THE MEETING THAT NEVER WAS. I met pastor Olaoluwa faith immediately I joined facebook in 2o11. From my update, he could read my mind and knew what my problem was. Since then, he was always around me. Inboxing encouraging messages and prayers to me. He never stopped planning how he would meet me. We missed meeting each other twice when he came to Ibadan. I missed meeting him also when I went for a group members sons wedding in Lagos two months ago. We are like Tom and Jerry in the group, always after each other. If he posted for 1o minutes and he hasnt seen me commented, he would start shouting and looking for me. He could read my mind from afar. He knew when I was angry or sad. He has the key to my laughter whenever I went angry. He would always said Jummy, are we fighting again, ok, Im on my way to your house, just be expecting me. He was always ready to say Sorry and apologize over anything without blinking an eye. He was the one that gave us the psalms we read when I saw the revelation about death and accident. He promised me that by all means, we must meet in August. Hmmmmmm! If wishes were horses, I believe beggars would surely ride. So I and pastor has been deceiving each other since. I wish I could see him before he died. I wish I could have known him. I planned calling him on Sunday night to inquire why he wasnt online for two days before I received the news of his death in the afternoon. It shocked me to the bone marrow. I have never felt the death of someone for a long time but, I dont know why this was different. It was like a dream. I wept uncontrolably! I wish I could wake up the following day to be told that he has woken up. It is only sickness that we can cure, death is incurable! Adieu Pst Olaoluwa Bamidele Faith. I believe that we shall meet one day where we will not part again. That accident was just a devils antic. You died a natural death and at your own time. May your soul continue to rest in the bossom of the LORD!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:04:33 +0000

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