THE NEW JERUSALEM: WHY ARE THE GATES NAMED AFTER THE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL? [Bro. Francis] Amen That song was brought to you by the subject last week. Now the city has wall. And the wall is salvation, gate is praise. Good morning to all, good afternoon, good evening America this is your regular broadcast once again, The Restoration of Mysteries of God. Coming to you live from Manila Philippines station DWDD 1134 KHz AM Band. And we’re going to the series of the Apostle’s Doctrine and you may request a copy of this outline after the broadcast. And these are station numbers in case you have any questions, comments. [Bro. Omar] 4212590, 4212591. [Bro. Francis] That’s in Manila, if you’re calling from abroad just add 632. And hmm… [Bro. Omar] If you don’t have telephone you need to use a cellphone, we have Glove number +639278340607, again +639278340607. [Bro. Francis] And last week we talked about Revelation 21. This Scriptures hmm… about the wall and the gates and let me read verse, Revelation 21:12. Revelation 21:12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: Revelation 21:23 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. Revelation 21:24 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Please give ys an opening prayer Bro. Omar. [Bro. Omar] We thank You Lord for this great ministry, anoint the lips of Thy servants in order that we could inspire the body of Christ for the perfection of the saints we pray in Jesus Name, amen. [Bro. Francis] Amen Here, as we talked about the wall, we said it represented salvation and the gates praise. Now, let’s recall what we said last week. How come the wall became salvation? [Bro. Omar] Becose during the time of siege the enemy, the... those who belong to the city would run through the gates in order to be protected from the enemy. We have a good verse in Isaiah 16:18 and it says... Isaiah 16:18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. That would be the time when people will be rejoicing because they were protected by the plan of God. [Bro. Francis] Amen Of course today we are in spiritual battle. Almost, at least, a list of all people realizes that. Now, with regards to the wall salvation, in Matthew 24 Christ said if you see the enemy coming forth... did we open that Scripture last week? Matthew 24, you know this has a reference from the Jerusalem, the physical Jerusalem. God focusing site on spiritual Jerusalem, the heavenly Jerusalem. [Bro. Omar] That would be in verse 15. [Bro. Francis] Now, people are looking to the physical side but they lost.... now, the Jew still have question today. How come God does allowed them to be dispersed their beloved city, village delude, sucked, to the time of Titus? They realized they have sinned but they have not yet realize they have rejected the Messiah that was sent to them. Matthew 24 [Bro. Omar] Verse 15 [Bro. Francis] Please read for us [Bro. Omar] Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains: Matthew 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Matthew 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. Matthew 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! Matthew 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. [Bro. Francis] You know if you live in the time of Titus, it is imberable to live but that kind of condition will spread out all over the globe. That Tribulation, that Great Tribulation that is gonna take place, the great trials in Revelation that’s gonna take place in the world. It is soon to come, and are you ready for that? Of course in your own presumption, you’re ready but there in your soul which is revelation of the Word of God. Now, here in verse 15 Bro. Omar, could you look up your cross reference, there’s a reference in Luke I believe it said there, if you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, Jerusalem compassed with armies, that represents the siege. Is there a cross reference in Luke? Ok. [Bro. Omar] Cross index, I don’t have a cross index. [Bro. Francis] Christ said when you shall therefore see the New Jerusalem compassed with armies flee to the mountain, flee to the mountain tops, do not go home to the wilderness. There are many references for that. Now, as they flee to the wilderness it shows the opposite of what the people do in practice. They ran to the wall, they ran to the city, they entered the gates and they hmm... they relied on the wall for salvation. Take note, in these days, wall of the city is nothing in our modern type of warfare. So, in the Eternal Age, the walls, written in the Bible is not a literal walled city made of bricks and stone coming down from heaven above. Most people believed, that there’s a literal, physical, concrete, made of bricks and stones city. Even gold, streets of gold, coming down like a spaceship from above. [Bro. Omar] I have a text now Luke 21:21, 21:21 and the text says... Luke 21:21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. Luke 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. [Bro. Francis] Let’s go up, you started at 21 right? [Bro. Omar] Yes [Bro. Francis] Now, read 20 [Bro. Omar] 20 says Luke 21:20 nd when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. [Bro. Francis] Ok. Now, that reference is the same in Matthew 24. Therefore abomination, desolation, spoken of by Daniel. The anti Christ will be foreshadowed by Titus, Antiochos Epiphanies already passed in the time of Christ. The next one to come would be Titus. After him, there will be no temple left. Even in the rebellion of Barchotsba, in... somewhere in hundred A.D. plus A.D. Still, there’s no temple of Jerusalem, so, to be spoken of, even the city is sucked already. So, here, in the rebellion of the Jews, the war of the Jews wherein Titus crashed them it was original chastisement but Titus finished off the job, his son. This meant that the walls during that time was looked upon with salvation. Now, in our modern warfare, let me ask you, the war now is relevant as protection, means of protection today? [Bro. Omar] No more, because there are different ways of engaging the enemy. There are psychological warfare, there is visible warfare hahaha!, there is spiritual warfare, there invisible warfare. [Bro. Francis] Now.. [Bro. Omar] Now even the air polluted [Bro. Francis] Now, in the war, the battle like the modern warfare what do they used? [Bro. Omar] Laser [Bro. Francis] Not only ballistic missile we also have overhead lasers. [Bro. Francis] So, what has Saddam Hussein normally employs his hidden tactics like a, he hides his machinery for war it’s not that there’s a fortress there that is so impregnable, if he hides that under the dessert, the mountains, it’s not... it is because like this. Modern walls of the city is not relevant anymore in warfare. So, that is... it could not provide any means of safety. The enemy knows that you’re there he could just shoot down a missile then you’re gone! Now, with regards to Revelation 21 is it a literal brick and stone or precious stones city coming down from heaven like a spaceship? [Bro. Omar] I don’t think so [Bro. Francis] So, the main evidence here, is irrelevant in our time. When you read the walls here to day in the 20th century you don’t think of a literal brick and stone. You read the type what it represented in the Old Testament. What did it represented Bro. Omar in the Old Testament? The wall represents... [Bro. Omar] Safety [Bro. Francis] Safety [Bro. Omar] Safety, security [Bro. Francis] Security that’s salvation that was said in the Bible. [Bro. Omar] And praise [Bro. Francis] The gates is the praise when you’re able to enter into its courts. Now, since this is no longer irrelevant, don’t imagine it came down from heaven, is a physical type. Now, there are many evidences that these are spiritual. Spiritual type of... shall we say a spiritual, it has a spiritual meaning. And let’s talk about it’s historical meaning. We talked about that Bro. Omar last several broadcast ago. What the New Jerusalem now repents, verse 9. [Bro. Omar] The New Jerusalem will be the bride. [Bro. Francis] Amen, the Lamb’s wife [Bro. Omar] The Lamb’s wife [Bro. Francis] Now, in this city made not with the hand of man, but whose man? [Bro. Omar] The hand of God. [Bro. Francis] There’s a picture of Acts that said that. God dwelleth not in temple [Bro. Omar] Made by man [Bro. Francis] Made by hands [Bro. Omar] Acts 17 [Bro. Francis] Ah, yes that’s Acts 17. Now, if God dwells in temples not made with the hands of man whose hand made it? [Bro. Omar] God’s hand [Bro. Francis] It is in God’s hands. We are His hands, we are His workmanship, and He made us for a tabernacle, a dwelling place, the Shekenah of God. [Bro. Omar] The Christ, is the foremost example. [Bro. Francis] Temple Amen. As the temple of God, Christ shall also be the bride church who was redeemed by His love. Now, here going back, let’s go read this foundation and the wall. Now, if you noticed the city have the gates name after the 12 tribes of Israel. Now, why the gates named after the 12 Tribes of Israel? The gates is the door way to entering the walled city. And what was that represent? [Bro. Omar] The ministry.. that God revealed His [Bro. Francis] God revealed His? [Bro. Omar] Plan for humanity [Bro. Francis] Amen [Bro. Omar] 12 types [Bro. Francis] Ah yes like what Christ said in Romans, the Oracles of God to them was given, the Oracles of God. What do you mean by Oracled? That’s revelation ok. It’s God dealing to them. Now, the Oracles of God was revealed to Israel but salvation would be established in the foundation of the apostles. That’s Ephesians 2. We read that last week I guess. [Bro. Omar] I also read in Genesis 12, it was when Abraham has given a promise, actually there are 7 promises all in all. That all the nation of the world would only know about God through the workings of God, through Abraham and his lineage. [Bro. Francis] Lineage Promise was given to him. And he came out looking for a city where the Maker and Builder is God. [Bro. Omar] Amen [Bro. Francis] Of course he doesnt find the literal city and what was that? It would be in his lineage in his 12 Tribes of Israel. Eventually, he being the father of faith we are Abraham’s children in the spirit. Not in the flesh directly but in the spirit. [Bro. Omar] Galatians 3:29 says also we are benefactors of the promises of Abraham because of our belief in Christ. [Bro. Francis] God called to Abraham to look up the star, and said “you see how numerous they are? They will be you descendants.” “You see how numerous the sand are? They will also be your descendants.” The sand of the sea represents Muslim world, the Arab still the children of Abraham. [Bro. Omar] You mean the Semitic? [Bro. Francis] They’re all Semites although why does, when you say antisemitism they only go against the Jews. It’s because of like this. The Jews inherited the promise in Shem in Eber that’s Hebrew. In Judah as Jews, in Israel as Jacob’s name was changed to prince of God. It means here, God’s promise rested on the nation of Israel even though the Arab world is also the descendants of Abraham. That’s why we called it the sand of the sea. That calle Abraham the sand of the sea. They will also be your descendants. The stars of heaven are lofty, because they shine in the firmament of heaven. And they are the descendants, faith, the Christians today, true Christians today have as their heritage. The faith of Abraham, almost these faiths look upon Abraham. Christianity, Judaism and Islam. But who received the stars from heaven? It would be the true Christians. Now, going back, Abraham was looking for a city whose maker and Builder was God. So, this city that came down from heaven, is not made of bricks and stones or precious, perils, gold etc. Precious stones, it was made by the had of God. But when you read here in the Bible precious stones, what does it represents? You read here in the Bible the streets made of gold, and the city maybe precious stones. Bro. Omar what the precious stones here would represent if this was not a literal city? Here verse 19 please read for us. [Bro. Omar] And 19 says Revelation 21:19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. [Bro. Francis] Ok, read verse 18 [Bro. Omar] Verse 18 says Revelation 21:18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. [Bro. Francis] Now if you see that the city was pure gold made of glass, precious stones, normally you were in the Assemblies of God before, right? [Bro. Omar] Yeah [Bro. Francis] How did they interpret this Scripture? [Bro. Omar] They interpret this as literal gem stones. [Bro. Francis] Literal city, you know I was... [Bro. Omar] Literal gem stones, precious stones [Bro. Francis] I was listening to their radio broadcast it says there, how they emphasize this prosperity? “Imagine you’re so poor here on earth don’t worry, up there in heaven the wall on your house suddenly falls off, achieved there, is precious stones, it’s a diamond. A very expensive one.” So, they focused on the carnal side of it. But actually what people don’t take, notice of today the mean for spiritual polishing in the church. Polishing I mean the training, a judge counselling offensive counselling training in the church. That’s ow you gonna get polished. If you don’t get polished then you’re unrefined. And the city you’re not part of the city yet. The city has to be part of this polished refined stone. When we say refined it passed through the fire of persecution, passed through the fire of trials. You undergo training, you submit yourself, you humble down, you don’t take any pride of your self, you know everything you are good to your self. If someone else has a revelation that you need, you are still lacking something at the least you could do is to admit it and submit yourself for training. Here the city was polished as made up of polished stone, refined stones. And the stone represents fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5 and 2 Peter. [Bro. Omar] 28 [Bro. Francis] 28? Ah Galatians 5:28? 2 Peter 1 ok. Now, you look to description love, ah sorry, virtue was the last thing. to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; is a characteristic of a true mature permanent Berean believer in Christ. What does Berean mean again? That’s the right characteristic of a true believer in Christ. You can’t claim a true believer in Christ when you do not hunger, and you’re biased in your judgment in all people. You don’t try to understand people. Here, in Revelation 21 let’s go back to the walls. Why the walls is named after the 12 apostles of the land? If the Oracles of God was given to Israel represents the 12 gates, 12 tribes then the walls of the city, salvation of the church of God rested upon the Oracles given to the 12 apostles of the land. There are people today who focused only to the statement of the last Messenger. Never realizing what he was saying that he goes back to the original teachings of the apostles. If the apostles have their epistles, Bro. Branham has his spoken word booklets. But yet there are certain things to be revealed when the epistles were written. There are things given to John that were not given to the apostles. Now, even... that’s how it represents us the hidden and not hidden things. The Old things. That’s the basic thing you need to enter into salvation. If you missed that point then all your deepness, is nothing, you missed the point. You missed the point of practical Christianity. Ephesians 2 please read for us, maybe that is in verse 18 or 20 [Bro. Omar] Ephesians... [Bro. Francis] Start from 18 down to 20 chapter 2 [Bro. Omar] 2:18 says Ephesians 2:18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Ephesians 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; Ephesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Ephesians 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: Ephesians 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. [Bro. Francis] I’d like to recall what we said a while ago. Abraham looked for a city whose Maker and Builder was God. And you know we’re not directly all those Christians, Christian Gentiles, we’re not all directly the seed in the physical sense, the seed of Abraham. That’s why it said there, you are no longer strangers, you are called stranger, because you’re not a Jew. But you can become part of the city. You can become part of this what we called lively stones. If you’re a precious stone that will be part of the city, then you should be a lively stone. Let’s look upon the lively stone. Let’s open to 1 Peter 2:5, those are lively stones. And I’d most likely to recall those are petros, small stones, upon this petra, the bigger stone I will build My church, the small stones sitting upon the larger stone and that’s how Christ being the Chief Corner Stone, became the Head corner, every joint and single piece fitly neat and top together to build a perfect city as a temple to God. Ok, please read for us. [Bro. Omar] 1 Peter 2:4-5 1 Peter 2:4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, 1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. [Bro, Francis] Let me give some vision in your church. If you see members not lively especially in the revelation of the Word of God. They could be lively in music, they could be lively in many works, but the thing most required by God is being lively in His revelation. You devote time to study, to prove what was preached, or the messages of the hour, the library shouldnt be gathering dust, the tapes, the literature there. It should be part of every true Christian household to prove all things the message of the hour that they received. That should occupy their time at home. It should not be a television, while you’re not yet matured. That should not be any kind of literal works. Aside from your family devotional time circling together, reading the messages of the hour, hearing the messages of the hour, sharing it to each other, aside from that you need to have a personal devotional time. You are a lively stone because you spark to stand in front an testified of this works. You are a lively stone as a family because you trained your child to testify even though he was still young. Not just he grew old and wanted to do himself. But because you asserted your role as the father that God has placed in the family to do His will, to train his children. And the training of your own children to make them an offering like to testify in the churches that’s how the perfect dedication of family to God. That’s how you become a lively stone in the churches. And you are a lively stone outside of the churches because if you’re under this judgment ministry, offensive judgment ministry, counselling ministry, then you will be trained to speak before the nations, before all the people of the world the unregenerate, the regenerate world. The salt of the earth. You’re supposed to be the salt of the earth. That’s how you to be a lively stone. If you’re not a lively stone, then what kind of stone are you in the church, God will not put you in the framework of the city, you’re not part of the city yet, if you wanted to be part of the Tribulation period try to catch up there then you’re value goes down because you’re unrefined. What value is in the sight of God is the faith, your faith. Now, let’s go to.. that’s how the foundation of the city wall, were named after the 12 apostles of the land. To them were given the Oracles of your salvation. And to decipher it, means to understand the revelation behind the Oracle they have written down. As in the New Testament that will be your gateway, that will be your salvation. After you received salvation then you can receive the deeper Oracles, messages from God. Here, let’s open our Bibles to, I just want to read a Scripture pertaining to the Apostles. John 20:23. Please read for us. [Bro. Omar] John again? [Bro. Francis] 20:23 [Bro. Omar] 20:23 says John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. [Bro. Francis] The sins you retain they are retained. How does it apply? Who will remit the sins? Who will retain the sins? To whom was Christ speaking to Bro. Omar? [Bro. Omar] To the believers [Bro. Francis] What kind of believers? [Bro. Omar] To the apostles [Bro. Francis] Amen. The apostles of Christ, they were the ones given the Oracles for salvation. You’ll only need to get their message. That’s why the foundations, the apostles, and the prophets and from here you read hmm... they could remit sins. Do they have the keys to the kingdom of heaven? Matthew 16:18 please read for us. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 16... [Bro. Francis] 18 the gates of hell shall not prevail upon it. [Bro. Omar] 18 [Bro. Francis] and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Now, verse 19, proceed to verse 19. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. [Bro. Francis] Imagine apostles have the power to bind you in heaven of course conversely it goes to hell. Of course they don’t have the power to send you directly to hell. Not like the warlocks, the witches, but they being the representatives of God have the power to bring you up to heaven. Oh! How does it possible? How is it possible? Now, it is because they have this instruction for righteousness. They have the message of repentance. They are the ones that will baptize you. They are even the ones that will guide you in your living even you are not yet a lively stone. They are the ones to get you in be polished. God gives you trials in your life, how do you interpret the trials in your life. Is that you could be a polished in the sight of God. Refined, perfected, a pearl of great price. It is by this judgment of the apostles. Let me give an example how it is done. There are many Scriptures for that. Let’s open to 1 John 5:16. The power in their hands, they are lively stones of course. They polished those who are not yet lively. [Bro. Omar] And the text says 1 John 5:16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. [Bro. Francis] Ok, so there are many categories regarding the sins, and the judgments after repentance, after baptism in Jesus Name. Then what applies is the continuance, continuation of repentance. Is.... a part of this is submitting yourself for training so taht you could be polished, refined stone of God and you yourself could lead others to righteousness. While you may be half polished you may lead others to Christ already. But they still need to finish the polishing. Let’s go back to Revelation 21, here in Revelation 21 you understand the meaning of the gates and the meaning of the wall. Now let me ask this question. How come, 3 gates, each of the 3 gates, or each of the 3 gates combining to become 12 for the 12 Tribes faces all four directions? North, South, East, West? [Bro. Omar] Because there are 4 corners of the earth. [Bro. Francis] Amen. What else? [Bro. Omar] There are 4 winds. [Bro. Francis] Amen. [Bro. Omar] Directions [Bro. Francis] Now, the Israelites were dispersed in the 4 corners of the earth and in Ezekiel chapter… we’re not gonna read that. We talked that in our other broadcast. Ezekiel chapter, I forgot the chapter, Ezekiel 36 or 37 I Think it is 37, the valley of dried bones they will come from the wind, they will be resurrected from the wind. The wind represents the breath of God breathing life to… [Bro. Omar] Ezekiel 37 [Bro. Francis] Yes. Am I correct? Ezekiel 37. [Bro. Omar] 1-14 [Bro. Francis] Now it speaks of the wind of God breathing life to the valley of these dried bones. The nostrils, put back tog…represents the resurrection. There is a literal resurrection of the saints. And there are resurrection of the Old Testament saints in Matthew 27. Now, there is a resurrection of the nation of Israel. That is the application of Ezekiel 37 one of the basic application. The parallel application to that is the resurrection of the saints. And the winds that blew over it are the 4 winds. You know the 4 winds of the heaven move upon the great sea. And out of that great sea came out four… ah not 4 living creatures, 4 beats. Ah… 4 terrible monsters. [Bro. Omar] That’s right [Bro. Francis] The lion, the leopard, the bear, and the dreadful and the terrible beast which will form the end time beast. The end time beast, political union of all nations this will be counteract by the 4 winds. The 4 horses in Christianity still running out up to Tribulation don’t think they just rode out after the Church Ages, they will still ride out. These 4 horses in Revelation 6, what are the colors of the 4 horses. [Bro. Omar] There would be white, there would be spark… [Bro. Francis] That’s the last one. The red one. [Bro. Omar] The red, [Bro. Francis] The red one [Bro. Omar] And the speckled, the white [Bro. Francis] The black one [Bro. Omar] The white The red [Bro. Francis] The red one The black horse [Bro. Omar] And the speckled [Bro. Francis] The speckled or the pale horse. The speckled is the one you read in Ezekiel. But in Revelation you read it as a pale horse. [Bro. Omar] Pale horse [Bro. Francis] Pale is something that’s reddish but blackish, greyish, but when it is far off you thought it’s white. It represents the charismatic ecumenism today. Now, these 4 horses, they rode out in Christianity in the Church Ages. But they will also, will be riding in the Tribulation period. You know in the denomination they applied this 4 horses in the Tribulation period. But in the End time message they applied it in the Church Ages. But in reality they ride on both. And at the same time, the tribulation period parallel to the Church Ages. [Bro. Omar] Multiple application [Bro. Francis] Yes It is parallel to 7 Church Ages and in 7 Year Tribulation period. But these 4 horses that rode out they will still be riding there then. And as they rode there then you see the 4 winds that makes resurrection of these people. Now, please read to complete the glorified bodies once in there… New Jerusalem Matthew 24:29 after the tribulation of those days sun shall be darkened the moon shall not light. [Bro. Omar] Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. [Bro. Francis] Continue for the winds [Bro. Omar] Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. [Bro. Francis] Ok, why is the New Jerusalem comprise of gates all distributed facing to 4 directions, 4 corners of the earth? It is because of the 4 winds. And they will be gathered. Christ will gather His elects from the 4 winds. And the Jews that were dispersed will be gathered back together in the land. The same thing for Christianity spread out into many denominations it is the will of God, like it is the will of God to spread out those under Nimrod who was building the tower of Babel. But God is gathering them back again. Abraham lived in the time when the tower of Babel was being built but it was already been dispersed. Now, God called Abraham to look for a city whose Maker and Builder is God. And here the city that will be built upon the foundations of the apostles and the prophets, this is the city, this is the city that God has called us to be part of. The city coming from the 4 winds, the 4 corners of the earth, the 4 directions represents by the 3 gates from where the Jew were dispersed there the Gospels where spread out! And when the Gospel returns back to Israel then the gates where closed. And time will be no more. And here in the walls of the city it represented the doctrines of the apostles, the original apostles. God had the baptism, the original form of baptism, the justification, the sanctification, eternal security, predestination, baptism of the Holy Ghost. The gifts of the Spirit and many other basic doctrines. For the last Scripture please open up to Matthew, for this subject. The last Scripture for this subject, Matthew 13: 51, 52 and 53. Who was then the faithful... not that... hmm.... scribe... in the kingdom of heaven. Ok please read 51. [Bro. Omar] And 51 says. Matthew 13:51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord. Matthew 13:52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. [Bro. Francis] The things which old is the Apostle’s Doctrine, the things new is the continuation of the Apostle’s Doctrine to this Progressive Revelation. Progressive Revelation is the polishing stage as a believer. Once you become a lively stone, then you need to be polished from this here comes what we call the city, the Lamb’s wife. Let’s continue from the subject. Let’s go to verse 15, Revelation 21:15. Revelation 21:15 And he that talked with me had a.. You read from the King James, the Old King James [Bro. Omar] Revelation 21:15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. [Bro. Francis] Now, measuring reed has a reference in Revelation 11 let’s open up. Revelation 11:1 also speak of the same things, spokes of the same thing. That’s the literal city. [Bro. Omar] Revelation 11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. [Bro. Francis] Ok, so, measure the altar, measure the reed, for the temple. And here in Revelation 21 is measuring the city. The temple represents the church of God, represented Christ but now it’s a city. But here symbolically there’s a physical city that is given to the Gentiles trampled on their foot. Please read Bro. Omar verse 2. [Bro. Omar] Revelation 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. [Bro. Francis] Now, for those who spiritualize Revelation 11 as though the 2 Prophets already took place symbolically among the Gentiles. Then you can say in the city that the Gentiles trampled on their foot. But here the city in Revelation 21 is not left out. Now, there’s a Jerusalem was literally trampled on their foot but the church symbolically was trampled on their foot. Here in the Jew Jerusalem the city was no loner trampled on their foot. It’s already perfect, garnished, polished. And you measure with a reed,and what does the reed, a measuring stick mean? The yard stick, the measuring rod for the Word of God, the standard for your faith. And the reed to measure, there was perfection, let’s read verse 16 as he measured it the angel, that measured the city for John to see verse 16. [Bro. Omar] 11:16? [Bro. Francis] 21:16 [Bro. Omar] Revelation? [Bro. Francis] Yes [Bro. Omar] Revelation 21:16 says Revelation 21:16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. [Bro. Francis] See that? The length, the height, the breadth [Bro. Omar] That would be cube [Bro. Francis] Equal, a cube. [Bro. Omar] Ah [Bro. Francis] a four, a square that is also the same in height as its side. Now, aside from a cube, there’s is a representation in Larkin that was carried over to, I read in the booklet of Richard Gan, Prophetic Revelation it’s a pyramid. Shaped like a pyramid, like a mountain. The illusion of the pyramid is the Biblical form of a mountain of the North, the mountain of God. Because if the mountain of God, then the city is hierarchical, hierarchical, hierarchy. [Bro. Omar] hierarchical [Bro. Francis] Hierarchical There’s a hierarchy in the city. The hierarchy from one goes down to many subjects. From one center at the top goes down to many center. And it explained the 4 squares of the city being the base. But when you go up, you go into singular, you go into the narrow point of the pyramid. [Bro. Omar] The corner stone. [Bro. Francis] It becomes like a mountain. You said the corner stone? Is up there? No. The corner stone is down below. Did you make the corner? [Bro. Omar] The corner stone of the pyramid. [Bro. Francis] Yes the corner of the pyramid is the corner stone. But there’s a [Bro. Omar & Bro. Francis] Top corner stone [Bro. Omar] Very good [Bro. Francis] That’s what we called the capstone [Bro. Omar] Capstone [Bro. Francis] The head stone. [Bro. Omar] Amen [Bro. Francis] That’s Christ actually He is both. Down from below foundation. [Bro. Omar] Foundation [Bro. Francis] And up, going up it also represents Christ. And a pyramid is not a cube, it is a decahedra... I forgot how it called that. Now, this pyramid that goes up is different from a cube. They pyramid represents hierarchical, bureaucracy in the church, in the New Jerusalem and that exist in the New Millennium, the Eternal Age. How did you know that it exists? Because you have subjects to reign over. Let’s read subject to reign over Revelation 22:5. [Bro. Omar] And 5 says Revelation 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. They shall reign [Bro. Francis] Of they reign they have subjects then it’s hierarchical. [Bro. Omar] To reign over. [Bro. Francis] Yes. Now there’s a ranking file. Now, what does the cube represents? The cube represents something else. 1 John 3:1 and 2, it represents your image not just HOMOIOUSIOS but also HOMOOUSIOS. What was that mean? It’s not just the likeness, similarity to God, t is also the perfect equality with the nature of God’s deity in you. And it’s not just Christ was also in the image equal with the image of God, exact, same image of God but in the form of God but also the church, the bride. The bride will become like Christ in the Eternal Age. Please read the Scripture 1 John 3:1 and 2. [Bro. Omar] 1 John 3:1 and 2 says [Bro. Francis] Behold [Bro. Omar] 1 John 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. [Bro. Francis] We shall be like Christ if that not yet appear what we shall be but one day we shall be like Christ. If He passes through wall, [Bro. Omar] We shall be likewise [Bro. Francis] Amen. We could travel with a thought, we don’t need spaceships to go to the moon and other planets just the power of the thought in a twinkling of an eye like what God let Philip to experience is being teleported from one place to another in the book of Acts. So, the same thing translation, those power. Now, some spiritist also want to practice that kind of power. But those who are reserved to the true Bride of Christ, those who aspire the power right now just find themselves to be decieved by the devil. They lost their focus on what they should be going after. Here in the true church of Christ it becomes a New Jerusalem a heavenly Jerusalem and the representation of a cube. There is no headship, what do you mean there is no headship? Isnt it the head of every man is Christ and the head of Christ is God but as how God made Christ doesnt mean to be equal. The same thing God will make the church to be in His equal. Then it’s a cube. It’s a union of the nature of God was man through Christ. And this cube represents this final union the Shekenah, the dwelling place. The tabernacle of God with men. So, please read the next Scripture. [Bro. Omar] 1 John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope [Bro. Francis] Ah, no Revelation 21:17 [Bro. Omar] Sorry [Bro. Francis] Revelation 21:17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits,according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. We’re gonna continue this next week. And with regards to that, He measure its wall 144 cubits, according to the measure of a man what does it mean? Well if you’re gonna give or answer, we’re gonna send you free booklet from abroad just give us the answer in the telephone number 6816311, just leave your name and number. Of course who ever will answer just tell them we’re just gonna leave a message for the radio broadcast and another number is 6823764, another number is 6471971. [Bro. Omar] Or even text your name [Bro. Francis] Answer [Bro. Omar] Answer at Globe +639278340607, again, +639278340607 and we’ll send you free literature we just received from abroad. For those who will text us for the answer. And if you wish to... you may also contact us for free counselling, Bible Studies, training in your family and churches. And please listen to our other broadcast. [Bro. Omar] DWAD 1098 KHz AM Band every Saturdays same time. [Bro. Francis] What time? [Bro. Omar] 7:00-8:00 of Saturdays [Bro. Francis] In the morning [Bro. Omar] In the morning [Bro. Francis] Ok, same time also in the internet. And hmm... please give us a closing prayer. [Bro. Omar] Father we thank You Lord for we have again inspired us the coming revelation of the Word of God regarding The New Jerusalem, inspire us to be a relevant part of the body of Christ and use us now for the perfection of the body, in Jesus Name we pray, amen. MP3 TITLE: f. 30 September 2007.mp3 SOFT COPY LINK: SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 SUNDAY MORNING BROADCAST RESTORATION OF MYSTERIES OF GOD DWAD 1134 KHZ AM BAND TOPIC: THE NEW JERUSALEM: WHY ARE THE GATES NAMED AFTER THE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL? BROADCASTER: BRO. FRANCIS & BRO. OMAR SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADED/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:31:59 +0000

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