THE MONTH OF TISHREI(SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER)5775 In the Hebrew calendar, we are in the month of Tishrei. It is the 7th month of the Biblical year, and is associated with the tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim is the second son of Joseph, yet he received the blessing of the firstborn, which was a double portion blessing. Ephraim means double fruit, and is therefore a prophetic picture of what it means to be fruitful and multiply according to the dominion mandate Of God(Genesis 1:28). This is the month of the firstborn, and is bringing about a release and activation of the two-fold or double portion King/Priest anointing of the sons of glory. This anointing releases an unusual authority in those who have embraced the full position of sonship to bring the culture of heaven into the earth realm.(1 Pet 2:9, Matthew 6:10). This month is the dearest month in the heart of God. It is the month of Rosh Hashanah, (Head Of The Year) or Yom Teruah (Feast Of Trumpets),The Days Of Awe, The Day Of Atonement(Yom Kippur), and The Feast Of Tabernacles. These appointed times comprise the beginning of the new Biblical year. This month, therefore is a very transitional month, closing out an old season, and beginning a new. It is also considered a very sacred month because of these High Holy Days. The Feasts Of the Lord occur in a cyclical pattern throughout the year and create a cycle of blessings ordained by God himself (Proverbs 10:22, Deuteronomy 28:2). The word of God travels in a circuit(cycle) around the earth(Psalms 19:6, Ecclessiastes 3, Hebrews 11:3), and prepares us to cross over into this cycle of blessing, and receive a continuous harvest mindset, which is the mindset of inheritance (Amos 9:13-15). This month is also connected to the Hebrew alphabet lamed, which portrays a desire to return to your absolute source(God), so this a very important time for renewal of covenant, or returning to the Father(Luke 15:17-18). Lamed is also a depiction of the number 30, which means a season of consecration, or maturity for ministry. This is a time of preparation or maturing of the sons of God for their place and position of inheritance(John 1:12, 1 John3:2, Galatians 4:6-7, Romans 8:17). This month is also associated with the sense of touch(Matthew 9), therefore it is a time of pressing fully into God to receive all that you need to move into your new season. Remember, The Blessing Is In The Pressing! This is a time of awakening and arousal of our redemptive purposes in God and each of us will begin to process revelation from Gods perspective as we yield ourselves to the prophetic patterns of his timing and seasons(1Chronicles 12:32). This month is also connected to the gall bladder, which signifies the need for each of us to have our spiritual systems cleansed of all bitterness that we may be able to move forward in God in the full strength of spiritual purity without any blockages or hindrances. This is also a month to garner strength from the Lord and see him as El Gibbor(The Mighty God)(Isaiah 9:6-7), and Yahweh-Teshua (The Lord God, My Strength)(Psalms 18). This is also a time to gain strategy for advancement by calling upon and utilizing the wisdom of the Ancient Of Days(Daniel 7). This month is connected to the constellation of Libra (scales), which signifies the judgement of God, or being well balanced in God. How you yield and submit to the process of sonship will determine how you progress and advance in this new season. Tishrei is the month of reflected light. We are entering into a season of the manifestation of Isaiah 60. As Sons of God, Sons of the Kingdom, and Sons of Glory, we are called to be and become a full manifestation of the Glory of God! It is essential that we know where we are positioned, and who we are called to be in covenant alignment with, so that the fullness of our purpose and destiny can be made manifest in this season. The camp of Ephraim was actually comprised of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin. This camp represented the 2nd and 3rd generation of Israel(Jacob). The tri-generational alignment was always necessary to be properly aligned to move into a new season. They were camped on the west side of the tabernacle, which was known as a place of glorious reflecting. This camp actually represented the next generation of purpose and promise. We must come to the place that we align properly generationally, in order for the fullness of purpose to be revealed. God is concerned about generational alignment. He himself identified himself tri-generationally, as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In allowing Ephraim to receive the blessing of the firstborn, which was administered by his grandfather, Jacob(Genesis 48:8-20), we see a prophetic pattern established and continued by God. When God has determined to bless you, your natural birthing order or status or position in life is irrelevant. We also see a pattern of the Hebraic mindset or nature in this blessing of Ephraim. Jacob crossed his hands so that there was no mistaking that the blessing of the firstborn would be extended to Ephraim through the right hand of strength and power, so that he would be forever known as one that constantly and continuously crosses over into a higher dimension in God. We must see ourselves as Gods firstborn and embrace the full nature of Abraham the Hebrew(One who crosses over)(Genesis 14), which is the nature of Christ(Galatians 3:29). We must see this month as the gateway or doorway into our new season. This is the month that God uses to set the pattern of what our entire year will look like prophetically. We must offer it as our first fruit offering unto the Lord, that we might be able to access the fullness of the generational promise of blessings, not only for ourselves, but for all of those of our bloodline(our legacy) that would come behind us!(Jeremiah 29:10-11, Psalms 105:8,). Blessings! Shalom! Leshana Tovah!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:25:13 +0000

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