THE MISERY OF LUCIFER.. LUCIFER NOT THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL! ……………………BUT MAN! There is a question on which many already have reflected without finding the right solution. There is for instance the view that the fallen Archangel Lucifer is the source of all Evil, that he is responsible for it. A great veil shrouds all that appertains to Lucifer, and it is as though everybody shrinks from lifting a corner of it. In truth this shrinking back is nothing but Man’s inability to understand the misery of Lucifer. Thus the imagination Created substitute for what was missing; it Created a diversity of beings! People speak of the Devil in the most adventurous forms, of the fallen and expelled Archangel, of the embodiment of the Evil principle, and all the rest of it. Nothing is understood of Lucifer’s true nature, although the Human Spirit is often struck by him, and consequently thrown into a state of inner conflict, which can be likened to a battle! Those who speak of a fallen Archangel, as also those who speak of the embodiment of the Evil principle, come closest to the Truth. But here also a false attitude prevails, giving a false picture of everything. On the contrary, however, Lucifer is the origin, the starting point and the driving power of the Wrong principle! One should really not call the principle he brings forth the Evil principle, but the Wrong principle! The field of action of this Wrong principle is the Earth. It is only here the effect of the Light and the effect of the Darkness, the two opposing principles, meets with one another, and constantly influences the Human soul while it is developing on its journey through the Earth. Whichever of the two the Human soul favours, in accordance with its own wishes, proves decisive for its ascent towards the Light or for its descent towards the Darkness. Misusing the power delegated to him in rebellion, Lucifer introduced among other things the principle of temptation. The principle of temptation, however, is identical with the setting of snares which causes creatures who are not sufficiently strong within themselves quickly to stumble, fall and become lost, whereas others, it is true, grows stronger and more alert so as to blossom forth powerfully towards spiritual heights. But all that is weak is abandoned to destruction from the start. This principle knows of no goodness, no compassion; it is wanting in the love of God the father, and therewith also in the mightiest power to ascend and in the strongest support available. The temptation in the Garden of Eden described in the Holy Bible shows the effect produced by the application of the Lucifer principle. It depicts how, through temptation, it tries to test the strength or steadfastness of the Human couple, only to thrust them pitilessly on the road to destruction at the least sign of wavering. PLEASE NOTE……,God Created the Human Spirit with a Free Will, which stipulate personal responsibility. And in the beginning every Human Spirit was pure. Only later did they darken and defile their pure Spirit core “THEMSELVES”, of their “OWN” accord. In Creation there is a Neutral Spiritual Power, which streams through it, Man as a result of his self Will and Vanity, turned more and more to the material, and closed Himself to Higher influences and used this Neutral Spiritual Power Wrongly, hence to produce mostly Evil Forms. Therewith He laid the foundation for all Evil. In this Spiritual decline of Mankind, LUCIFER the fallen Archangel only plays the part of an “ENTICER” and “TEMPTER” Thereby many made themselves instruments of the Darkness, of LUCIFER. In pursuit of his erroneous principle, Lucifer can incite Men to set out on a road dangerous to them, but he his unable in any way to force Men into something unless they themselves decide upon it voluntarily! Steadfastness would have been identical with joyful adjustment to the Will of God which lies in the simple Laws of Nature or Laws of Creation. And this will, the Divine Command, was well known to the Human couple. Not to hesitate would have been the same as obeying these Laws. Only through such obedience can Man make proper and unlimited use of them and thus become truly “a Lord in Creation”, because He is “in harmony with them”! if He does not put Himself into opposition, all the powers will serve Him and work automatically in His favour. This then holds the fulfillment of the Creator’s commandments which have but one aim- to preserve and maintain undimmed and unhampered all the possibilities of development that lie in His wonderful work. The simple observance of this means in turn consciously to co-operate in the further sound development of Creation or the world. He who fails in this is an obstacle which must either be hewn into the right shape or left to be crushed in the wheels of the world’s mechanism, that is, in the Laws of creation. He who will not bend must break, as there can be no stagnation! The big question therefore, is…… Where then does Evil comes from…? From Man alone. He puts it into the world, no one else.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:58:06 +0000

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