THE NANA ADDO DANKWAH AKUFO-ADDO SPEECHES ‘’The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune’’ How true!! One thing that fascinates my growing mind and thrills my affective domain most are good speeches. My love for good speeches is to me an addiction though I do not intend breaking it. I have read many great and famous speeches including that of Abraham Lincoln-THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS, General Norman Schwarzkopf-SPEECH TO THE US CONGRESS, Dr Martin Luther King- I HAVE A DREAM and several speeches from Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo. Just to mention a few. Driven to read more by the captivating display of in-depth knowledge and thought provoking Akuffo Addo speeches, I have always relished virtually all I have listened to and read from him. The curiosity in me keeps asking, does Nana Addo writes his speeches? Though I do not look forward to an answer. His speeches in any format, audio or test challenges the Ghanaian in me as well as my intrinsic ability to rise above mediocrity and to be a giant. His tact which makes the point without making an enemy runs through a well-organized content delivered in a conversational tone. Nana Addo smoothly connects with the people when he speaks. His strengths are divers, but if Im asked, which one appeals to me most? My answer will be, the display of wisdom, diplomacy and passion in his speeches which makes him an orator, a great inspirational leader who’s able to connect and rally the people behind him to get things done. It therefore does not come to me as a surprise that tickets were over subscribed in London to listen to Nana Addo, Ghanas most influential Personality 2013, when he spoke on the theme Ghana, 57 Years After 1957: Recalibrating the Course of Progress. One of my most favourite quotation “Everything in my bones, in my upbringing and in what I have done with my life thus far, makes it imperative that I accept a decision made by the highest court of the land, however much I dislike or disagree with it.”
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:44:25 +0000

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