THE MESSAGE. HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL FATHERS. Where are You, Fathers? “Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching” (Prov. 4:1-2). Fatherhood seems to be a lost art these days. Gone are the days when fathers were fathers; when fathers inspired discipline in the home and brought direction and stability to their families. Those were the days when fathers were birthed through the sacred covenant of marriage, and at the time when they had been groomed by their fathers and instructed in the discipline and requirements of manhood. Those were days when fathers taught their sons as they worked together in the fields; when they sat under trees to share wisdom stories embedded with principles of life; and when they practically demonstrated before their children, the honor of responsible fatherhood. Unfortunately, such fathers have become endangered species these days. Any man can now carry his gun and carelessly shoot at game without having any sense of responsibility; and yet, call himself a father. Too many men have never established their own homes with divine mandate and authority to lead their children as fathers. Many have left their homes, never to return; leaving the poor women to carry the load of parenting alone. Many more are on the road most of the time or separated from their families to be able to bear any influence on their children’s lives. There are still those who are present in their homes, but because of character, do not deserve to be called, fathers. And then, there are the docile ones who are always present, but never speak to any situation under their noses. They are there, yet, no one notices them. For all such men, we encourage and exhort to wake up to their responsibilities as fathers and to bring the blessings of God upon their homes. However, there is the ultimate father we celebrate today. He is the man who loves, and cares for his children. He instructs them in the way of the Lord, teaching them His commands and principles of righteous living (Prov. 4:1-2). He leads his family, not only in devotions at the family altar (Deut. 6:7), but as an example in practical living (1Cor. 11:1). He directs and guides the agenda of his home and leads his children to prosperous living as their shepherd (Ps. 23:2). He exhorts them to live above the world and to glorify God with the talents and gifts He has graciously bestowed upon them. Not only that, the ultimate father carefully encourages his children to be holy, just as our father in heaven is holy (1Pt. 1:16); and to be heavenly minded and focused in everything (Col. 3:1-2). He holds integrity as a banner over their lives (1 Sam. 12:1-4). To unsure these qualities, the ultimate father we celebrate today does not shun discipline. He firmly and lovingly applies the rod of discipline in every area of his children’s lives, upholding the truth of Hebrews 12:11. Knowing this, he does not shield his children from hardship. He allows God to use it to train and discipline His children (Lk.15:11-24). As a result of his presence in the home and his positive influence, the ultimate father we celebrate today is able to bequeath to his children, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, long life, prosperity and the fear of God. He is able to do these things because, he is Faithful to God; Allows Christ to lead him; is Teachable; open to Hear from God; sincerely Examines himself in the mirror of God’s word; Respects truth and integrity as undergirding principles of his life; and Sets good examples for his children to follow. God honors such men as FATHERS; and they are the men we celebrate today because they have become like their Father in heaven. So, where are you, fathers? Happy Father’s Day!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:35:00 +0000

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