THE MOTHER OF ALL COINCIDENCES...if they are just that: Lincoln - TopicsExpress


THE MOTHER OF ALL COINCIDENCES...if they are just that: Lincoln was the friend of a prominent Illinois Democrat named Adlai E. Stevenson who became the Vice-President under Grover Cleveland. Kennedy was the friend of a prominent Illinois Democrat named Adlai E. Stevenson who was the grandson of Lincolns Adlai Stevenson and who would twice run for the U.S. presidency in 1952 and 1956. Booth was aided in the conspiracy by a man named Lewis (Powell) Paine. Oswald got his job at the Texas School-book Depository through the aid of Ruth Paine, his landlady. The concession operator at Fords Theater was Joseph Burroughs. The concession operator at The Texas Theater where Oswald fled to was Butch Burroughs. Shortly before Lincolns assassination, the brother of John Wilkes Booth (Edwin Booth) saved the life of Robert Lincoln when he almost fell off a train platform. Lincolns youngest surviving son (Tad) died on JULY 16, 1871; Kennedys youngest surviving son (John Jr.) died on JULY 16, 1999; Mary Todd had four children, two of whom died before becoming a teen; had three children living in the White House; lost a son (Willie Lincoln) in 62 while her husband was President, and lost one child (Edward Lincoln, consumption) before the presidential election. Jackie Kennedy had four children, two of whom died before becoming a teen; had three children living in the White House; lost a son (Patrick Kennedy) in 63 while her husband was President, and lost one child (Arabella Kennedy, stillborn) before the presidential election. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 46. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 46. In 61, Lincolns Vice President was Hannibal Hamlin (whose monogram was H. H.) followed by Andrew Johnson. Hannibal Hamlin returned to serve in the U.S. Senate after leaving the Vice Presidency. In 61, Kennedys Vice President was Lyndon Johnson who chose Hubert Humphrey (whose monogram was H. H.) for his Vice President. Hubert Humphrey returned to serve in the U.S. Senate after leaving the Vice Presidency. New York Police Superintendent, John A. Kennedy, played a role in Lincolns protection during his 1861 inaugural train trip and also in the investigation immediately following Lincolns assassination. Interesting Note: Lincolns Secretary of State telegraphed John A. Kennedy roughly three hours after Lincoln was shot. Interesting Note: Lincoln never had a secretary named Lincoln contrary to urban legend. However, the first name of Lincolns private secretary was named John (John Hay) - the same as President John Kennedy. Kennedy had a secretary was named Evelyn Lincoln whose husband was Harold Abe Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln was in the motorcade when Kennedy was assassinated. Interesting Note: Abraham Lincoln hated being called Abe - his friends called him Lincoln. Interesting Note: Evelyn Lincoln believed Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassination. She claimed rumors concerning Kennedys womanizing were being fed to Johnson from J. Edgar Hoover who was blackmailing Kennedy. Lincolns personal valet was a black man named William H. Johnson who was born in 1835. He first met Lincoln in Illinois in early 1860 Kennedy appointed the first black Secret Service agent, who was named Abraham Bolden, and assigned him to Kennedys own Protective Division. Bolden was born in 1935 and earned a degree from Lincoln University of Missouri. He first met Kennedy in Illinois in early 1961 Lincoln was shot in Fords Theater while sitting in box seven with another couple of whom one was seriously injured. Kennedy was shot in a Ford Lincoln while riding in car seven with another couple of whom one was seriously injured. etc etc etc etc etc SEE: near-death/experiences/reincarnation08.html#a15
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 03:38:01 +0000

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