THE MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE WORD “SOVEREIGN” HAS LED TO THE PROBLEM OF CHRISTIANS BELIEVING THAT GOD IS IN TOTAL CONTROL (REPOST) Well, what first needs to be defined is what the word ‘Sovereign’ means. We’ve always been taught that the word means ‘to have total control over.’ It’s so far from the actual definition. It is this definition that has caused the chaos over this issue in the church for centuries. The word sovereign means, “One that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere.” Basically, it means to have authority to rule and make decisions. The definition of sovereign or authority says nothing about having ‘total control’ over something. The word ‘Authority’ means, “The power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes.” A king is sovereign over a nation, but they don’t have total control over it. The king has the right or authority to enforce laws, but can the people break those laws? Yes, because the King is only sovereign over the people. The King doesn’t have total control over the minds of the people so they cannot be controlled. The thing is, God can have ‘total control’ over humanity, but He chose not to. He chose to only be sovereign (have authority) over humanity. God is the rule maker of the planet, who by His own words, restrained Himself from being in total control and chose to delegate control of the planet to Adam. How does God take control over the planet? Adam gives God control back through the method of Prayer. Humanity prays and uses the authority that God gives them and it releases God to work His supernatural power on earth, healings, miracles, signs and wonders, etc.. This system of releasing God to control was not created by Adam or any human, but by God Himself. It’s amazing that the all powerful, all knowing, all mighty God would even devise this system of Rule. Why would He let His creation rule? Because He loves His creation and wants them to have the ability to choose. Apparently He’s not into robots. We see what happens when human beings get total power over everything, they want to have total control. God is the opposite. He has total power over everything, but doesn’t want to have total control.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 14:12:24 +0000

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