THE MODERN HISTORY OF BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION: PART 4 --- The Octopus Spreads Its Tentacles As the MIEC began to expand in the early forties, the second extension of the 1934 Grey and US government treaty was signed in 1944. This treaty was renewed every ten years from 1934 to 1964 and the treaties still are being renewed today. Lincoln has just recently visited the Chrysantheum bio-genetics facility in Dulce, New Mexico, as a new archive system is being set up there. A scientist who has worked there since the 1970’s informed him that a new treaty has just been signed. If people want to know the name, email me and remind me to ask Lincoln. I will then attempt to put this information into the public domain. Dr. Dan Burisch of Area 51 informed the public that one of the more recent treaties goes by the code name of ‘TAU’ with a specific number after the word. I was given permission in writing by a rep of Majestic to approach Dr. Burisch face to face in Las Vegas to discuss a bio-warfare test I saw conducted on civilians at the Wiltshire underground facility. The rep informed me it was inappropriate to discuss this over email. At the present time (15th August 2014) I still have not made contact with Dan, although I would like to at some point. There was also a meeting between Majestic and Lincoln in North Carolina and permission was given for him to work with me. After 1944, much infighting and chaos broke out in the human government factions of the MIEC. Factions that were loyal to the people of the planet were battling it out with factions that didnt care about the people and just wanted as much technology as they could get there hands on. As well as assassinations and cover-ups, the most important part of the battlefield was information warfare. Positive MIEC factions would leak information into the public about the true ET situation, and then negative factions would come behind them and cover it up with damage containment and psychological warfare programs for the public, known as “chickenfeed.” Chickenfeed still goes today and has become more complex and confusing. Without “wires” (intel speak for inside connections), it is almost impossible to know what is really going in the world. The NSA is all over the Internet. They are buying up independent journalists, who are not part of controlled mainstream media, to spread their disinformation campaigns. Hollywood is a major vehicle for this, and the protocol seems to be this: any details of covert projects leaked out are made into a film or included in sections of films so the uneducated public dismisses all the information as science fiction. Hollywood and NBC producer Bob Kiviat has been in touch with me, and I have helped him with his upcoming documentary about a colleague of mine named Simon Anderson/John Leonard Walson. A friend of the actor Dan Akroyd has helped me with some of the information in this book. This man is a member of the U.S intelligence community and has helped Dan write film scripts. He is interested in developing a film script based on my life, but nothing is set in stone when it comes to Hollywood. A colleague of mine named Anthony Pike has also been in touch with Gordon Novel. Gordon is involved with actor Bruce Willis on a new film project called Kingdom Comes. Gordon is heavily connected to the CIA and is the director of the RAAM group based in Las Vegas. I am currently waiting to hear from him. We have been told there was a falling out between RAAM and Majestic, but with all factions currently “sitting around the table” for talks, maybe this can be resolved. Lets act like gentlemen and see what can be worked out. Before we go into greater detail regarding the treaties, let’s talk more about suppression of real information. Let’s take, for instance, the infamous GLP (God Like Productions) public Internet forum. This site has millions of users, but it is controlled by “moderators” at the Tavistock Institute. There is basically a large room full of computer IT geeks at the facility on Tabernacle Street in London; they control the flow of information here. I’ve posted sensitive information there and had my mother’s address in St. Ives put on the thread with indirect threats on her life. I’ve also had some IT guy with a conscience give me a list of my father’s European drug trafficking routes when he was alive. Add to this, there have been unmarked black helicopters pretending to dive-bomb my flat two hours after posting RV techniques there. That was good for a laugh!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:38:58 +0000

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