THE MEANING OF THE WORD in John 1: 1 As The Word Logos has the - TopicsExpress


THE MEANING OF THE WORD in John 1: 1 As The Word Logos has the double meaning of Thought and Speech, so Christ is related to God as The Word to The Idea, The Word being not merely a name for The Idea, but The Idea itself expressed. The Thought is the inward word (I compared to the Hebrew expression I speak in my heart for I think ). The WORD Logos of John is: The Real, Personal God; The Word, who was originally before the creation with God, and was God; One in essence and nature, yet personally distinct; The Revealer and Interpreter of the hidden being of God; The Reflection and Visible Image of God; and The Organ of all His manifestations to the world. Compare Heb 1:3 . He made all things, proceeding personally from God for the accomplishment of the act of creation, and became man in the person of Jesus Christ, accomplishing the redemption of the world. The Apostle Has Spoken!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:06:08 +0000

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