THE MOST ETHICAL LAWS! Honorable leaders, Law makers, - TopicsExpress


THE MOST ETHICAL LAWS! Honorable leaders, Law makers, Rulers, Clergymen and preachers, Of this planet!! And you imposing greedy Narcotic tradesmen Drug- dealers! If you show your photo album, With the pictures Of your associates and fellowmen, To read with sincerity, And honesty, Your actions, Your achievements, To your seven-year old grandchild Or to your eight-year old child!!! This is how, The child will reply! Dear grandfather, Dear grandmother, My dear father, My dear mother, Is it so difficult for all of you? To create, THE KINGDOM OF BEAUTY As Homeredis describes it? KINGDOM OF BEAUTY I would like to make a Kingdom Where Love shall be King!! Where Love shall be Law!!!! If Love becomes Law Then there will be no need For Universities to teach Law!! There will be Universities To teach only skills, perfection, Sentimentalists’ intelligence!! Loving and understanding Of Mother Earth! To respect The forces of the nature To respect The holy gifts of nurture!!!! I would like to make a Kingdom Where Love shall be King!! Where Love shall be Law!!!! On this piece of writing Or phrase. It demolishes each and every Ethical, Theological, And moral establishment!!!! Love builds families, Jealousy and hatred Destroys them!! I would like to make a Kingdom Where Love shall be King!! Where Love shall be Law!!!! If Love becomes the law, Then there will be no need For judges, Policemen and courts!! All the politicians will Lose their jobs! I wish, if I can make a Kingdom Where Love shall be King!! Where Love shall be Law!!!! Always the most moral laws Dwell in an innocent childish mind! That the law makers ignore!!! Only Leonidas the Great Fulfilled a Child’s advice!!! Socrates acknowledge and accepting A Child’s knowledge!!! ** Wrapped in the swaddling cloth The infant celebrates The Kingdom of Love!!! Through a rocking cradle The infant nurtures From the Kingdom of Love!!! Mother’s milk, Amaltheias milk, Love, Serves the child to drink!! Through our childhood, Everyone experiences, The Kingdom of Love!!! The holy milk Of Amaltheias,* The Goddess of Love Will offer to all people, To erase The anger, the envy And common lies, From human Minds and hearts!!! Love shall be the king!!! The day will come For Antigone, Αντιγόνη To hand out to all humans Amaltheias holy milk, With Nectar and Love, For all the humans to drink!! «I have been born, Τo Love, Antigone!! Αντιγόνη!!!!!!!» Love should be the lawmaker!! Zeus: is the original, Pure Hellenic Love!!! Written by: Stavros Sitaras Homeredis Copyright C 51948-6121995-02 Hellenisticart@aol Cell 347 - 552 – 4187 *Amaltheia = is the name of the Holy Goat, Amaltheia Αμάλθεια who was breastfeeding Zeus!!!!! Σ’ αυτήν τη γλώσσα φώναξε η Αντιγόνη, χιλιάδες χρόνια πριν από τον Ναζωραίο: «Ου συνέχθειν αλλά συμφιλείν έφυν: Δεν γεννήθηκα για να μισώ, αλλά για ν’ αγαπώ: » In this kind of tongue, Antigone spoke thousand of years Before the man of Nazareth. (I did not born to hit. But I was born to Love!!!) ** Even Socrates was taught by a child. During Socrates’ time, a member of the community needed to stay home to keep the fire alive in the fire place, where at the end of the day all the members of the community on their way home from work, would pick up a small portion of coal to light their own fire place to do necessary cooking and bathing. One time it was Socrates’ turn to keep the fire alive. One of the residences sent her five year old daughter to Socrates’ home to pick up the coal to start their own fire place. When the child reaches Socrates’ home, she asked him, “Teacher, would you please give me some coal to enable my mother to start the fire place?” Socrates’ replied, “Child, I do not have anymore trays to spare. Please go back home and ask your mother to give you a tray in order to put the coal in to take it home.” The little girl replied, “No teacher, you could place the live charcoal in my palms.” Socrates’ says, “No child, you will burn your hands.” The little girl replies, “No teacher, I will not burn my hands. First, you will place some coal ashes on my palms and then on the top of it you will place the live charcoal. This way I will not burn my palms.” When Socrates’ heard her response, he was so surprised and he said, “I the teacher who teaches daily have now been taught by a child.”!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 01:49:29 +0000

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