THE NEED FOR STRENGTH: By Evangelist M.Tsigah BIBLE - TopicsExpress


THE NEED FOR STRENGTH: By Evangelist M.Tsigah BIBLE READING: “I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you”. Isiah 41:10 GNB GODS WORD: Forty years after the end of World War II a retired man said, “I’ve just read a book about the war. I had always thought that it was the fighting spirit of the British Tommy that had been the deciding factor. This book showed that it was the sheer strength of American industrial output that made bigger and better armaments that told in the end”. There are many kinds of strength. Strength of mind is one. Intellectual capacity is another, financial “muscle” another and, of course, sheer “brawn” as well. The exiled Israelites in Babylon needed spiritual strength. They had been beaten in a war, dragged off to a foreign country, and were humiliated and demoralized as well. Then there were all the difficulties of living in a strange country. They had been bereaved of many loved ones killed in the fighting. No doubt they were despised by the local Babylonians as well. Only great help from God could empower them to overcome their difficulties and make them look forward in hope. And God promised them, through Isaiah’s message, that he would empower them. You need spiritual strength as well. God can and will help you in your need. He will empower you for daily living. His gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost turned rabbits into hounds in Jerusalem. He can do the same for you. You need spiritual strength to overcome the setbacks, trials and tribulations that life in this world throws at everyone. And you need power from on high to become an effective Christian witness, and to make a positive contribution to the outreach and mission of the Christian community. LET US PRAY: Lord, give me strength to make me more effective for you.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:40:39 +0000

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