THE MYSTERY OF GIVING... Uncovering personal and societal wealth - TopicsExpress


THE MYSTERY OF GIVING... Uncovering personal and societal wealth transfer! I understand many people are aversed to discussing such issues as this. It is the last thing anybody wants to talk of. It is worse in a country like Nigeria where we have been taught not to give. Everybody wants to receive. We are however quick to forget that givers never lack and it is more blessed to give than to receive. This culture of desiring to receive, even from where you have not sown has denigrated many into becoming greedy and socially irresponsible. The slogans of “National cake” soon sufficed as a politically correct but socially irresponsible phenomenon under which many have idled away from work. We are also quick to forget tat giving is a better posture of bargaining than receiving. A recipient does not have a voice in most decision makin wic enhance power brokering. In other words, For every level of favour you receive, you lose a degree of freedom.(Olakunle Sorinyan, 2010) Yes, most people assume they have nothing to offer. However, for most people, it is more of a psychological deficit than a financial deficit. The truth is that many people give not because they do not have, however, they do not have because they do not give. In my research of the 10 most charitable countries in the world, I discovered a shocking revelation. United States of America is the highest giver to the course of charity, yet the wealthiest of all nations. This undoubtedly fulfils the scriptures… “There is he who scatters, yet increases…” Why would God not bless a country that has thought its subjects, its countrymen, young and old about giving. As a matter of fact, volunteering is not just a predominant culture in the States, it is almost a pre-requisite for higher learning. I understand your project work is either tied to some form of charity or fundraising for charity becomes a key criteria for consideration for promotion in your workplace. If this is some sort of policy enactment or a flexible culture that has been ingrained into their belief system, I admire it. Its in recent time that I noticed Nigerian Government is now looking into certain policies that are easily discarded, yet necessary. One of such is the pensions policy. Imagine you milking from the land without appropriate give-back. How many organizations give to charity in Nigeria. I look forward to a new Nigeria where fundraising for charity will be a key criteria for securing government’s contracts and measuring impacts/performance of every organization. You may not have a foundation, but a certain percentage of your profit goes to social intervention. This is wealth re-distribution that Nigeria seriously needs now. It’s simple, In Act chapters 2 and 4, You will realize that the money of the church is meant for the people of the church. If the church was Nigeria, then it means that it is not a big deal to have wealth inequality. However, it is the responsibility of the church(in this case Nigeria) to redistribute the wealth of the land and ensure there is no lack in the house. That is the main financial goal of any church. However, what we experience daily even in church is contrary. You cannot feel comfortable to sit beside some people because either feel excluded (due to poor self esteem), or you feel intimidated by their wealth. The priests even make it worse when they meet out preferential treatment to some ‘bigwigs’ in church. They greet these people specially, recognize them specially and are generally nice to them. Strategically, they are called High Net Worth (HNW) members. We have forgotten than true riches does not consist in the abundance of our possession. We have forgotten the story of the rich man and lazarus. In the long run, I had to ask myself; who was really wealthy –the rich man or Lazarus. Let me state from observation that the last man to beg is usually the poor man, as was the case of this rich man in hell. Even in hell, he remained a beggar. Which do you prefer; to beg on earth temporarily or to be begged eternally in heaven. Of course am not against kingdom financiers or any thing as such. I am just reviewing and possibly helping some GIVERs understand why their harvest is few, scanty or jaundiced. The Bible explicitly states this “It is God who gives liberally and upbraids not”. He seeks no recognition because he is already recognized. How can someone whose glory was so discernible at birth (that even the 3 wise men saw it and presented gifts to him) beg for recognition through his money? That sounds childish or stupid. Well, you can relate with people like this in your church. Its like the guy who wanted to buy the anointing from peter when he saw how God used him. His desire for recognition and fame was at his peril. Many people assume that giving is synonymous with wasting. That’s not true. Every giving has a reward. Every act of giving you embark upon is an indirect way to help yourself. It’s like putting money in your fixed deposit account. It appreciates over time with interest. The mechanism of money multiplication and wealth transfer is grossly embedded in giving. As a matter of fact, you can save to be rich, but you can never save enough to be wealthy. Wealthy people understand this principle hence get more money from the poor. Aside from the fact that he who has the money , has the business, you will have noticed that 85% of the wealth of the world is in the hands of the rest 15 percent. You know, sometimes, we tend to think God is partial and prejudicial. We tend to think he has favourites. What is good for the goose, they say is also good for the gander. Why would God take away from those who have not and give to those who have? For you to understand this concept, you have to read beyond the letters. The real interpretation of that scripture is “God will remove his resources from the hands of those who have not managed it very well(have not multiplied it, hence they appear not to have) and give it to the ones who have(because they have managed God’s resources well and multiplied it ). God is no respecter of persons. If you abide by the rules, you will be qualified for the results(negative or positive) whether you are saved or not. The problem with a lot of Christians however is that we have left the work of ‘money multiplication’ to the hands of the jews and gentiles. We are quick to forget that God is the father of all, and He is rich unto all (not Christians only). He even tells us that the king of the land milks from the same land. Many Christians have been subconsciously indoctrinated into the culture of receiving alone, which in itself is very limiting. This indirectly trickles out of the church into the society. Without sounding insensitive, I seem to be aware of some of the ills in church. However, our society is a reflection of who we are. When people complain to me about preachers who always preach about giving, tithes and offering, I always tell them its up to God to judge. However, we need to know that it is the responsibility of the Man of God to teach his subjects or congregation about giving. They should not just teach it but live it. Its easier to preach by conduct and character than it is to attempt to change others by mere talk of the mouth. Leaders are mirrors to the society. In case you don’t know, your followers are watching your conduct less of listening to your message. Even in communication class, we teach that non-verbal responses are more potent and visible to your audience than what you say. You can hardly fake your non-verbal responses because they are automated. The same goes for giving in church. Now, to the church member who thinks he is trying to help his pastor by giving. They are morally right but spiritually wrong. Your intentions may be good, but talking spiritually, that’s not the strategy of God. You can’t help God with your giving. In short, you can never out-give God. You can’t help God or his prophet by your giving. You can only draw from the grace of God upon the Man of God, and one of the ways you can provoke that is to give from your heart. Mind my words… “From your heart”. This implies you have to give without grumbling and that requires thinking right; that the Man of God is not a beggar, neither is God! That you are helping yourself when you give to God or his prophets; That you cannot attract whatever you do not respect. Yes! This leads me to share with you why many give fruitlessly. First some people eat their seeds, by mixing it with their harvest. Secondly, some people give grudgingly, which grieves the spirit of God and neutralizes their reward. Permit me to say here that; God requires your honour in giving much more than the quantity or volume of your giving. Since honour comes from your heart, you cannot sincerely give without taking note of the state of your heart. If your heart does not honour God with that giving, something is wrong. You are obviously unwilling to give or coerced to give. This why the bible states that God loves, delights, rejoices over a cheerful giver. And please don’t fake it. If it does not come from your heart, don’t try to work it out. Sit back and clear your heart and mind. Overcome the mind questions holding you back before giving. Friends, not all giving is acceptable and honourable. If you read Habakuk chapters 2 and 3, you will understand that giving God strangled meat is like giving God the remainder from your expenses. Its like campaign after election. Its like “you remember after you have taken care of all your needs?”. Since God has no need, except to be worshiped truthfully, it then implies that God is more interested in you honouring him with your giving by separating your giving before proceeding to spend the rest. Glorifying and worshiping him means you have to give him the first place in your life- your giving inclusive. Let me pause here with this dose of thoughts. Givers are rulers. If you want to change your destiny, you must change your disposition to giving. Stop being a leech, they suck so much blood, become unproductive that they are easily seen and predated upon by the enemy. Why would you receive so much without giving. Freely God has given you, freely you have to give. The liberal soul shall be made fat. That is not literal fatness, its an expansion of your mind to bigger things and confidence to take greater risks. Giving is like an insurance to your risk-taking, especially if you are a businessman. Never undertake any major buying decision without returning the first fruits. This guarantees security, rebukes devourers on your wealth and acquisitions. Secure your life and destiny with your giving. And don’t forget, you cannot out-give God. You have not given enough, no matter how much you have given. Whatever a man sows, that he reaps. If you give bountifully, you will reap bountifully. How bountiful would you like your harvest to be? Please share your comments. I would be glad to read your thoughts. @akinwumiakinola Special Programme on Attitude Re-immersion The Attitude of GIVING. 2014
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:04:56 +0000

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