THE MOST DANGEROUS FORM OF IDOLATRY- THE SELF CONCEPT. Serving the devil doesnt necessarily mean going to do juju or being a witch n stuff like that only... As a human being whether u like it or not you are a vessel of either God or d devil... one devil mechanism is what I call the SELF CONCEPT...the idea that the devil makes u think you can do it all by yourself through hardworking, personal goals and achievements without God... that is Idolatry! . Bible says rely on me lean not on your own understanding, present all your ways and plans to me and I shall direct your path n make ur way prosperous Prov 3:5.. so the devil makes people of d idolatry self think d bible is highly untrue and that they can make billions by themselves thru the power of their mind... so d devil who also has power to give wealth (Math 4:9) let such people succeed big time so that he can win them over by making them think their belief in self is true, they made it by themselves thru hardwork and determination. ..they dont ve to know God or put the biblical principles to use yet they succeeded so who the heck is God...but d bible let us know the end result of such people ..Most people nowadays n sadly christians are having this idolatry devilish SELF concept n bcos they havnt gone to see any juju man they dnt realise how dangerously devilish it is... Bible says: we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The devil tells his followers of the Idolatry Self Concept, they can do all things through the power of themselves/ their mind. They dont need Christ/God. If you credit all your success, health, wealth and achievements to yourself and your own doing and how smart, awesome and brilliant you are, then you have a 99% chance of belonging to the Idolatry Self Concept group . However if you always thank God and give glory to God for your talents, achievements, wealth, success etc and present all your ways and plans to God and ask him to lead you and for directions, then you are on the godly path keep it up. Examine yourself and know where you belong.. Sometimes we do this innocently but thats not pardoned bcos the bible says lack of knowledge my people perish. Thats why im here to remind/draw your attention to these things so you can repent from it n go Gods way Amen. We can do all things through Christ. Without God we are nothing. Its God who is our provision. God will bless our handiwork n increase it into 100folds. With him we have everything, without him we have nothing. Dont let the devil win u over with the Idolatry Self Concept.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:50:37 +0000

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