THE MOST IMPORTANT THEME OF THE BIBLE Here is my introduction - TopicsExpress


THE MOST IMPORTANT THEME OF THE BIBLE Here is my introduction to the serial teaching I intend to run through out the branches of our church this year. Have you ever considered what is the most important theme of the Bible? Has it ever occurred to you that whatever it is, is the most important thing that God has to tell and wants us to know? One in every thirty verses of the whole Bible speaks about it. This should be weighed in the balance with the second most important theme which occurs on the average of once in every two hundred and forty verses and this is the birth of Jesus Christ. This means that the Bible speaks eight times more about this than the first coming of our Lord and the issues surrounding Christmas. How important this must be in the heart of God! I am speaking about the second coming of our Lord Jesus - the most neglected issue on the pulpits today; the last thing on the minds of Christians today; one of the lost doctrines of the present day church and the clearest explanation for poor show of our faith in Christ. Why is this so? Why is it that in a generation of ministers that claim special areas of calling, it is hard to find those called to preach the second advent? Why is this theme never on pulpits year in and year out? The enemy has done this! As for me, ever since 1988 when I discovered the place of this doctrine, I consider it wickedness for a minister to neglect the preaching of this theme regularly. I insisted then that people should change their churches if this is not a major meal on the table there. Im not saying so now. I suggest that you should augment this in your private Bible study and devotions. Using the statistic shown above it should take a minimum one in every eight messages. I am not being dogmatic about this! Im only trying to show where the table ought to turn with respect to our preaching topic schedule. Welcome to 2015! Always remember that If it is not bible sense, it is NONSENSE! My next post shall tell you three things you must do to be better this year! God bless and keep you. Yours in the defence and confirmation of the gospel. Rev.cnconyeledo Bishop-elect
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:13:33 +0000

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