRY, A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The National Endowment - TopicsExpress


THE MASONRY, A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The National Endowment for Democracy and its fake NGOs organized and financed the revolt in Syria as to break the Shiite axis (Tehran, Damascus, Hezbollah) which threatened both Saudi Arabias corrupted regime and Israel. When prince Bandar was ordered by King Abdullah to finance Sunnite Jihadists as to overthrow Bashir Al Assads regime, the Masons that have seized the political control over the West, both in the United States and Europe, accepted the deal, thinking this would facilitate their job. Yet Saudi Arabia in its visceral hatred of Shiism and IRAN, poured huge amount of money in the ISIS hands (the specialists speak about one billion dollar) transforming this terrorist group into a monstrous one. This is years if not decades Saudi Arabia finances terrorism with the Washingtons Masons blessing and in such a way that the United States are deeply entangled and part of the terrorism capacities and the problem it represents. Already in 2009 Hillary Clinton was warning through a note on 30 December 2009, 13:28 /Secretary State 131801: While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) takes seriously the threat of terrorism within Saudi Arabia, it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority. Still, donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide. If you know Saudi Arabia like I know it then youre aware that not a needdle can be removed from the kingdom without the regimes authorization and Hawalas wouldnt dare diverting money towards terrorism without Ryiadh authorization, thats not even thinkable. When Joe Biden, asked Saudi Arabia to stop financing the ISIS it would have been utterly odd if a Vice President of the United States would have accused of such felony Americas best ally in the Muslim World if he didnt had absolute knowledge over the matter. Joe might be clumsy but he is not stupid. The evil flirt of the Masons with the fundamentalists of Islam started when they decided at La Guadeloupe Conference in 1978 to remove the late Shah and impose Khomeiny to IRANs People. The Masons financed the street demonstrations against the Shah with $ 400 million (of the time), they sent the US general Heiser (a Mason too) in IRAN as to neutralize the army, and the local Masons, notably among the army and the media, finished the job. Yet, very soon Khomeiny betrayed his Mason masters, Carter, etc., and cut the umbilical cord with Washington by seizing the US hostages. This is Khomeiny who, from the height of his Marjayiiat, pronounced a Fitwa that introduced terrorism in Islam and this against the Koran which condemns killing innocents (sourate 5 aye 32). Before Khomeiny terrorism in the Middle East was Marxist-Leninist and so-called Progressist. It was remote controlled by the USSR and targetted US interests in the region, mainly Israel. Facing Shiite terrorism and seeing what infatuation it generated among the collective neurosis of the Middle East heated by the sun, Saudi Arabia felt the need to finance a Sunnite terrorism as to answer the fundamentalist challenge Khomeiny posed for the Saudi kingdom guardian of the holy shrines and appear as Muslim as the old guy of Neauphles le Chateau. Islam was deflected on the tracks of hatred and violence. As if. some how, more hatred and violence meant more Islam. This is now 36 years the confrontation Shiite / Sunnite spirals up like a twin-twister that swirls devastating everything on its path. All this to say that the Masons must take responsibility for their evil manipulation and transformation of Islam into a weapon which pathetically backfired on these evil sorcerer apprentices. The Masons must recognize they are deeply involved in the very terrorism they are fighting today. And if we were in an honest world ruled by honest international laws, the Masonry should be added to the list of the terrorist organizations. Ali Pahlavi (Zoroastrian first name: Yima)
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 16:32:36 +0000

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