THE NEED FOR HEALING. A while back we spoke on the need for - TopicsExpress


THE NEED FOR HEALING. A while back we spoke on the need for trauma therapy for the Zimbabwean leadership which they didnt receive after the war. We were correct and we still stand by that.position. Our view is further strengthened and vindicated by the peoples views. Not only is it the leadership that needs therapy but also the people need therapy. Zimbabweans need healing and reconciliation on a national scale. Our research has shown that there is animosity between the two major tribes in Zim. The Shonas and Ndebeles hold a high level of distrust and fear of each other, which is entirely a political creation through mass misinformation and hate-mongering by those in power. It has been made clear to us that this animosity is made manifest in neighbouring countries especially SA where thw majority of our people have sought economic refugee status. Reports coming from there are highly disturbing. Targeted attacks against Ndebeles in Shona dorminated areas and also targeted attacks against Shonas in Ndebele dorminated areas are reported. Crimes of hate are committed against fellow Zimbabweans by Zimbabweans based on tribal affiliation. Its said the Ndebeles blame all Shonas for the Zanu-pf and Mugabe sponsored Gukurahundi while some also still hold on to the pain of the political violence of 2008. There is a view that, that violence which had its genesis again in Zanu-pf and again under Mugabes watch had a lot of people pretending to be Zanu-pf supportes inorder to mete out punishment on perceived enemies or used that violence as cover for settling personal scores. We can only speculate whether the perpetrators were all indeed Zanu or were acting for Zanu but what we cant rule out is Zanus responsibility in all this. It inherently sponsored and authored the violence for political gain at the expense of the people. It is DAREs view that a multiparty Truth n Reconciliation Commission be set up to look at these and other issues even before the next election for any new government that comes in will be saddled by the same issues and will then be blamed for the failures of the past rulers. We think there is need for therapy and trauma counselling for our people. We say lets restore lost values and lost freedoms. Peoples freewill and choice has been destroyed and now people live in perpetual fear and distrust of one another all in the name of political expediency.We urge a respect of freedoms of association and choice. People have by right a need to demand these from the state and the state must indeed offer these. Lets heal Zimbabwe, lets restore our values and lets empower our people. DARE INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY We will continue to soldier on leader. We neva turn back Forward ever ,Backward never Mr Chiondengwa With DARE team in Bikita leaders.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:19:51 +0000

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