THE NATURE OF ANGER Do you know that everybody experiences - TopicsExpress


THE NATURE OF ANGER Do you know that everybody experiences anger? Even the person who looks quiet always has his/her own anger. But, a dangerous anger will surely lead to a devilish act. What is anger, in the first place? From my own perspective, anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, hatred and displeasure. Something that irritates and frustrates you will surely trigger your anger! The character or action of somebody can even make you angry. Thus, it is normal for a man to be angry. The Bible says, Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD (Psalm 4:4 ESV). That reminds me of Cain and Abel in the Bible. Cain became a murderer due to his uncontrolled anger! He did not offer the right sacrifice. And God did not accept it. Then Cain was not happy and he did not put his trust in God! So, he killed his blood brother Abel (Genesis 4:3-8). In that sense, unhappiness, jealousy and disappointment usually stirs up anger! That your hot anger can make you to commit sin. It can lead to your destruction and calamity! Nurture that hot anger before it is too late. In fact, some people are fast to anger. The true manifestation of anger is through the persons actions and reactions. To clarify, when a human being gets angry and react devilishly due to carelessness, he/she is liable to hell fire (Matthew 5:21-22). The devil uses the hot anger of many people to commit evil acts. After the evil act have be done, then the person will realise later on. At this point, the person will now be in a state of regrets. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil (ESV). Come to think of it, can anger be used for good? Yes! I will call this holy and righteous anger. We can use it to fight against the devil, sin, immoralities, evil and wickedness! Actually, what makes anger to be uncontrollable includes jealousy, hatred, unhappiness, madness, bitterness, revenge and unforgiveness. Conversely, what makes anger to be controllable includes love, peace, mercy, patience, endurance, self-control, gentleness, humility and forgiveness. Therefore, put away your hatred towards that person, for this can hinder God from answering your prayers (Matthew 6:14-15). It is not a good thing to directly provoke somebody to anger. Unforgiveness is a sin (see Leviticus 19:17-18; Ephesians 4:31-32; 1 John 2:9-11; Colossians 3:12-14). Do you think God have forgiven your sins when you are an unforgiving person? Stop keeping malice with your neighbour and brethren! Forgive and love him/her from your heart. Do not have the urge to harm and revenge (see Romans 12:16-21). Why not let it go? Repent right now, for tomorrow may be too late! You must rule over that hot anger before it leads you to hell fire. But, fear not! Peace be unto your heart. I am convinced that many people hot anger can lead to suicide. The truth is, suicide will not be the best option for you to be free from your frustrations and confusions. Suicide will not save you. Do not be hot- tempered! Any one who killed himself/herself intentionally will end up in hell fire; no murderer will make Heaven (Revelation 21:8; 1 John 3:15). In conclusion, be slow to anger. The person who is wise will turn away from hot anger. You have to tolerate; be patient. Rejoice in the LORD, and let His joy be your strength! It is a must for you to rule over those temptations and trials that are coming your way. The desire of Satan is for you to fall into his traps and designs. It is only Jesus Christ who can save you from that hot anger. Stay rapturable and be prepared. Jesus is on His way! LET US PRAY: DEAR LORD JESUS CHRIST, I THANK YOU FOR GIVING YOUR LIFE ON THE CROSS FOR ME. COME INTO MY HEART. I PLACE MY WHOLE BEING INTO YOUR HANDS. FORGIVE ME FOR MY LACK OF FORGIVENESS. I REPENT OF ALL MY UNFORGIVENESS, PAST AND PRESENT SIN, ANGER, MADNESS AND BITTERNESS. I FORGIVE THOSE WHO I HAD NOT BEEN ABLE TO FORGIVE. I RELEASE THEM. OH LORD, TAKE AWAY ANY PAIN, INFLICTION, AGONY AND DISCOMFORT I AM FEELING, AND HEAL MY DAMAGED EMOTIONS. IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:34:06 +0000

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