THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND THE BUDGET OF N7BILLION FOR ALLOWANCES AND THE QUESTION OF PATRIOTISM AND HONESTY BY ABBATI BAKO,psc I subscribe to the view, that liberal democracy is an elitist game. But the rule of law, accountability, patriotism and due process are essential part of the game; if the system must succeed. The National Conference (but some refer it as Jonathan conference) has no constitutional backing and is not in the list of principles of democracy. So, anything that is contrary to constitution of Nigeria and contradict one of the leading key in principles of democracy---is not democracy; experts says is democrazy (Paul Collie, Tatah Mentan and many other writers). According to the principles of democracy the participation of all citizens (through representation) is paramount and uncompromised. In this case, all the 492 elites converged in the National Conference were not elected by the citizens of Nigeria. Rather, were selected by the President, Governors and some organizations/professional bodies and stakeholders. But, in liberal democracy such kind of gathering must be representatives of the people and must be elected (via electoral voting) by the people of the country. In a democratic system; Judiciary, Executive and Legislators are three elements regulates that drive the system. Unfortunately, in Nigerias democracy the elements are (now) made to be four: plus National Conference. Since the creation of democracy in 508 B.C. in Greece, I doubt if is there any scholar/academician will say that, N/C is an essential element in democratic practice. Democracy recognizes only the Legislators as a representatives of the people through electoral votes---pure and simple. Thats what makes the system to be regulated based on checks and balances. So, in my candid view (as a citizen of Nigeria) the N/C is not democracy; is just a sentiment formulated to create confusion in democratic system with a view to divert the attention of Nigerians and the world to shy away from all the democratic/governance blunders made by the ruling party (PDP) in the last 15 years. Another illegality as regards to the N/C is the N7billion budgeted by the presidency to cater for the allowances of the 492 elites in the N/C. To my knowledge, the amount is in the appropriation bill that has not been approved by the National Assembly. The question one may ask is; if the N/A refuse to approve the said amount, how can the N/C be legally finance? To be sincere with the democratic system, if rules and principles of the game has not been properly and precisely observed, the democratic system in Nigeria may hit the rock. That was exactly what happened in the first, second, and third republic: due to the failures of our leaders to observe and recognize the rules and principles of the game, the system crashed and we are now in the forth republic. Can the current generations and (indeed) future generations forgive our leaders if things goes wrong? May God save Nigeria and Nigerians. Abbati Bako,MA,psc,bsis,mti, UK (Political Strategy Consultant)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:10:34 +0000

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