THE MODERN PHARISEE We have an overabundance of modern day - TopicsExpress


THE MODERN PHARISEE We have an overabundance of modern day Pharisees running around. They are always concerned about the state of their fellow Christians morality. They are always laying down their absurd judgements about what Christianity should look like. Do not go to the movies. Do not read any other Bible than the original King James. Do not touch any wine, do not consort with sinners, do not etc. Their whole approach is based upon the knowledge of good and evil and Jesus’ whole approach was based upon the tree of life, and that the Kingdom of God is not in eating and drinking, but in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. They continue to peddle their brand of morality, while stumbling over their own feet by the hardness of their hearts and their lack of love and compassion. Jesus constantly outraged the Pharisees by eating and drinking with sinners, touching the lepers, and the unclean and constantly breaking the ceremonial laws. He was even judged as a glutton and a winebibber. These modern day Pharisees somehow cannot grasp the concept that Christianity is about Christ, about His indwelling presence, about Him living His life through people, and changing them from the inside out. They wear their three piece suits and look down upon those who come to church in jeans and running shoes, with a t- shirt and a tattoo. And dare a woman walk in with piercings etc.; their sense of propriety will really be offended. Am I endorsing any of the above? I am neither approving nor disapproving, because quite frankly my opinion and your opinion does not matter one iota. The only One before whom we need a clear conscience is Christ Himself. What others think of me or how they classify me I could care less. If you want to act like you are superior to your brothers and sisters with your sense of self- righteousness, go ahead, but ask yourself whether you are reflecting Christ or whether you are reflecting the Pharisees and the accuser of the brethren. The whole of the Christian life is about Christ in me the hope of glory. Christ has the whole world in His hands. It is His Church, His Body, His people. He does not need for you to act as a sceptre of His righteousness, but rather as a conduit for His love and compassion.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 18:36:54 +0000

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