THE NEO-ORDEN ENTERPRENEURS; INVESTS; INNOVATIONS; We choose, prefere, like already nearly only fencer Özden Ezinler, athleta Semra Aksu as the women model enterpreneur still as style by their investable efforts, performs if ask the subjective questions. Because I can aware, wonder, worry their response replies about what did I guess, propose, suggest as allarmable, rationel followers in measures in precautions at next paragraphs. The showing the faces of KAGIDER members at facebook pages is thrue for their being recognises and investments by our similers but also one man (like Serdar Kuzuloğlu) can be their president and receive their politic votes as one ready danger or all together they can buy my books about them. I hope they do not sell the mini jups or transparante dresses if which were made by less materials as most expensive as at transit transportings by translates. KAGIDER members also economically can write their professions, works, businesses, struggles, employments, fobbies, hobbies, delights, course certificas at their photographs as photographs at their one general facebook album as my opinion realisation. Young business women can follow the adventures of their young candidad (!) senior Ertuğrul Karabulut and give some desicions by earn the lessons, lectures about the investable innovation directions as unoffended and experienced follower fellows. Young women enterpreneurs can also follow contenual levels of my friends who were symbolically owners of capital metropol by Zafer passage as artist Zafer and footballer Zafers etc. for their investments. They must communicate whose their mothers can cook the meats to bring me if they were under their educationel promises. What can I do anymore? Serdar Kuzuloğlu; have been explained that earnings hundred times more of consumers of all computer users without do the difficult motions. Can we do honesly adjusts at that new fruit plantations and fish produce pools at every abroadal places as the complementaire source of that neo finances ? Can we give permissions to incomes without body working movements at that fruits, good fertilisations? Türkcell had organised the tecnology summit conferances with ten thousand persons for more telecommunication instrument models this year that the problem which was produced by their ownselves is especially for for next years. The problem is the international telecommunication conferance organisation summit meetings of similers of Türkcell about the telecommunication instrument usage of a piece of wire like the girl, women hair wire belt barette buckles but with hundred thousand persons. The headline title of the conferances as How must be a piece of wire!. Although they had been admitted as CIA. agents ten years ago by World youthfull even by screen mustashes, flies as ironic humor actions. Then we hope one hegemonic group can organise the disorder bruites and noises of girl schools. Professor Noam Chomsky and others must investigate, inquiry all projects of Firmamento about the capital by longment obligation of De Gaulle Boulvard and foundation, pool, parc architecture need of the quartiers by breaking down necessities of many faculties of out of the metropole etc. They must also repeat the readings of me and call me for case probes like correctional changing the middle east country lists as request to some women friend academiciens when they come to Turkey. With by vias; Fırmamento
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:46:47 +0000

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