THE MAXIMUM EXPOSURE WEEKEND COMEDY-ART ADVISORY MOMENT With your host: ( Bruce Hawes, Composer Of Words Of Interest ) continues with the conclusion of the (TUCKUP COMEDY SERIES), Starring: (DEMO DAN) portrayed by the very funny humorist, @James Williams) BH wrote: (DEMO DAN) has concluded his current (TUCKUP) comedy series with a bit of a long video film documentary of how he portrays many different characters in his video skits. He does this with a touch of a comedic genius that I have become accustom to expect from him. In this imaginary video interview, (DEMO DAN) somewhat expresses his frustration about his long wait to land his musical material with a record company. I feel that he does have musical talent that I can endorse. But, as far as his desire to be a hit-songwriter goes, he may be trying to hard to emphasize that one dimension of his talents. Hit-recordings are a combination of investors putting their money behind a magical marriage of artist & Music. A songwriter must have a target artist to pitch their music to. Even when a song is accepted and recorded, there is no guarantee that the public will agree with the artists choice of songs, or their performance on it. In my opinion (DEMO DANs) true calling is in his comedy film-making, and it is in his comedic acting skills. Perhaps he hasnt recognized this because of his personal passion for songwriting. I liken him to a modern day (Benny Hill) of the Internet. (Benny Hill) was a genius comedian. So is (DEMO DAN). He is a natural humorist. But perhaps (DEMO DAN) hasnt realized his true calling. And perhaps this is because he hasnt grasped and accepted the fact that he has a comedic formula that he has already mastered, (short, succinct, humor filled video-skits). Throughout my entertainment career, I seen individuals throw away blessings that were already theirs, to pursue goals that were not as easily obtained. But after song-writing with more than 100 collaborators, I am convinced that there is at least one great musical thought in everyone. So, I do support his lifelong desire and aspiration to be a recording project contributor. Yet, I encourage him to embrace what he has been blessed with. He has GREAT comedic talent, naturally. But first he has to embrace it. Then his popularity will take flight beyond his own expectations. That is why (DEMO DAN) and all of his zany characters that he portrays in his video-skits are all SOoo endorsed by me for all to see and enjoy… BH also shared the maximum exposure weekend comedy-art advisory moment with the fans of: Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, 成龍 Jackie Chan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Paula Patton, Chris Tucker, Facebook for Every Phone app in the world youtube/watch?v=IFc5j6yEF4g
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 14:08:40 +0000

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