THE NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHTS Three riveting programs in three - TopicsExpress


THE NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHTS Three riveting programs in three highly innovative formats - but with one sole agenda - to capture the true face of the emerging new world order, with of course, India at the heart of this paradigm shift. The brainwaves were acting hyper, the conversations sparkling and in full flow, the participants delving deep into the engaging topics and being egged on by the highly informed audience, each side feeding off the energy of the other - these are some of the glimpses of the mesmerizing moments witnessed during the event at the International Management Institute, Kolkata on 18th December, 2014. A unique union of education, entertainment, intellect and imagination, the superbly mounted show boasting of impeccable production values rode on the back of an engrossing selection of PowerPoint slide shows, an in-house celebrity chat show, video shoots, dance, music and skits that spoke of the oodles of creativity and aesthetics of the entire behind-the-scenes team. Goes without saying that the distinguished audience kept their eyes firmly trained on the stage. The glitter, the dazzle, the colour all added up to the quota of fun. But this healthy dose of stimulating interactions, thought-provoking knowledge content and power-packed bravura performances will no doubt shake and stir our Mams to mull over these real-life issues that will decide the collective destiny of mankind in the days to come. This stellar show should surely make mini-pundits out of all our Mams! The message rang loud and clear! MM’s pledge to be the catalysts for change which brings a decisive difference to the quality of lives in our society continues with this kind of an initiative that make the entire learning process so much more dynamic and vibrant! TOPICS IN DETAIL: >>The first topic off the blocks was “Narendra Modi Has Arrived”. The Aap ki Adalat-style presentation found takers from all quarters with our group members enacting the roles of our esteemed PM, Rajat Sharma and the audience. Needless to say, knowing the exacting standards of our Mams, the grilling by the charged-up audience was of the highest order, but NaMo survived the barrage of questions, and at the end of the day, emerged quite unflappable. It was a major skirmish won! The judge to preside over the entirely enjoyable proceedings was none other than our guru, our beloved Dhanuka Sir! The general consensus that emerged from the knowledgeable gathering was that we need to reserve our comments on the Modi govt’s performance as these are very early days because he has just been in the office for a few months. 2019 would be his acid test when the nation goes to the polls once again. It was however noted that the going so far seems good for our PM, he is firmly in the in the driver’s seat and calling the shots, he has put the focus firmly back on the nation-building activities come whatever it takes, his foreign sojourns have been spectacularly successful, and the indicators are all indeed looking up and good at this time. >>The topic next in line was an immensely enjoyable interactive session - Coffee with BRICS. BRICS is the alternative voice of five of the fastest and largest emerging market economies that would increasingly start calling the shots in the overall world economy. The model of ‘Inclusive Growth: Sustainable Solutions’ is steadily but surely shifting the balance of economic power, effectively challenging the entrenched interests and hegemonic structures of the traditional economic superpowers of the west. The numbers have started speaking for themselves! The BRICS bloc is the much discussed economy of the world today with the contribution of the lion’s share of the world GDP growth and China projected to be the biggest economy in the world sometime between 2030 and 2050. India along with China are of course leading the way in this counter movement as the next two decades should belong especially to them with their economies slated to grow five-fold during this period. The host and the audience were highly upbeat about the immense potential that the BRICS nations possess in creating a far-reaching impact that has wider ramifications in redefining the contours of growth and development in the foreseeable future. >>And to round up this magical meet came “Globalization of the Social Structure”. Globalization is an ongoing syndrome. The outcome and impact of this whole phenomenon are still a work-in-progress. The expanding scale, growing magnitude, and deepening impact of transnational flows and patters of social interactions are generating a complex interplay, representing a convergence of global and cultural processes which presents a major challenge for existing conception of world culture. The shape-shifting role of globalization is leading to a new world order that speaks to us about a borderless society, about free flow and exchange of ideas, people, technology, currency and communication. It is giving birth to a world beyond boundaries that propagates the ideas of interconnectedness, mutual dependence and cooperation, associated cultural identities and practices, and in the process, moving away from tradition to modernity, from uniformity to variety, from cultural stereotyping and homogeneity to a new-world society that’s increasingly embracing inclusiveness, diversity and pluralism.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:44:00 +0000

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