THE MESSIAH Notwithstanding this Greater Good, this Supreme - TopicsExpress


THE MESSIAH Notwithstanding this Greater Good, this Supreme Omniscient, Eternal and Peace seeking Someone – that we’re now addressing as God – is presently a God known worldwide and, in the various religious expressions that have Him for God, the One that gathers the greatest amount of believers, we should mention and underscore, however, that before Jesus, while the persons/people of His believers were limited to the descendents and/or followers of the religious guidelines of Abraham and Moses, that nowadays could be considered Judaism in general, but before Jesus, this God was a God exclusive of a small people in the middle east (and its dispersed communities throughout the known world), in a mundane sense, it could be understood, a people apparently with what could be designated as in not having special relevance – other than Jesus Christ and its endurance – throughout most of its History. The only thing or one of the things that could have singled them out among other peoples, throughout their History, and before Jesus, was the (what could be designated as the) «strangeness» of some aspects of their religion, if compared with the ones of the other peoples, mostly because of their God, that was only one, having most of the other peoples throughout History, well, usually more than one, and also the fact that, about this God of Israel, no sort of pictorial image should or could be made of Him, again, not quite like most expressions of devotion to a certain deity or just religion in general. Despite of being a God exclusive of that family-like people, that is, with a strong prevalence on them descending from Abraham – being that one of the reasons for such importance given to family-tree in their society –, the same (people), through certain persons that appeared throughout their History, generally designated as prophets – in sum, spokes-persons of God that sought to confirm or bring back the people to the practice of the precepts, summed up and in general, revealed by God to Moses, when they wandered off for moral or theological reasons –, but that people, throughout their prophetic tradition, always claimed that only their God was the true God – although, in a mundane sense, the broad outlines of their History could make this kind of statement sound a bit strange to others, given being a people, again, with what could be designated as in not having so much preponderance geopolitically speaking, if you like, and with a national History so full of ups and downs – that is, someone might ask, how come your God is the only real God, being that your condition in the world? But it might be relevant to make this note of Israel’s History because of Jesus, given that it was Him that internationalized completely the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, the God of Israel – being such a thing (what could be considered as of being) a very unexpected fact, becoming what it became in History, being a God that had been around for other peoples to know for some time before Jesus, not resulting that general acquaintance in what could be considered significant conversions to Him on part of foreigners. Another unexpected or strange element is the fact of Jesus having accomplished what He did while having died alone on a cross, living His Disciples, after His death, under the threat of the religious authorities of the time, regarding the public announcement of the Name and Doctrine of their Master. It might be good to keep this fact in mind while attempting to understand historically this God (among other gods or conceptions of deity throughout History). That is, again, despite of nowadays this God being the One that gathers the greatest amount of followers or believers – although, to what comes to interpretation, of different doctrines or creeds and forms of adoration –, but two thousand years ago, before Jesus, it was a God that still resumed to a relatively small middle-eastern population, despite the fact of living among other peoples also with what could be designated as ancient religions. In their tradition, the people of Israel/descendents of Abraham, lived in the expectancy of the coming of the Messiah – which translated, from the Greek, into Christ, which means Anointed, in English, being the anointment what could be compared to the visible part of a consecratory sacrament in regard of a specific mission or calling, being that of the civil or religious nature in Israel’s society –, in this case, The Messiah, and not a messiah (having been many of the latter sense in Israel’s History), was a mysterious figure that embodied that best hopes of Israel, from King to Prophet, to mystery, really, that would come out off the people of Israel so to lead them to glory, it was broadly assumed. That hope, until the Birth of Jesus, lasted about one thousand years, since the time of king David, to whom that promised was made by Prophet Nathan, that would be of his descent that the Messiah, this Eternal King, would arise so to rule forever. Perhaps the following note should be given to begin with: no one, throughout Israel’s History, during the one thousand years since that Promise was made to king David until the Birth of Jesus, and two thousand years afterwards, until present time, absolutely no one, claiming for himself the title/identity of the Israeli Messiah, has achieved what Jesus has throughout time, in all History of Mankind, when it comes to, for example, believing in what He said about God and also as of Him being the Son of God. Nowadays, accustomed as one could be with Jesus’ Name, due to the multitude of His faithful in the various religious denominations that have Him for God, or because of a cultural side that has or had directly or indirectly to do with His Name, it seems, however, to be hermeneutically healthy not to lose sight of the when and the how and in the midst of what people and their historical circumstances did Jesus started His Work and the way that He carried it out. In Christianity, the context or the state of this world is understood as of being a world that has been wounded by evil, therefore subjected to its influence. It’s necessary to understand and never lose sight of this premise while thinking of God and Jesus, or the ways of God and the words and deeds of Jesus might be misunderstood, because one might be looking at this world as the best possible one of life and things, and as final destination, despite the fact of having to inevitably die someday be a reality that has sunk in on a more or less appropriately way. This is noted because this aspect should always be kept in mind so to understand Jesus appropriately, most of all while understanding Him as the Redeemer. A second reason for keeping this premise in mind has to do with the comprehension of one of the reasons why this world was created, that being the substitution of the fallen angels with souls. In the Bible, one of the figurative or metaphorical senses, that might be understood only as such, is the one where Jesus refers to Himself as He said it was written about Him in the Old Testament, namely as of Him being the Cornerstone. Needless to say that neither Christ nor the ones that listened to Him understood Jesus as in being literally a stone, hence the deemed exclusive figurative or metaphorical meaning of the expression. The cornerstone of a building is the essential element on which the edifice stands, the one of indispensable quality concerning the viability of the entire structure. The theme of the cornerstone must have had come into play in its figurative or metaphorical sense in the Old Testament, that is, before Jesus’ Time, because of the Temple of Jerusalem. It could be understood, then, that not only the House of God among His people, but also or mostly its understanding unfolded throughout History, the tutorial unveiling of God’s revelation concerning the Place of His dwelling, from a Tent in the desert, when the Israelis were coming out of Egypt , to an Abode of stone in Jerusalem, with the first and second Temples , to another meaning in Christianity . «Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up», said Jesus , understanding His listeners at the time that He was referring to the Temple of Jerusalem, made out of stone, and not, as Saint John noted later on and registered on his Gospel, that Jesus was referring to the Temple of His Body . Perhaps it should be reminded that the words of Jesus, when speaking of Himself, or everything else, for that matter, but, here, when speaking of Himself, shouldn’t be understood solely in a religious context, that is, as if disconnected from the Real natural world. Understanding them as such might give way to impoverishing its proper meaning and thus comprehending them inconveniently regarding their proper range, in what they truly mean about Reality as a whole, and not just because, when speaking or thinking about Jesus, one is solely reflecting about religion, as if a separate thing, not having the wideness of the whole grasped Reality in mind. The words of Jesus are objective statements about Reality, so it should be understood just that when Jesus refers to Himself as Life . Consequently, one could understand Him as Life Personified, if you prefer, so to understand those words in another way, the Explicit Sense of what the mystery of Life, as a whole, truly is. The first reference to the metaphorical or figurative sense of the Cornerstone in the Bible is found in the Old Testament, in the Book of Psalms : «The stone that the constructors rejected became the cornerstone; this comes from the LORD [Yahweh], and it is wonders to our eyes». Also in the Old Testament, in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, again we find reference to the same theme, also understood as Someone – taken from the image (of the cornerstone), naturally an essential Someone – that God would send or bring forth, from and to His people . The Text in the Book of Isaiah doesn’t explicitly say that that Cornerstone, that was to be rejected, as prophesied, was/is the Messiah. Again, the Person of the Messiah, in the Old Testament, and before Jesus, was of mysterious nature. It was, well, let’s say, «veiled». (Well, Jesus doesn’t ceases being mysterious, even or especially to those that believe in Him, due to His Divine Nature, which is ungraspable in its entirety. But, of course, after His coming, and two thousand years later, there’s so much more one can know and say about Him, due to His assent on whatever subject it might be concerning His Person, as in about the Messiah that, before Him, the Scriptures weren’t properly understood to what concerned the specificity of His Person and/or Mission. And as it is known, the Messiah/Jesus had little or nothing at all to do with a more or less expected mainstream simplistic understanding about Him, namely of a spectacular Messiah, according to mundane criteria. In the time of Jesus, the Messiah, appearing, understood in a simplistic way, naturally it was to be expected that His priority would have had to do with the liberation of the Jewish people from the domain of the Roman Empire, a warrior Messiah, to the likeness of King David, vaguely held as an archetype for the Former. But «My thoughts are not your thoughts, and My ways are not your ways», as one reads in the Book of Prophet Isaiah : «As the skies are distant from the earth, so are My ways above your ways, and My thoughts above your thoughts». Jesus is in fact Liberator and Savior, but He saves and sets free the human being on a different level, an ultimate one, having that level to do, like God, with Eternal Life, and not just temporal and earthly circumstances, since all is temporary in this world, and Life, as God, is Eternal.) The Messiah, the Cornerstone, what is of indispensable quality concerning God and Eternal Life, being essential so to understand God and so to be truly conscious/aware about life and oneself, would have had to do, as it did, concerning the Redemptory aspect of His Mission, with what was central in what God, before Jesus, told and shepherded Israel to zealously keep throughout their History. So what could that be? «This day will be for you a memorial, and you shall celebrated as a festivity for the LORD [Yahweh]; in your generations you shall celebrate it; it is a perpetual decree», as one reads in the Book of Exodus concerning the Passover . The Passover is known: the Israelis were enslaved in Egypt, and God, through Moses, liberated them by unprecedented means . Now, since God is Eternal, and, again, no one here on this earth, believing in God or not, lasts forever – even if one chooses not to think about it –, wouldn’t that be, the event of the Passover and the contents of its memorial, just an image, or a presage, if you will, as preparation and tutoring concerning something else, as in, with Eternal Life? But, understanding the Passover as such, that is, only as a particular people’s some sort of foreshadow, if you like, to be fulfilled into something universal, why would God say, then, that it was to be a «perpetual decree», since God doesn’t lie? First and foremost: God is a Living God. (Never lose sight of this.) He Is Alive, yesterday, today and forever, as it is written about Jesus being the same (yesterday, today and forever) in the Letter to the Hebrews . Secondly: God is Saint, and so is life, which is then Sacred, as in, in order to live or to dwell in God’s Rest , that is, forever, as God is Eternal, one has to be saint, but we’ll get to that later, about sanctity, that is. Now, that said, answering the question: why would God say that it was to be a perpetual decree if, according to Christian belief, the old ways of the Passover were to be, not abolished, but taken to a different level ? Fulfilling the old Passover, while perceiving it as a presage, could be understood as in taking it to the proper level it preannounced by the outlines of a contingent scale, which reflections can be understood, for instance, on three characteristics: populations, time and evil. That is, in what concerns populations, in reference to just one people, in this case, the Israelis; to what concerns time, regarding a specific temporal circumstance, that is, when the Passover happened in Egypt; and to what concerns evil, regarding a particular expression of evil, that being the physical enslavement that the Israelis were subjected to. These are all contingent expressions of those three factors. Now, since the God that revealed Himself to Abraham and Moses is the only true existing God, of all, that is, and not just of the Israelis; since He is also an Eternal God, and not just a temporal or circumstantial One; and since He’s a God that is incompatible with all forms of evil, and not just one expression of it, these three factors, then, consequently have to be transformed, or translated into its equals of the categories of God, as in, God makes His Salvation in reach of not only the Israelis, but of all peoples; God accomplishes an Eternal Salvation that has in mind Eternal Life, and not just a temporary salvation in this or that temporal circumstance; and God liberates not just from a particular expression of evil, but from all forms of evil, since, again, God is Saint and lives forever, and so do the souls (well, like God, aren’t forcefully saint, but also live forever, because of having, so not to be just animals, but conscious human beings, but the souls have, then, or are mostly constituted by what Jesus referred to as the worm that doesn’t die , an eternal element, that is, that can’t be destroyed. Anyway, it’s the explanation that God The Father gave to Saint Catherine of Siena about those words of Jesus). (Regarding this latter subject, there are other elements that could be mentioned and redrawn, as parallels, from the first Passover onto the Second. Jesus is also the sacrificed Lamb, whose Blood, alike the blood of the lambs in the first Passover, that was spread on the posts and beams of the doors of the houses where the Israelis were in, so to be recognized by the Angel, the Blood of Christ can also be understood of having a similar effect, as in protecting not from just physical death, which was the case in the first Passover, but from an eternal one, which is something else entirely.) Again, answering the question: why would God say it was to be a «perpetual decree», since, according to Christian belief, the old Passover was to be fulfilled onto something universal and eternal? Well, for instance, if the (now) known outcome of the fulfillment of the old Passover was to be exposed in its entirety when the Covenant was made in Mount Sinai with the Israelis , through Moses, that information might have compromised what was to come out of it, as in, Jesus Christ – naturally that not in the sense of compromising Jesus Himself, as a Person and as the Messiah, but, first of all, it could be speculated, it could or would be compromised by spiritual reasons, that required secrecy on this matter, having those reasons to do, broadly, with the fallen angels; and also because of the expected «Jesus’» that would have had appeared throughout History, since that first Covenant was made, thinking that they were the Son of God. In conclusion, the perpetual decree didn’t and doesn’t ceased being perpetual, since that, in Christianity, the Passover, now matching the categories of God, still remains, everyday in daily Mass . Saint Paul dwelt on that same subject, the one of understanding Jesus/the Messiah as the Cornerstone, precious in the Eyes of God, but rejected by his countrymen or religious peers, as prophesized, scandal for the Jews and insanity for the Gentiles/Greeks, as he put it , meaning the scandal and insanity deriving from the idea of not only a suffering God but a crucified One as well. The images or ideas about God, in Jesus’ Time, were, for the Jews, well, of a Saint and All-powerful God, and for the Greeks, the ones out off mythology and philosophy. But none having to do, for either, with an Incarnated and crucified God, because the Greeks dwelt on the subject of God, or divinity in general, not as, well, really existing, but as some sort of deemed sporadic manifestations of divinity, as they might have understood the oracle of Delphi, for instance, and as a result of an assessment of Reality out off the data of the world and self-knowledge, in philosophical terms, that is; and the Jews, nevertheless, in theory, theologically accurate, as far as believing in the real true God, despite that, it seems that they have never would imagined what God was really planning and doing, not only with the Passover, but with His revelation throughout the years, through His prophets that, consciously or not, already were alluding with their lives, spoken words and writings, again, consciously or not, of what was to come, in what concerned the fullest meaning of what God was revealing them, and what that revelation and its contents could have signified in plenitude, as in how far the Love of the Creator of Heaven and Earth would go so to ultimately solve the problem of evil and its influence on mankind, as in, so to solve it forever. DIVINE MERCY Mercy is the Light where all things come from. Although knowing the Truth, she doesn’t judge or fears, but simply loves. She inebriated all things with gratitude and praise of God, in the beginning, like fire and water, together and at the same time, involving all things, like happiness in itself, full to the top, overflowing, like a fount, with nothing that could be added to. To say Mercy is to say everything at the same time, without confusion. In her only exists goodness and in her all is light. She trusts and exists as so in life because she knows and loves God above all things. In her there isn’t plenty or few, because se expands continuously, upwards, sidewards, in the infinite that only exists in God. She was the cradle of all Angels, and by her all were created. Mercy is the ground and the sky around us. It is what lies behind all things. There isn’t any place where she hasn’t been nor time where she hasn’t existed. She is the oldest Light but the youngest among all lights, without ever growing old, but discovering herself continuously, as horizon that can’t be reached. She is the Light that comes from farther away but the one closest to all hearts. Her Light doesn’t hurt. She’s more discrete than the Moon but stronger than the Sun. Humble as she is, she seems weak, as all truly strong things might appear to be sometimes. Although it seems that she might win or lose, she always wins, as eternal ascent. And with her and by her, all win. God saw her and loved her more than anything else. Because in her there is no fear but only trust and knowledge of God. There’s no evil in her presence, because she renews all things. It was in her that God created all things, in the beginning, because it was in her that God found all things. And the Angels, when seeing her for the first time, asked her: who are you? To what she answered: I don’t know. They asked her then: where do you come from? To what she replied: from the Heart of Jesus. Mercy is the lamp that burns continuously in the Temple of God, like the light near the Sacrary, signalizing His Presence. To say Mercy is not to know what to say, because she is love that can’t be matched. The kind that God loved first without existing anything yet to love Him back. But she already makes herself present in words and faith. She’s free but the most precious of all of God’s treasures. In her Light all is understood. She is the original first matter. The first impetus, the first sound, the first color. Before her, only existed God, and with and by her, God called to existence all things. There is nothing more elevated than her except her Divine Fount. The Fount of Mercy came to the world, incarnated, as a human being, so to remind men of all the things that God had imprinted on their souls, but were obscured by sin. Her Divine Fount descended from Heaven, came to the world as a human being, to die once again, as in a way He already had when men sinned, so to give back to God His Creation, renewed by His Light. The Fount of Mercy was crucified and His Heart was opened by a spear. The Fount of Mercy was given grave but resurrected, because without His Presence life couldn’t continue. Because God was in the Divine Fount as the dispenser of all graces. God elevated the Fount of Mercy to the Highest Heaven, above all things, next to Him, from where He will come once again to judge all things, not as in attributing guilt, but simply by the Light of His Presence, that reveals all things. All those that recognize the Face of the Divine Fount and hear His words, find God and hear His Voice, that is, find everything. It is Him that all the souls are looking for even if without knowing it, because all the souls were created by Him and belong to Him. Like a fish that has come out of the Ocean because of sin, and that returns to the Ocean guided by the Light of His Word, by the compass of His Church, by the footprints of His saints, by the stars of His Angels. Mercy is already here, next to me, and also there, next to you. Even if I would distance myself from Her and pretended that I didn’t recognize Her, she wouldn’t leave me, because she is pure gift without merit of whom receives it. The swinging rock of life. Mercy is the friendship and the original well desiring. In her all is pure. It is God unmixed. (I say this only as an image, given that God is always pure.) By the way, she is still here, next to me. It’s like I’m telling you: she is the page, all the pages where we write what we did. To recognize Mercy is to truly awake. The real world beyond the elements of this world. Who walks in her Light is never wrong, because the Truth shines in her with its entire splendor. Mercy is God amidst His creatures. It is the place appointed by God. It is there that He is, waiting for us, in the grandeur of His Majesty, which is all simplicity and omnipotence. One arrives at that place by the Way of Truth and Life, which are His Son, the Divine Fount. Before ascending to Heaven, His Son tied a knot with a thread on a Rock of His Church, as He seems to do with all the souls that recognize His Face, hear His Voice, distinguish in His Light, that is everywhere, even if discreetly, humble and peaceful as He is. One of the fruits of Mercy is Peace. And Peace is nothing more than to desire God’s will, that is, to desire the inevitable, the Supreme Good. All creatures live off Mercy, or of her symbols, when they eat, when they drink, when they breathe, when they see, when they hear, when they simply exist. He’s the Being that is eaten, even if without eating, the Being that is drank, even if without drinking. He is the translucent Mantle on all things. His Light is unchangeable, although it might appear to change to whomever contemplates it: for the evil seems evil, for the good seems good, for the saints seems God. Mercy is the anticipated answer of God for all those that appeal to it. God doesn’t deny it to anyone. She is still here, next to me, and also next to you. If you stop for a moment, trusting as you would a best friend, opening just a fraction of the eyes of your heart, you’ll see that she really is already next to you, as she is next to me. The Name of the Divine Fount is Jesus Christ. (Toss out all of the defenses you’ve might have built up to this point about His Name, right now. Again, listen to these words as if your soul had come out of you and is telling you herself.) There isn’t a stain that Mercy cannot erase. She is stronger than sin, like a candle that doesn’t blow out amidst a storm. It is a fire that doesn’t burn nor goes out, because it is not of this world. God is always Mercy. Do what He might do, say what He might say. Simply because He exists and created. The rest is just vanity and interpretations of history. ANGELS AND CHRISTIANS The Catholic teaching about the Guardian Angels is rooted on a revelation of Jesus about them, when He said, reed yourselves from making scandal or mistreating the little ones (meaning the children), because their Angels see constantly or constantly contemplate God’s Face or the Face of The Father . It is interesting to note that Jesus didn’t say that everyone had or has a Guardian Angel, but only referred to children on this matter. Why could that be? Maybe one can speculate as of being it so because most children are innocent. So the Guardian Angel, whose saint, might not be very much disturbed in case their behaviors are not so recommendable, that is, broadly, they might not abandon them right away, despite of their poor behavior. But when those children grow up, if continuing down a path that has nothing or very little to do with God, well, again, the Guardian Angels are saint, and saints cannot bear, in a continued manner, being exposed to evil, as in being in the company of someone that persists in ungodly ways. This might be conjectured from what is written someplace else in the Bible, when it says that the Eyes of God are to pure to contemplate evil , while also keeping in mind what God told Moses about the Angel: respect his presence and observe his voice, because My Name is in him . So what to understand from this? Is the Church, then, teaching wrongfully about them, when saying that everyone has a Guardian Angel? No. Because, by returning to God’s ways, so does the Angel, in a more continued manner, that is, so it never stops being this or that person’s Guardian Angel. This shouldn’t be understood, however, as some kind of law of angelic behavioral mode when it comes to Guardian Angels, because the Guardian Angel might act in this or that situation, despite the soul being far from God, but, it could be understood, as, for instance, the Miracles of Jesus, that sometimes had a point, that is, while not only being a consequent (directed, nevertheless) effect of His Person, of His Love towards the afflicted , or as a spontaneous or natural outcome of His Person , as the Light out of the Sun, but also could be understood as in being another level of communication, while being a complement to His words, so to lead people to God and faith in Who He Was/Is, in this latter perspective, so might the Angel proceed as such, as in, despite the soul being far from God, thus so will they from the soul, they might still, nevertheless, take notice on her life, so to remind her of God, to lead her to conversion, that is, as in an educated intervention, if you will. There are spiritual entities, then, created before the physical world, the Angels, good or bad , that have free will, and can influence human beings, especially and mostly on thought experience; and a lie can only be assumed for reality precisely because of having elements of truth. If a lie was to be perceived as such from start to finish, it would cease to have any grounds to be believed in. Having these two components in mind, we can try to shed a light on the subject of different religions despite of existing only One God, as most of them proclaim. So how could it be that different religions came about, despite of existing only one God and despite of some or many or all of them having, as they seem to have, such good things about them, while all seem to broadly proclaim or preach peace and compassion and so on? Again, a lie can only be believed in if it has elements of truth. Could it not be true or admissible that any of those religions, in the past, as some of their literature reports, had, on the part of any of their founders at least, what could be broadly designated as mystical experiences, understanding them as if deriving from God, thus being a divine revelation? Sure. But what has been said previously? The Angels, good or bad, have free will, so they can behave in whatever manner they see fit, as in, for instance, to what concerns the liars, providing a mystical experience, in the strict sense of the word or in a broader one – not so difficult to pass as such nowadays, as love seems to be so much confounded with intensities of whims –, but, in that experience (not necessarily mystical but also deriving from thought experience), the subject of that experience assumes then of being given a revelation – not that isn’t in fact real, as to its contents, that is, but, and here we have it, of secondary elements about Eternal Life, so to mislead about the essential – the previous noted elements of truth –, so to lead the one subjected to that experience, and those that will believe him, off the Truth in Plenitude, such as it seems to be, for example, the system of castes in broad-spectrum Hinduism. Here, applied on this earth, that system seems to be morally absurd, but, speculating, it appears to be, well, not an exact copy of what it is here, but, in broad principle, similar to the circumstances in Eternal Life, because, there, justly applied, that is, on the grounds of how the soul has behaved in accordance to the Truth, as in, Jesus Christ, and not just because of being born of a family of this or that caste, that is, without merit nor demerit for it. Whoever wants to be great, be every ones servant, said Jesus . In a way, these words of Jesus could be understood as in having only what could be designated as a romanticized meaning about life and God, just to give hope to the misfortune, that is. Again, the words of Jesus should be understood as objective statements about Reality, past, present and Eternal. If in this life the castes system is attributed solely because of whom one is born of, as in, completely unjust, because who is born naturally hasn’t done anything that could be attributed to him so to deserve being born in this or that caste, notwithstanding the fact that the doctrine of reincarnation is taught so to attenuate that absurdity, appearing as did in the past so to justify such a system (of castes), attributing, then, because of what reincarnation implies, the merit or demerit to the individuals regarding their place of birth, despite of none whomsoever having memory about any previous life, so to acknowledge and understand the reason for being attributed the circumstances of their lives on this world, but, in Eternal Life, however, that similar system is justly applied, that is, based on how the soul behaved on the Light of the Truth, in sum, and paraphrasing Jesus’ words, (on the light of the Truth, if the soul behaved) like a servant or like a king. That said, it seems now that we can expand on the subject of sanctity: Kings don’t mistake Eternal Life for life in this world. Kings are also humble and modest. Kings know that the Lord is their Shepherd, so they shall not want. Kings know that although God might appear terrifying due to His Power and Glory, they know that who sees Jesus, sees the Father ; so they stay simple but respectful in His Presence, because of knowing that despite of being Father, He is also God and Saint. Kings know that the Universe of Divine Mercy is indescribable and offshoots from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Kings stand humble before the Eucharist for they know to be literally The Son of God Who is there. Kings are devoted to the Mother of God. Kings take example from Saint Joseph. Kings acknowledge their Guardian Angels. Kings learn from the saints. Kings are Priests, literally or in the broader Christian sense, that is, they are as bridges between men and God. Kings pray. Kings are peaceful and promoters of peace. Kings are thirsty and hungry for justice. Kings are merciful and pure of heart. Kings know that even if they talked with the tongues of men and Angels, even if they had the gift of prophecy and the knowledge of all mysteries and science, even if they had faith that could move mountains and even if they distributed all their possessions to the hungry, if they didn’t have love, none of those things would matter, and they would be nothing at all. Kings are patient. They do not envy and they aren’t proud. They do nothing inconvenient and they do not seek their own interest. Kings do not irritate themselves. They do not become pleased with injustice, but rejoice with the truth. Kings forgive, believe, await and withstand everything. Kings know that love will never pass, for they know that prophecies, languages and science will one day be no more. Kings know that their knowledge is limited, as limited is their prophecy, because they know that when Perfection comes, all limited things will disappear. Kings remember that when they were children, they spoke like children, they thought like children and they reasoned like children. But when they became men, they set aside all childlike things. Kings know that now they see as if on a mirror, in a confusing way, but then they will see face to face. So they understand that at the present three things remain: faith, hope and love. But kings know that the greatest of them all is love. ABOUT THE BIBLE……………………….…………………………5 COSMOLOGY……………………………………………………….15 HISTORY……………………………………………………………...27 FROM HUMAN REASON TO JESUS’ DIVINITY...…….34 THE MESSIAH………………………………………………………60 DIVINE MERCY…………………………………………………….75 ANGELS AND CHRISTIANS…………………………………..81 CONTACT: tiagocontact@gmail WEBSITES: amazon/author/tiagobonacho https://facebook/pages/Rock-Let-it-Run/277040335653438 https://twitter/rockandletitrun youtube/rockandletitrun PEACE OF CHRIST©2010TIAGO BONACHO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 15:21:06 +0000

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