THE MEMOIRS OF A RUNNER The Soweto Marathon is more than a - TopicsExpress


THE MEMOIRS OF A RUNNER The Soweto Marathon is more than a race. It is an awesome experience I consider myself privileged to have encountered. It’s one of the three top races in this country. So I think. The comrades marathon is dubbed “the ultimate human race”, the two oceans is known as the “The world’s most beautiful marathon” and the Soweto Marathon goes by the payoff line “the people’s race”. If you have run these three races as I had, you would agree that these payoff lines are just so spot on. Why do you think I want to run the two oceans and Soweto marathon for as long as my body allows me and the comrades marathon every now and then. Let me explain one thing. These races are not on the same levels. The first two are epitomes of seamless organisation and are every runners dream. They are as world class marathons as they get, no wonder they are on international runners’ calendars and attract patrons from all over the globe. On the other hand the Soweto marathon has over the years elicited all sort of problems from poor organisation, shortage of water for runners and as recent as last year lack of sponsorship that resulted in the 2013 edition of the race been cancelled. This year’s race wasn’t spared these organisational challenges. The goodie bag was substandard for a race of that magnitude, not a single water station provided even a quarter of a banana or other fruit for runners to doing the full marathon. A friend who came through moments after the cut-off time couldn’t get water at the finishing line. You can blame all these limitations on Athletic South Africa and the authorities in general and not on the people of Soweto. The residents of this beautiful township have an immense contribution on the field success of the race. Many a runner return to the race to enjoy the hospitality and the unsurpassed support that is on offer from the beginning to the end of the race. Soweto is a tough race folks. The topography of the township is awash with steeps and hills which challenges runners’ fitness and determination levels. Over the last ten years, I have experienced different routes throughout the big township and all of them are just as tough. Without the people many runners would not finish this race. I certainly couldn’t have finished my first in 2004 and one of the others after that one. I was literally spurred on by the generosity, love and the support of the people every step of the way. Ask anyone who had taken part in this race. They have seen it all. Droves of people lining the streets shouting and encouraging runners. Over the years I have been a grateful recipient of this human solidary. Sweets, boiled potatoes, pieces of fruits, water splashed on the body from hosepipes, buckets of water for runners, a man with a chair outside his house with rubbing stuff ready to apply it on any runner that needed it, etc. People in their sleeping gear and gown, folks enjoying a morning drink on the pavements, you see all sorts of people. The most heartening of all are kids. The little ones often stand there extending their hands to touch runners on their way. There are times in the race when you are barely keeping one foot up whilst you summon every energy from deep inside to lift the next foot and so on. Surprisingly I have always found the energy to reach out to these little people and felt energised thereafter. During my short running career I only broke down twice during and after the race. After completing the only Comrade Marathon I did in 2012. I had achieved the biggest and most important goal in my life, at the time. It was too much for me to bear. The first time was during my first Soweto. Although I had been running for some six years before then, I had no marathon experience and I was I fully prepared. Bhut Mzwakhe Ndlela literally forced me to register on that occasion (I am eternally grateful and indebted to this veteran runner and comrade). Under the circumstance the love and support of the people and the comradeship of the runners meant so much for me and touched me right inside and changed me forever. Amongst the many lessons and benefits I enjoy from running is the lesson that the human spirit is connected to others in the most powerful and practical ways. The Soweto Marathon is a unique human experience, I wish every abled bodied person experience even if just once. As for me 2014 could easily be my best race of all times. Everything worked for me on race day (except for misplacing my championship which means my results are not on the websites, thankfully my running computer did the trick for me). My training coming into the race, the weather and my partnerships with fellow runners along the way (especially club members). The thought of penning this post played a big part. This is one reason why I ran throughout the course. Never resting once. ONE FOOT UP through every steep and heel. I was so inspired to share that at the 31km mark, I knew I will achieve a sub4 (finishing under 4 hours). I got stronger and stronger both mentally and physically. My time 03h51m. Thank you to my friends and family for the support. ONE FOOT UP is a life style.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 09:35:27 +0000

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